Chapter 1139: Cold Family

Shi Feng grabbed the young man's face in his hand easily.

The young face was immediately filled with violent anger, shouting at Shi Feng: "Dog **** raised by the bitch! What are you doing! Let go of me! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!"

The bitch!

After hearing these four words, Shi Feng's indifferent face immediately became cold! The two generations are human and have the memories of these two generations. To say that what is most worthy of respect in this life is the mother who brought him hardships.

The dragon has an inverse scale. The mother is Shi Feng's inverse scale. Anyone who touches it will make him worse than death!

With a bang, Shi Feng grabbed the young man's right hand, and a dark black thunder erupted.

"Ah!" The dark thunder blasted the young man's face suddenly, and the young man screamed with extreme pain.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Thunder quickly devoured the entire body of the teenager, turning him into a dark black Thunderman.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahhh!" Suddenly, screams of pain like killing pigs kept coming out from the dark black thunder.

This violent dark black extermination black thunder, but is constantly torturing the young man's entire body, inside and outside, every cell of his body, every drop of blood, and even his soul, this screaming sound Going up is extremely painful and extremely infiltrating, just like Li Gui is mourning.

With the power of this dark black thunder, it's only that the samurai saint should reach death. But under the control of Shi Feng, how can Shi Feng let him die so easily.

Well, let him die!

"Ahhhhhh! Dogs! Dog hybrids! Small animals! You will not die!" The insults and painful screams kept echoing in this world, Shi Feng clutched the dark black Thunder figure, flickering, disappeared into this void.

In another piece of void, the white-haired old man had already been hit under Shi Feng's previous dark black thunder ball. He was lying in the void with only one breath, and he had lost his combat power completely.

Just now, just when the old man heard the screams of screams from behind him, his body suddenly trembled subconsciously.

With this young and familiar scream, he can be sure that it is the "little ancestor" that issued it, and he can be sure that this is definitely not an illusion!

that person! That man tortured him like this. The white-haired old man thinks at this moment, feels full of horror, the whole body sweats involuntarily.

this matter! If this matter is known to his grandfather and his master, then the whole wild continent is likely to change! Until now, it seems that I have no right to live in this world!

Immediately after, the old man with white hair saw his body flickering in front of him. The departing teenager returned. In his right hand, he was holding a dark black thunderman. From this dark black thunderman.

Looking at this dark black thunderman, the white-haired old man took a deep mouthful of saliva, and he knew how painfully the "little ancestor" was suffering.

"You! Do you know what he is? You are digging your own grave! You are going to die, and your husband is going to die. Anyone who is related to you will be implicated by you!" The white-haired old man looked at Shi Feng and faced Lu ruthlessly said violently to Shi Feng.

After hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng showed a cold hum, and said, "Hmm! You old and immortal with this little animal, it will definitely die! As for this little? Hum, then you don't need to be old Don't worry about it. "

"Haha, don't worry about my husband?" When the old white-haired man heard Shi Feng's words, he smiled angrily and anti-smilingly, followed by a sneer: "You don't know his identity yet, so you dare to say so. Now The old man will tell you who he is! He is the only grandson of Han Han, my family's owner, Han Xiao! "

When the white-haired old man said the last sentence, the expression on his face gradually turned into a joke, and then his eyes were fixed on Shi Feng's face.

He was waiting, waiting for the young man to hear the wonderful expression on his face after hearing the Han family and the name Han Wei.

At this moment, the white-haired old man seemed to have seen it, and Shi Feng's face appeared shocked, shocked, and even regretted.

Whoever made him offend an existence he couldn't even offend! The old white-haired man even had some regrets. How could he have never thought that if he had reported his origins, especially the identity of this "little ancestor", he would not have to be in such a situation at this moment.

Time waited for minutes and seconds to pass. Gradually, the white-haired old man found that after reporting his identity, the boy was still indifferent. The dark black thunder erupting in his right hand turned out to be completely There is no weakening trend.

Does he have bad ears and didn't hear what he said just now?

"The old man said again, this person you are holding, he is the only grandson of our Han family's owner Han Wei, Han Xiao!" Bai Fa said what he said just now.

However, after hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng was still indifferent, and then showed disdain, and said, "What **** is Han family, what cold and happy, is this waste born, is it hanged?"

Shi Feng said as he turned his head, looking at the dark black thunderman in his hand. At this time, not only did the dark black thunderman's thunder not weaken, but he became even more violent in Shi Feng's hands.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahh!"

Immediately afterwards, more painful screams sounded. The dark man was cursing before, and begging for mercy. At this moment, he can't say anything except screams.

"You! You! You don't even know Han's family! Even Han's family owner Han Wei doesn't know!" The old white-haired man heard Shi Feng's words and saw the dark black thunder in Shi Feng's hands become more violent, eyes widened.

He was hard to believe that in the wild continent, there were still warriors who did not know Han's family! Even the Han family owner, Han Wei!

"How does Ben know which spring onion!" Shi Feng said with disdain again. Although Shi Feng said to the white-haired old man, his eyes were still on the dark black thunderman holding in his hands.

At this moment, the screams from the dark black thunderman suddenly stopped, and then surged into Shi Feng's palm, and in an instant, Shi Feng swallowed up all the dark black thunder!

The boy who was previously devoured by the dark black thunder has completely disappeared in this world.

"Dead! He ... he actually ... really killed Han Xiao ..." The white-haired old man's eyes widened, his face full of incredibly looking at Shi Feng, looking at Shi Feng. In front of that empty void!

(End of this chapter)

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