Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1145: Shi Feng fights back

Chapter 1145: Shi Feng fights back

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!"

Gray, like a violent wind with poison, devoured the huge snake body of four large snakes. Inside, there were wailing sounds of extreme pain from the four big snakes.

"Well! You have to suffer pain before you willingly surrender to your God? What a ruthless animal!" The thugs standing proudly beside the gray wind, sensing the movement of the four big snakes inside , Sneered wickedly.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

In the grey wind, the roar of the four big snakes was louder than loud and sounded miserable.

"Well? You, this evil beast, are already suffering from this kind of pain. Why? You still do n’t recognize the Lord as God? Do you really want to be so mean?" Douhyuk sensed that the four snakes sent out The roar burst, but still exuding an unyielding will, Dou Hu frowned, his anger gradually appeared on his face, and he shouted coldly.

Then, Duo Hu opened his mouth again, changed his face very quickly, and then sneered, and sneered, "Since then, the four-headed beast, you try the painful punishment of God on you!"

The voice of Dou He hadn't dropped yet, his hands pierced straight out, and he caught in the grey wind in front of him. Immediately afterwards, the grey wind suddenly became violent, and the grey wind suddenly turned into a black whirlwind!

"Alas! Livestock, try the taste of this poisonous devil whirlwind! This **** believes that when you try this poisonous devil whirlwind, it will definitely make your life unforgettable. Livestock!" Listen The roar of the four big snakes became more tragic, and he snatched a beast from the animal and laughed viciously again.

As if the four-headed snake was more painful under his power, the happier he was. At this moment, his face looked as if it were extremely beautiful. Gradually, Diao He showed an intoxicated look.

"Animals ..." The words "Animals" seem to be addictive.

And at this moment, when Duo Hegang said the words "beast and livestock" again, an extremely cold and cold drink sounded behind him: "Give Ben Shao to die! Livestock!"

This voice is exactly the voice of Shi Feng.

While taking advantage of his attention, Shi Feng had all gathered on the tortured four serpents, he had quietly come behind him, and there were nine thunders on his right palm. It was Shi Feng that brought Jiu Lei into the world. All Condensed on the right palm.

Then just now, while Shi Feng was making a cold drink, a full-fledged palm had already blasted towards the back of this prestige, and when the prestige had not yet responded, he shot hard On the back of the win.

"Eh!" A painful roar yelled out of Dou Hyuk's mouth, and then, the whole of Dou Hyuk was shot out under Shi Feng's palm.

"This ... what's going on? How is it possible!" Anguish, who flew out in pain and hurried away, forced his head to look at Shi Feng, who flew him out, his face shocked and unbelievable!

this person! This is in the realm of two stars and demigods, and even under the bombardment of his previous power, he can still stand up at this moment, and also has such a fierce blow to himself!

He, was n’t he seriously injured just now, like a dead dog lying on the snow? Is everything just pretending to deceive my eyes? Sneaking at me just to make me careless? but……

When he first fell into this Xuefeng, Duohu saw that the man had not been bombed to death by his attack, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, not only was this person not dead, but he quietly sneaked behind him, and possessed such combat power, giving himself a heavy bombardment.

This person is so deep-hearted!

Suddenly thought of this, all of a sudden, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of thunder continued to blast, and these thunders rang from the body of Duo He.

Immediately after, the dark black magic thunders continued to bombard from the body of Dou He, and the body that was captured by Dou He was instantly engulfed by the dark black demons.

The constant bombardment of Mo Lei was accompanied by a roar of painful roars: "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Shi Feng was lying on the snow like a dead dog before. Naturally, he didn't think it was pretended to be outfit. At that time, he was seriously injured and his combat power was lost.

But who made his body today is the immortal demon body in ancient legends, the Tao means of recovery is amazing, and the wounds suffered have just recovered to 1978, even if the combat power has not returned to its peak state, Not much worse!

"Give this little, loose!" And at this moment, Shi Feng's left hand became claws, and above the left claw, a violent dark black magic thunder erupted, and one claw caught in the violent black whirlwind.

Under the force of Shi Feng's claws, the black whirlwind that tortured the four snakes disappeared immediately. The huge body of the four-headed serpent appeared again.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" The four snake heads continued to roar violently.

"Four away, are you okay?" Shi Feng asked, looking at the four big snakes below.

The eight snake heads are called the Eight-Lining Snake God by the snake people. Today, there are only four big snakes, so Shi Feng calls them Four-Lining!

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" The four snake heads still roared, as if answering Shi Feng's words at this moment, but looking at them at this moment, they looked like a mighty man, and did not seem to be seriously injured.

When Shi Feng moved, she landed on the yellow snake's head.

"Ah!" And at this moment, Shi Feng and Si Li suddenly sounded an extremely angry rage! The figure that flew upside down and was constantly bombarded by the dark black magic thunder, at this moment abruptly, the body followed a sudden shock, and the dark black magic thunder was immediately broken.

"Dead! Small beasts, dare to sneak attack on the god, today! You must die!" At this moment, the ugly face of Diao He was full of anger, violent and embarrassing, like a wild beast with madness, his eyes widened. Staring hard at Shi Feng in front.

Shi Feng proudly standing on the four-headed serpent, looking at the rage that was already in rage, secretly whispering: "Sure enough, with my current strength, even if I launched a full blow, it would be difficult to put these four stars and a half The strong guarded by the power of God will kill! "

Looking at the win, Shi Feng's face has become more and more dignified. He already knew that he was not this ugly and weird opponent.

"Give it to my god, die!" A roar of skyward roar, roared again from the mouth of Diao He.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely violent and huge black hurricane manifested in front of him under the power of the magnificent, and then swept violently towards Shi Feng and the four-headed snake.

"Disha!" At this moment, Shi Feng also burst into a drunk, just as Shi Feng's drunk sound sounded, the snow under the four snakes suddenly fell down, a The immense burrows appeared instantly below.

(End of this chapter)

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