Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1133: This is true love!

Chapter 1133: This Is True Love!

Fire desire turns into evil, and in this cold, snowing world, the killing begins.

Shi Feng spoke with a strong intention to kill. Although some people were deterred, some people still cared about Gueshan's order.

How can this person be compared with the orders of the Lady of Gueshan?

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Ah! Ah!" Between the heavens and the earth, bursts of painful screams rang out, and the fire has begun a brutal killing.

Each warrior turned into a burning flame, and was burned to death by the flame alive!

Whoever dares to report to Gu'ershan will be punished by the ruthless flames!

Fire desire is the ultimate power of Samsung demigod. No one can meet his flame power all the way.

After Shi Feng let the fiery desires transform into evil killings, she ignored the questions and looked at the void ahead, at this rare snow scene.

Howling winds, snowflakes wafting, Shi Feng's Nine Nether Nether Gong has been secretly operating, devouring the power of death, the mysterious power of the Holy Fire has also been activated, and a stream of blood is flowing towards him.

The Bloodthirsty Sword has now been transformed back into a Scarlet Sword Pattern, but at this moment it is shining in Scarlet Light.

Under the devouring power of the **** beast's soul, the newly generated souls between the heavens and the earth also continuously shot towards this side, flying into the **** sword pattern shining with the **** sword light, and was bloodthirsty sword and blood. The dark beast devours.

Shi Feng originally did not want to kill people, who knows that some people are looking for their own way!

But all these years have been along the same path.

In just a few years, the number of warriors who died in his hands has been countless. Someone always came to death.

In this life, he seems to have been born for killing, but because of the killing, he has achieved what he is today in just a few years.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, die!" Not far away, there was a loud laughter, this sound, it sounds as if it really is so evil.

Immediately after, a scream of painful screams continued to ring in this snowy world.

Life is constantly dying.

This world, under the fierce killing, suddenly became a **** on earth.

For a time, the **** seemed to kill red eyes. Not only did he kill those who reported to Gu'ershan, but even the warrior who looked at him or Shi Feng for two more times, or as long as the **** was considered a gimmick, It seemed that those who wanted to betray themselves to Gu'ershan were swallowed up by the fiery flames and burned to death.

Under the fierce killing of the fire, where the Shi Feng and the two passed by, the crowd now began to evade continuously, and fled like a demon.

It seems that the fierce killing of cruelty has really achieved the effect of deterrence.

Looking at the warrior who was running away from sight, he yelled coldly: "Huh! Those of you who are looking for death, want Gueshan to betray my boss's whereabouts! Do you know who my boss is?

My boss, who has the undead body in ancient legends, comes from the abyss of sin! Gu Yan's little smasher, it was because of my boss's talents, and he was very dignified and confessed to my boss. He was humiliated and hated by his boss. He told the world that she could not get the heart of my boss, so she would Destroyed! "

The desire for fire echoed with coldness and pride in this world.

"The abyss of sin! It turned out to be the abyss of sin! The people that Gueshan wanted to kill were the evil men from the abyss of sin!"

"Evil! They are just demons! So cruel and innocent, just now, hundreds of lives have been killed in their hands!"

"Sooner or later, these two people will suffer retribution! We have received the order from Gu'er Mountain in the snow and ice wasteland and reported to Gu'er Mountain, which is already reasonable, otherwise we would be destroyed by Gu'er! They are so innocent! "

"But I didn't expect that the man should be looked after by the Lady of Gue! The position of Grou's Lady was such that he could even refuse!"

"But isn't that saying that the virgin of Guer can only marry the virgin of Guer? How can she like other men?"

"What's wrong with this! Marrying the Son, that's the rule of Goue, but the Virgin doesn't necessarily like the Son!

A long time ago, I heard a legend that an old lady of great power fell in love with a man outside, and even gave birth to a child for the man's incognito.

As a result ... but was known by the old great forces, took the maiden back and suppressed it under a giant peak! I heard that it is still being suppressed. "


Under the deterrence of the fierce killing in this ice and snow world, the warriors continued to flee, and wherever the fierce sight could not see the figure.

The killing stopped, and the fire desire returned to the blue snake's head, stood beside Shi Feng, turned his head and looked at Shi Feng, showing his smile that he thought was kind, kind and sunny, and said:

"Boss, the evil desire for fire has gone, and the good desire has returned!"

Shi Feng listened to the words of fire, and looked at the fire with a smile on her face, the arrogance and coldness just now had disappeared.

Shi Feng said: "You people from the big forces, really play!"

"That's natural!" Huoyu replied.

Later, when she saw Shi Feng's face turning slowly towards her, she looked back at the blizzard and snow, and grinned suddenly.

Huoyu laughed with a hint of clean evil.

I don't know what he was thinking at this moment.


The killings between this heaven and earth, what happened in this heaven and earth, gradually, like a violent wind, whistled out in all directions.

Gu'e Mountain issued a wanted order to the snow and ice wasteland. The one wanted by Gu'e Mountain was already known in the snow and ice wasteland. Now the news that has swept up has made a lot of discussions in the snow and ice wasteland for a while.

"Have you heard of it! We came to the wilderness of snow and ice, and came to kill the innocent flame mad, killing people when they see someone in the snow, like a crazy demon! Anyone who died in his hands was burned by flames before his death. , Burned alive. "

"I heard it! I heard that the flame madness is the man wanted by Gueshan. I heard that these two people are all evil men from the abyss of sin!"

"No evil man in the abyss of sin, no wonder it's so poisonous!"

"And I also heard that Gu Yan, the maiden of Gu'er Mountain, wanted that person because he was talented and extraordinary, and the maiden Gu Yan couldn't hold back the girl Chunxin and fell in love with him!

In the end, that person, he loved the flame mad, for the flame mad, ruthlessly rejected the maiden Gu Yan, and even humiliated Gu Yan, saying that the maiden Gu Yan, even one of the toes of the flame mad Head is worse! "

"This ... these two wicked men, they love each other? For the flames, he can refuse even the Virgin Gauer. This is true love!

Then the Lady of Gu'er held a grudge against her and issued a wanted order against this man? "


(End of this chapter)

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