Chapter 1109

The violent, devastating exterminator Black Thunder is still falling, and the dark black huge thunder column spreads out in all directions.

The stone houses of the Manglong tribe's territories were continuously engulfed by dark black thunder pillars, and constantly collapsed under the violent shaking of the earth.

If this python dragon tribe territory, after the dark black thunder column dissipates, it must have become a ruin.

Nowadays, in addition to the legendary extermination of the Black Thunder, the violent battlefield on the other side has become the focus of much attention.

Gongsun Taiyin's figure has entered the gray sea of ​​fire. A mysterious and weird four-headed big snake once again swings a huge four-colored snake tail, and suddenly throws itself into the gray sea of ​​fire.

On the other side, the Holy Son of Fire, the Sacred Flame, faced a powerful vortex of gray flames under the violent bombardment, with a solemn complexion, and his hands enshrined a mysterious fire fingerprint, followed closely by a small rune of flames, Constantly floating out of the fire, densely swirling around him.

Then, the flames of flames slammed upward, and the dense runes of flames swept up like wild storms under the flames of flames, and flew toward the gray swirl of flames.

The dense rune of flames instantly struck a fierce collision with the large swirl of gray flames.

"Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh!" On the other side, the tails of the four snakes swept into the grey sea of ​​fire.

In addition, the four venomous snakeheads continued to spit red flames, yellow sand storms, blue hail, and purple thunder, along with the four-colored snake tail, and stormed wildly towards the gray sea of ​​fire.

"Hmm!" A dull hum of Gongsun Taiyin was issued in the gray sea of ​​fire. Then, the gray sea of ​​fire turned into a blaze of fist, and raged towards the four-colored snake tail that swung again.

The surging red flames, the yellow sand storm, the blue hail, and the purple thunder, even though they were blown out by the flames.

After the gray flames blasted out, Gongsun Taiyin's golden figure appeared, and there was still a too empty furnace floating in front of him at this moment.

"Boom!" In front, the gray flame giant fist has had a fierce collision with the four-colored snake tail.

The powerful four-colored snake tail can be equivalent to Samsung Demigod Realm, launching a full blow of Samsung Demigod combat skills, and was actually blocked by the gray flame giant fist.

Immediately afterwards, Gongsun Taiyin slapped the Taixu furnace with one palm again, and then a raging gray flame burst into the four snakes.

After launching this wave of gray flames at the four big snakes, Gongsun Taiyin turned around and looked at the fire not far away.

"Oh!" The side also made a violent noise, and the fiery body was shaken out by a powerful force.

However, under the power of the fierce flame, the huge gray flame vortex has also been shattered, once again revealing the furnace cover of the virtual furnace!

"Xu!" And at this moment, Gongsun Taiyin drank in a deep voice, and shot with a palm toward the lid of the Taixu furnace. An ancient rune that looked like an ancient mystery was shot from Gongsun Taiyin's palm. , Toward the virtual furnace furnace lid quickly shot.

"Dang!" With a crisp cry, the rune shot into the Taixu furnace cover, and immediately followed, the Taixu furnace cover spun again quickly, turned into a large vortex of gray flames, and swept back to fire.

"This ... this Gongsun Lord is worthy of being the first strong man in the mountains and the wilderness! Too false! It is indeed the first artifact of our mountains and the wilderness!"

The warriors who looked at the Fang Gongsun Taiyin, the fire, the four-headed serpent battlefield, said from their hearts.

"The sacred son of the fiery sacred place, who is the world-famous character, is famous in the world. He and the mysterious four-headed serpent joined hands to fight Gongsun Chengzhu, and at this moment Gongsun Chengzhu has not fallen behind. For the overlord of us!

"These four-headed snake, how do I feel more and more familiar! I always feel as if I have seen it, but I can't remember it. Where have you seen such a four-headed python creature? Is it in ancient books? Ancient scrolls? In ancient paintings? "

"It is the guardian spirit beast of the python dragon family! That yellow big python! Now there are three more heads!" And then, someone who suddenly recognized the four big snakes shouted in astonishment.

He remembered that the guardian spirit beast of the python dragon family was only one star and demigod, but after three more heads, it became so powerful that he could fight Gongsun Taiyin!

"Guardian spirit beast of the python dragon family!"

"Guardian spirit beast of the python dragon family!"

"Guardian spirit beast of the python dragon family!"

When the preceding sound sounded, followed, in all directions, exclaimed sounds continued.

The big demon with a head and a star and a half-god realm, after growing three heads, is so powerful that it is a mutation and evolution?

At this time, all eyes looked at the Manglong tribe.

The territory of the Manglong tribe is constantly being destroyed by the dark black thunder. Their stone houses are constantly collapsing. The people of the Manglong tribe have already escaped. At this moment, they are gathered in a void under the leadership of the manga manglu. .

"Our Guardian Spirit Beast! It turned out to be so powerful! Hey! It really shouldn't! We shouldn't give that Guardian Spirit to that person!"

The sound of complaining, the sound of extreme regret, sounded in the crowd.

Today, their guardian spirit beast can exist with Gongsun Taiyin. Many people think that if they did not give this guardian spirit to that boy, then today, this powerful guardian Spirit beasts are theirs.

With such a powerful guardian spirit beast, then their python dragon tribe will reach an unprecedented peak!

"Yeah! This guardian spirit beast is the spirit beast that has been passed down from generation to generation by our Manacosaurus. Since the ancestors passed it down, it must have profound meaning! It turned out to be really profound! But now ... hey ... we really Ashamed of the ancestors! "

"Our python dragon, this is how much of a good fortune we missed! The guardian spirit beast has been guarded for generations, and we can see that he turned into this powerful four-headed spirit beast, but it was given to that person!"


The python head of the python dragon tribe, heard the complaints in the crowd, his face has become more and more ugly, and more and more gloomy.

Although those people didn't blame themselves clearly, the meaning of the words was already obvious.

The mandarin duck has secretly remembered those who spoke, and in the future, they will look good.

At this time, the python chanted a deep voice: "This guardian spirit beast has been in our python dragon family for thousands of years, and it has always been that way! But in the hands of that person, only a few days, it has become so powerful!

And you really think that if this spirit beast stays with us for a few days, it can become as powerful as it is now? "

(End of this chapter)

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