Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1137: Serpent vs. Old Man

Chapter 1137: Old Serpent War

Between heaven and earth, the snow and snow became more violent, from all directions, surging towards Shi Feng and the four snakes!

The attacker was an old man who practiced martial arts with snow and white hair.

"Oh!" Facing the storm and snow, the four big snakes roared, and the four-colored snake tail behind them once again shone with an unusually bright four-color light, turning the mountain into a white and white world. Here comes gorgeous colors.

Immediately afterwards, the four-colored snake tail swept suddenly and swept in all directions. Suddenly, the four-colored snake tail swept out an unusually beautiful vortex, blocking the violent snow storm.

In the whirlpool of beauty, Shi Feng glared coldly at the white-haired old man and the young boy not far away, yelling coldly:

"Both of you, dare to attack Ben Shao's spiritual pet, and want to die!" Shi Feng's tone was overbearing and arrogant, full of murderous intention, echoing between this world.

"Oh!" The old man fighting the four-headed snake in front of him heard the voice of Shi Feng and immediately made a sound of consternation, and then said:

"I thought this big demon was a masterless demon. I didn't expect that the master appeared!"

"Huh? Really someone! Ye Bo, what realm is this person in?" And at this moment, the voice of the boy not far away sounded again.

This is a boy who is in the martial arts realm but in the Sanxing Wusheng realm, and naturally cannot see through Shi Feng's practice.

"Master Hui Hui, this is a two-star demigod!" After hearing the young man's words, the old man named Ye Bo replied.

"Oh! Two-star demigod, it turned out to be just two-star demigod!" Said the boy. He himself is just a samurai saint, with two-star demigod Shi Feng, that power is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

But when he heard the old man ’s words, he said, “This kind of person, Ye Bo, you just kill him. Anyway, this spiritual pet, I must do it, I want to give it to my beloved Yinger sister, I believe Sister Yinger will love it! "

"Young Master rest assured that when I surrender this evil beast, I will kill this person. Well, a two-star demigod, just dared to say such arrogant words in front of the husband!" The old man responded.

The ice and snow storm he just launched was smashed by the four snakes and the tails of the four snakes were broken. At this moment, his right hand was palmed out, and one palm blasted out, directly blasting a huge iceberg toward the four snakes.

"Huh! If you think this is a masterless demon, and you want to surrender it, you can still make sense. At this moment you know that this is the thing of the less, not only did not stop, but also said to kill this little, Such a poisonous master and servant! "

Shi Feng heard the words between the old man and the boy just now, and saw that the old man was attacking again at this moment, and yelled coldly.

At this time, in the face of the violent iceberg, the four-headed snake tail once again launched its strongest move, the four-colored snake tail suddenly swing! Fought fiercely on the huge iceberg.

"Boom!" There was a fierce roar, and the entire iceberg was torn apart by a snake tail. Then, the iceberg turned into thousands of ice cubes, and it continued to fall towards the ice and snow below.

After the four-headed snake launched this attack, the old man in front of him gradually realized the extraordinaryness of the four-headed snake, and his face gradually became more and more dignified.

At this time, the four-colored snake tail passed through the dense crushed ice cubes in front of it, and hit the white-haired old man fiercely.

"Huh!" At this moment, the old white-haired man saw the four-headed snake launching a counterattack against himself and issued a dull hum.

Then his face was fierce, and the power of his whole body was condensed on the right fist. The right fist shone with a light of snow-colored light, and raised the incomparable force of ice and cold, toward the four-colored snake tail that came straight. One punch violently blasted.

"Well!" The powerful collision and the fierce roar made the space tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the four-headed snake and the old man were all shaken backwards by the strength of each other.

A snake and a man even hit a tie.

"This big demon!" The old man who flew back, looking more solemn than before, exclaimed in a deep voice.

The impact just now made him think that this four-headed snake was not easy.

He even sensed that fighting the four big snakes up to now, he has launched violent attacks again and again, the energy in Dantian is constantly being consumed, but the four big snakes, the energy consumed by the attack, is quickly obtained. Got a reply.

Under the sky, there are such strange creatures.

But if you feel right, it ’s too bad!

The old man was already in his heart, and he felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Yebo, why haven't you surrendered this spirit pet! You used to look great! It's getting older and useless!" The boy in the rear saw that the old man hadn't surrendered the four-headed snake. , Urged a little impatiently.

"Young Master, the situation is a little bad!" At this time, the white-haired old man drank again and replied to the young man.

At this time, the old man saw the four big snakes in front of him stabilizing under his own strength, and then flew towards him again.

"Huh Yebo, are you really confused? It's just a sinful animal, plus a little waste of two stars and demigods. What's so bad?" The young boy in the back, humming indifferently. Say.

He didn't take the old man's words seriously at all.

Lengheng's words fell into the old man's ears. If he could, the old man really wanted to stab the palm of the real little waste behind Samsung Sanctuary!

If it were not for his grandfather! How dare to say that, the old man must have turned around and slashed the little waste!

At that moment, the white-haired and old-haired suddenly burst out drinking: "Drink!" He gathered the strength of the whole body on his right hand again, his right hand suddenly fisted, and then it shone with snow-colored light.

The white-haired old man, again, launched the strongest blow that can be launched at present, welcoming the four-colored snake tail that thrashed again.

A strong impact erupted once more in this world of howling snowstorms.

Following that impact, "嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭! 嘭!" Followed closely, again and again, and the stronger the collision with the four-headed snake with the strongest force, the more the old man had Lai Yue applied for his previous guess.

This big snake with four heads turned out to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible for a lifetime. The old man with white hair was the first to see this strange species.

However, this strange species has caused extreme anxiety in his heart. If he continues to do so, he will not only be unable to surrender the four-headed snake, but will run out of power, if his power is really run out ...

(End of this chapter)

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