Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1184: For you, I want to be a dog

Chapter 1184: For You, I Will Become A Dog

"I ... this life ... actually my favorite person ... is ... for you ... what I do is worth it!"

The severely wounded old dog Jue Luo, when he was weak and strenuous and said the words to Daw Hyuk, originally wanted to take the opportunity to rush forward to kill the two old dogs together, the shape of fire in Shi Feng's body There was a sudden meal.

"Vomi! Vomit!" Immediately, the fire looked at the two disgusting, wretched, and ugly old men, only feeling a fierce tumbling in their stomachs, and yelling, "I trust! These two old dogs It ’s so disgusting! It ’s a real stab!

Not only was the fire feeling nauseous, but even Shi Feng felt extremely nauseous, and drank in a cold voice: "Death!"

Although Thunder Sword Light was taken away, but the power of Thunder remained in the old dog of Jue Luo, the sound of Shi Feng screamed and the Thunder power raged again.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at the beginning, when they said that to Hurghada, but because of Hurghada in her arms, the horror of happiness gradually emerged on the tragic face, and then it was painful. Growl.

Above his face, he was covered with pain because of pain.

Only at this moment, the internal organs of Jue Luo's body had been destroyed into **** under the power of Thunder!

Jue Luo's body was convulsing in the arms of Duo He, and mouthfuls of black blood poured out from his mouth.

At the next moment, the boundless darkness had devoured the old dog's consciousness. He was full of miserable features and suddenly fell down!

A vicious old dog like a crazy dog, and a four-star demigod, Jue Luo, finally fell!

"Old! Old dog!" Duo Hue was listening to what Old Dog Jue Luo said to him, but in this short moment, there was a sudden change and he looked at him stunned. The broken body in the slightest breath.

"Old! Old dog!" Immediately, Deok Hye howled in sorrow! Hissing and roaring:

"Old dog! Old dog! I killed you! In fact, I already knew about your mind! But old dog, I ca n’t really raise any interest in men! I really ca n’t accept you! It makes me sick every time I think of us! "

"I killed you! It was me who killed you! It was me who killed you!" As Duo He shouted these words constantly, the ugly old face had become full of blame.

The scenes of the past are constantly flashing in the minds of those who win.

"Hey, hey! I'm Nagyawala!"

"Hey, hey! I believe that with your talents, there will always be you and me in this world!"

"Hey, hey! In order to kill, even if you kill all the people in the world!"

"Hey hey, for you, I want to be a dog!"


"Old dog!" All memories fell, returning to reality. And at this moment, Duo He turned his head suddenly, staring grimly at the stone maple on the other side, and craving!

"It's you! It's your dog bastard! It's you who killed the old dog! You really shouldn't die!" Diaohu said violently at Shi Feng.

"Huh!" Shi Feng snorted coldly, just now, he had swallowed the death force from the death of Jue Luo.

When Shi Feng issued that cold hum, the body flickered quickly, and flashed to the ugly monster to win the show!

For these three old dogs, what Shi Feng wants to kill is this ugly thing! Shi Feng once said to him that one day, this ugly old thing will cost thousands of times!

In just an instant, Shi Feng flashed in front of Duo He who was still holding the body of Jue Luo, and the bloodthirsty thunder sword shining bright white thunder light, slashed down towards Duo He, and chopped his head.

"Ah! Revenge! I want revenge for the old dog! Kill your dog bastard! Ah!" Seeing Shi Feng coming, he was also beheaded with a sword, deceiving and shouting like crazy. .

At this moment, as if he was frightened, his right hand turned into a claw, and he quickly grasped Shi Feng's heart. He did not see the sword that Shi Feng cut off at all.

This style of play is already going to end with Shi Feng.

Seeing that grabbing by Huo Duo toward himself, Shi Feng whispered coldly: "Old things are beautiful! You old man is not as good as one of the toes of Ben Ben, so Ben Ben, Broke! "

Just when Shi Feng sounded the word "broken", his sword that cut to the head of Jiu He suddenly stunned, a speed of thunder that was faster than He Jiu, a spin in Shi Feng's hand.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the bloodthirsty thunder sword turned into a white thunderbolt, flashing past the throbbing wrist.

Immediately, Duo He's claw suddenly grabbed at Shi Feng, and after the white thunder flashed, he broke his wrist and flew upwards!

"Ah! Hand! My hand!" The right hand was cut off, and the red blood spewed fiercely, and Daw Hyuk sent a howl of pain like a pig.

At this moment, Shi Feng's left hand grabbed forward and grabbed the body of Jue Luo, who was held by his left hand at the moment. While taking the pain, Shi Feng pulled back fiercely. He pulled Jue Luo's body over, and broke free from his hands.

"Old! Old dog!" Duo Hue didn't expect Shi Feng to grab the body, and he didn't pay attention to protect it. Now seeing that Luo's body was taken away, he didn't even take the pain of his broken hand into account, and shouted at Shi Feng ahead:

"Little bastard, what do you want to do with the old dog's body! Disgusting, perverted! You quickly put the old dog's body to the god!"

No one would **** a corpse for nothing, so the moment Shi Feng snatched the body of Jue Luo, Duo Hue vaguely guessed what this man was going to do to Jue Luo's body.

Thinking of those, even the perverted and disgusted on weekdays, he couldn't help but cursed "perverted" and "disgusted"!

If Shi Feng really did what he wanted to do with a corpse!

It is indeed too perverted and disgusting.

However, Shi Feng didn't bother to take the words to win the favor. For Shi Feng, that ugly old thing is no different from a dead person.

Because of him, today is doomed to die under his sword.

Shi Feng grasped the left hand of Jue Luo's body, and the mysterious bloodthirsty power of the holy fire worked. For a moment, a touch of red blood continued to gush out from the broken body of Jue Luo, and then toward the palm of his left hand Hearts gather.

Soon, the blood of this four-star demigod was completely swallowed by Shi Feng, and turned into a dried-out corpse that seemed to be weathered.

And when Shi Feng devoured Jue Luo ’s whole blood, he found that the energy of his perverted flame Dandan had reached from seven tenths to eight tenths!

Killing a four-star demigod, the energy is naturally not ordinary martial arts can compare!

"Old! Old dog!" And Duo He, seeing that Jue Luo's body turned into a dead body under his eyelids instantly, his face changed immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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