Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1131: Impenetrable "Devil"

Chapter 1131 The Impenetrable "Demon"

Shi Feng questioned the two brothers. The two were honest, and they quickly explained the whole story.

The reason they are following is a warrant issued by the Lady of Gueshan! They broke off the bone jade, and it was the bone jade that transmitted the message to Gu'er Mountain.

"Please let go of our brothers, we are really compelled! If we see you without reporting to Gu'er, if we are known by Gu'er, Gu'er will give us to the extermination! We thousands Enemies will be affected because of us. "

After telling Shi Feng the beginning and end of the matter, the young man faced bitterly and begged Shi Feng bitterly, his voice was full of helplessness.

"Please let us go, we really can't help it!" Following that, the young boy spoke pitifully and begged Shi Feng for mercy.

"Gu'ershan? This demon, even has resentment against Gu'ershan? And Gu Yan's little cricket smashed a wanted order against him!" Huoyu murmured in his heart, and for a moment, his mind seemed to start thinking Thinking about something.

"Get off to Ben Shao!" Shi Feng gave a cold drink to the two brothers.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the two brothers immediately approached Amnesty and nodded hurriedly to Shi Feng, thanking him, "Thank you for not killing! Thank you for not killing! Thank you!"

When thanked, the two brothers flickered quickly, their bodies had quickly shifted out.

"Ha ha!" But at this moment, a ghastly laughter suddenly sounded.

This burst of laughter was exactly the fire rushing beside Shi Feng, and saw that his right hand had been pushed forward, slightly raised, five fingers slightly stretched, and an invisible hot force appeared in his hand.

"Ah! Ah!" In the void in front of them, two screams of screaming screams screamed, followed by the two brothers who just flickered and disappeared.

Their bodies have been swallowed by two hot fireballs again, but this time, the fireballs that swallowed them were not flying with them, but in an instant, they burned the two brothers into nothingness, and they were wiped out!

After the two brothers were burned to death, Furious turned his head and looked at Shi Feng. At this time, Shi Feng also looked at him.

A smug smile appeared on the fiery face, and said to Shi Feng, "Boss, I'll be fine for such things in the future. I want to be evil for you!"

In accordance with this "demon" 's wicked and indomitable character, Huoyu believes that the "demon" just let the two brothers get away, it must be that they think they have regained their hope of survival.

Then at the moment when their hopes sublimed to the peak, they annihilated their hopes!

This! It is indeed poisonous and evil enough! It is estimated that it was only from this abyss of evil that such a poisonous "demon" came to mind.

Fire desire thought secretly in his heart.

He seemed to ignore it. He did what he had done, or he imagined it!

"Ben Shao let those two get off, why did you kill him?" Shi Feng asked coldly, looking at the fire.

He didn't have as much flowery intestines as he wanted. He wanted to let go of the two brothers, just to let them go. If he wanted them to die, he would just kill them.

When Shi Feng talked and looked at the lust, the **** was immediately sensed. The man was cold, and for a moment, he felt the chill.

"I ..." For a moment, he was eager to speak, and only said "I".

Then, Shi Feng said coldly again and said, "The words of Ben Shao are the order. This is the first time, but the last time. If you disobey Ben Shao's order again, Ben Shao will certainly not spare you. ! "

After speaking, Shi Feng turned his attention away from the fire and ignored him.

When Shi Feng looked away, she felt her body follow lightly.

This "devil"! Now, under the momentum of this "devil", he feels so much pressure!

This "devil" is a few years younger than himself, and his realm is one star lower than himself, but he has such a momentum. What is his origin?

The fierce desire to get along with this "devil", the more I felt the extraordinaryness of this "devil".

The more I see through him!

Take the incident just now. Although this "devil" said so, does he really not want to kill the two himself? Did he really go against his will?

If you really violate it, why do you not torture yourself with this "devil" poisoning the brutal character, but only warn yourself?

The more eager I was, the more I felt that the matter just now is not as simple as it seems.

After Shi Feng stopped paying attention to the lust, she followed, and the power of the soul again spread out in all directions.

Shi Feng has sensed that after the death of the two brothers, it has caused a shock to some other people. Many of those who followed him just now are afraid to follow.

That Gu'ershan, that bitch, even issued such a wanted order to himself, presumably his whereabouts, and he was still being reported to Gu'ershan in the past. It should not be long before the people of Gu'ershan will enter This snow and ice wasteland is gone!

It seems that on the way to the Frozen City, there will be no "loneliness"!

"The two brothers of the Snow God Wolf Tribe were actually killed by them! These two were indeed two ruthless men. After we reported their whereabouts to Gueshan, we should not follow them!"

Between the ice and snow, a group of people stood proudly in the snow, looking at the four big snakes and the two figures on the big snake, someone said with a deep voice.

"Nothing wrong! Their strength is far from what we can provoke, and they are cruel!

Our task has been completed anyway, let's go now, so as not to cause trouble! "


"Um! Exactly! Let's go!"


"Boss, why did you avenge Gu Xiaoshan and Gu Yan?"

The four-headed snake was still flying fast, and the curiosity of his face opened again, and he asked Shi Feng.

"She looked at me handsome and wanted to marry me as a wife. As a result, I was reluctant to humiliate her, and she began to hate me." Shi Feng said, answering the words of fire.

"No!" Hearing Shi Feng's answer, she was shocked by the fiery face! Followed him and said, "There are sages and sages in Gu'ershan. It is rumored that each generation of sages must be combined with sages! Gu Yan, the youngest smasher, is going to be married to Gu Tianfeng, the stupid kid!

"Oh, is it?" Shi Feng replied softly after hearing the words of fire, saying, "I don't know about it. If you know, if you humiliate her words, you should add her water-based poppies, and do not abide by the woman's way. wall!"

"Huh! You brag!" Huoyu said coldly in disdain. Naturally, he would not believe Shi Feng's words.

Gu Yan, who is the arrogant figure, who is as famous as his sage of fire, and the virgin of Gu'ershan, how can you look at you as a wicked man from the abyss of sin.

(End of this chapter)

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