Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1179: Skyfire Ranbu

1179 Sky Fire Flurry Dance

The evil dog old ghost swooped down like a mad dog, spitting a black venom toward the mouth below, the ugly old ghost snatched up behind him, and attacked the fiery man who turned into a blazing flame.

At this moment, the desire for fire, facing the two strong men in the four-star demigod state, looked like a fearless one, and arrogantly screamed, "Two old things, dare to make a mistake in front of the Son, Son, die! "

At the time of the big drink, the flame of fire had blasted with a punch, a sea of ​​flaming flames manifested on the flame of fire, and then burned toward the black venom pouring upward.

Suddenly, the black venom under the fierce impact was devoured by the flames of fire.

Just entering the four-star demigod of fire, the power of the flames was so horrible! Evil dog, old ghost, that is the strong one who has entered the four-star demigod for many years!

But the power of the flame at this moment can be so fierce that it all comes from the ancient rune that represents the law of flames. With this flame rune, the desire for fire is almost even more powerful!

"Huh! What three evil spirits, in front of Ben Shengzi, you will be nothing!" The sea of ​​fire devours the venom sprayed by the evil old dog ghost, and the fire desire once again arrogantly drinks!

At the same time, the raging sea of ​​fire that had devoured the venom continued to burn towards Jue Luo and Dou He above.

"Ah! Wangwang! Wangwangwang! Huh! Huh!" At this moment, Mad Dog feels crazy and looks more like a Mad Dog, his hands fluttering like dog claws. For a time, dense black claws appear like storms. Blasted towards the sea of ​​fire that swept up.

"Drink!" At this moment, the ugly eight monsters seized the thunder, and once again issued a rage, and the right hand with the claws slammed downwards. A fierce and violent black hurricane was blasted by the claws. Followed by the dense black dog paws, raged down.

When the fire wants to see the dense claws of Ju Luo, and the violent black hurricane, the face hiding in the flames, this moment a sudden change!

Obviously, the black venom sprayed from the old dog's mouth just now was not his strongest blow! And the sea of ​​fire that I blasted out should be able to cope with the dense shadow of claws alone, but coupled with the violent black hurricane ...

The shadow of the black dog's claws blasted down like a violent storm rained a sudden collision with the raging sea of ​​fire, but immediately followed by the hurricane followed by the violent hurricane. Jumped into the flames.

With the double powerful force, the raging sea of ​​flames that followed immediately began a rapid collapse!

"Haha, this power! It doesn't look like a four-star demigod combat technique! Can it be said that this flame sage has not been cultivated into a four-star demigod combat technique at all?" The sea of ​​fire was expelled, and laughed, laughing out loudly.

"Oh! Hahahahaha!" At this time, Jue Luo also screamed like a dog, and then also laughed.

Followed by, winking again, ugly face, now full of disdain, said: "Son of Fire, do you have only this point of combat power? It seems that God is too deserving of you? "

"Well, it seems that this thing is not as bad as imagined!" The smelly figure, the stink old ghost Xuan Nong above the top sky, saw the combined force of Diao He and Jue Luo break the attack of the sage of fire Go, and then hear the words of the two old ghosts, followed by a loose expression on the tight face.

The moment he wanted to escape from this moment, he slowed down.

"Hmm! It was just the Son of Warm-up who just warmed up!" And when the two old ghosts laughed at himself over the sky, he burst into anger. Followed by angrily and shouted, "Wait a minute, this is when the Son of God takes the life of your two old dogs!"

"Ah! Skyfire flutters!" A sound of low drinking rang out from the mouth of the fire, and the hands of the fire burning with flames kept dancing at this moment, leaving a hand shadow like flames all over the body.

Immediately after, a group of human-shaped, flaming fireballs, centered on the desire for fire, constantly emerged, densely packed.

Each dense ball of fire exudes the power of raging flames, and they are constantly flying and dancing, more and more, making the void more and more chaotic, and even the fiery figure is immediately taken away. The dense fireball drowned.

"This! This power! This fighting technique!" At this moment, the disdainful smile appeared on the ugly old face, and the smile was solidified at this moment.

This is true even of the vicious old dog! His face changed again and again, and then turned into a mad dog face, exclaimed: "This! This is a four-star demigod! This is absolutely!"

"What the **** is going on! Ah! I'd better hurry up!" The original Tenon, who had loosened his nerves and didn't plan to escape, saw his face change again immediately after seeing the battle situation below, and his escape heart revived.

At this moment, Xunon had already thought that it was better to go first!

"Is this the power of the four-star demigod?" In the snow below, Shi Feng looked up at the raging, dense fireballs and murmured.

The momentum should be almost the momentum of the four-star demigod flame warfare. But strength, Shi Feng is still doubtful!

After all, this passion is just entering the state of four-star demigod. If he is trained so quickly to become a four-star demigod, then it can only be achieved with the peerless anti-natural talent.

Although the fire desire is a generation of arrogance, Shi Feng does not think he has the peerless anti-sky talent.

"Okay! It's so powerful! It's worthy of being the sage of fire, the desire for fire!" At this moment, the woman next to Shi Feng was blue, looking at the flames of violent dance from above, exclaiming softly.

It is also the reputation of the Son of Fire. The Son of Fire is definitely the existence of their young people. So this green face has absolute confidence in this passion.

"Huh? I want to run!" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly made a noise and drank coldly. He saw that the smelly figure on the top sky flickered and started to slip away.

These three disgusting old dogs, Shi Feng had already killed them and had no intention to let one go. Immediately, a white thunder light rose in Shi Feng's right hand, and the bloodthirsty thunder sword appeared in his hand the next moment.

At the same time, Shi Feng's figure flickered, disappeared beside Qing Yan's side, disappeared into the snow, and chased and killed the stench old dog, Xunon.

"Huh? Shi ... Where is Shi Feng?" When Shi Feng left for a while, Qing Yan realized that Shi Feng beside her had disappeared, and followed her with a shock, exclaiming.

The cheeky face toured in all directions, looking for the white figure!

(End of this chapter)

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