Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1171: I just want to see you again

Chapter 1171 I Just Want To See You Again


In the tomb of the thunder god, the violent white thunder sea has been swallowed up by the bloodthirsty thunder sword, and a burst of anger rang out from the bloodthirsty thunder sword again!

At this moment, the bloodthirsty thunder sword trembled in Shi Feng's hands, looking as if he was about to break free from Shi Feng's hands.

Sensing the bloodthirsty thunder sword in his hand, at this moment, Shi Feng uttered a low drink: "Breakthrough, the bloodthirsty thunder sword with few bones!" While drinking, Shi Feng's right hand holding the sword suddenly moved again. Then a sword pierced the sky.

And at this moment, a burst of extremely scary and extremely red **** light shone from this bloodthirsty thunder sword, rendering this world into a **** red.

"Boom!" As the blood of the singularity flashed, accompanied by a violent thunder, it was mixed with the sound of the ferocious beast.

On Shi Feng's dignified face, suddenly a corner of his mouth grinned, rejoicing, "The bloodthirsty thunder sword finally broke through, and advanced to the Samsung demigod sword! Good! It's really great!"

Just as Shi Feng's voice sounded, the bloodthirsty thunder sword immediately stopped the severe tremor, the scarlet red **** light suddenly disappeared at this moment, and the fierce beast's wrath and the sound of thunder also stopped. .

Between this world, everything returned to peace due to the success of the Bloodthirsty Thunder Sword.

And this space, known as the Thunder God's Tomb, looks dull at this moment because of the violent white thunder swallowed by the Bloodthirsty Thunder Sword.

"Gone!" Shi Feng murmured as she followed. Now even the white thunder has been swallowed up, and Shi Feng has no need to stay here again.

At the same time, the bloodthirsty thunder sword once again shone a white thunder in Shi Feng's hands, and turned into a white thunder pattern in his right hand. Then, Shi Feng's body flickered, flashing rapidly towards the exit. .

The figure once again shuttled quickly through this tomb of Thor.

Under Shi Feng's haste, it didn't take long for a huge vortex like a white thunder to emerge, not far from him.

Under the huge thunder **** tombstone, Shi Feng and the seven people entered the thunder **** tomb from this white thunder vortex **. This white thunder vortex is a passage in and out of this space.

Shi Feng's swift body kept moving, and the next moment, he flashed into this huge white thunder vortex. The sight in front of him was suddenly dark!

The figure penetrated through the Bai Lei vortex, and Shi Feng returned to the original dark underground world again.

In today's underground world, the huge white thunder vortex has disappeared, and the huge tombstone engraved with ancient and complicated ancient characters has appeared again.

The stone maple at this moment stands proudly on that huge tombstone of Thor.

In ancient times, the great thunder god, in fact, Shi Feng stood proudly on the tombstone of thunder **** at this moment, can be said to be disrespect to the great thunder god.

But Shi Feng did not think about these respects and disrespects. When he was in the tomb of Thunder God, he wanted to find the bones of Thunder God and take them away, but he did n’t find them later. All these things that Feng Feng desecrated would do. Not to mention just standing on top of this Thor's tombstone.

"Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng looked puzzled and looked down.

Below the tombstone of the thunder god, at this moment is standing a tall and beautiful figure, it is the woman with a beautiful face. At this moment, Qing Yan was also looking up, looking at Shi Feng with a smile on his face, at this moment, it was exactly opposite Shi Feng's eyes.

This woman, looking at her at the moment, is obviously waiting for Shi Feng here.

Then, Qing Yan smiled at Shi Feng and said, "The moment you disappeared beside me, I thought you were gone. But I thought about it later, when I came out of it, I thought you hadn't left yet. So, I am waiting for you here.

It is said that the sixth sense of a woman is accurate, and it seems that it is true! "

"Wait for me?" After hearing the woman's words, Shi Feng's face was even more puzzled, and she said, "All have come out of that grave. What are you waiting for me to do? Aren't you afraid I will kill you?"

"You won't!" Qing Yan's face still had a smile on hearing Shi Feng's words, and she slowly shook her head at Shi Feng, saying, "I know, you're not killing innocent people!"

"I? Not indiscriminately killing innocent people?" Shi Feng grinned when she heard the woman's words, and asked her with a smile: "Do you know how many people I have killed in my life?"

Shi Feng came from the killing all his life. In fact, even this question he asked couldn't even answer.

"I don't know!" Qing Yan replied, shaking her head very simply. But then, she said, "I don't know how much you have killed in your life, but I can guess that the people you killed must have a reason to kill them, they have a reason to **** it. Just follow it, Those people are the same. "

"Oh!" Shi Feng's eyes opened slightly, and "Oh" said.

I didn't expect that this woman who met her would know her well!

In recent years, although I have been coming from the killings, I have never committed indiscriminate killings for indiscriminate killing. All those who die in their own hands have reasons for their death!

For the constant killings in these years, Shi Feng has always been well conceived!

Then, Shi Feng's figure flickered. When he appeared again, he was already in front of the tall woman.

It was so hard to wait for this boy again, and he finally appeared in his own eyes. Qing Yan saw Shi Feng's body flicker just now, thinking that he was about to leave him again, and his whole heart followed a tremor.

But when he saw him appearing in front of him, Qingyan followed. At this time, I found that I just wanted to mention my throat and eyes!

Qing Yan smiled generously at the young man who appeared in front of him.

At this time, Shi Feng said again, and said to the woman, "You know me very well! You say, you are waiting for me here, why on earth?"

Shi Feng felt that since she was separated from her, and she was waiting for herself under this tombstone, she should have something to do for herself.

I must have seen that I am strong, and I beg you to kill my enemies, these revenge and the like.

Shi Feng thought to himself secretly. But now he doesn't have that time!

Then, when Shi Feng saw the woman heard her words, she smiled at herself and shook her head slightly, and said, "I'm waiting for you here, I just want to wait for you, nothing else. I just ... I want to see you again, I want to ... I want to talk more to you, just ... that's it! "

Talking, Qing Yan became vomiting. After she had said that, two flushes had already appeared on her pretty cheek, her head bowed shamefully, and she didn't dare to look at the teenager in front of her!

(End of this chapter)

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