Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1194: Mysterious strong shot

Chapter 1194

The face of the maiden Gu Yan at this moment became abnormally distorted due to rage and anger, and looked extremely scary, terrifying, and embarrassing! Under the power of the black swirling shadows underneath the anger, they continued to turn into crushed rubble ruins.

It didn't take long for the ruined rocky ruins of the snow peak to be turned into powder by the powerful power of black swirling shadows, and turned into a messy land full of ridiculous marks.

But on that piece of land, apart from the mess and the mess, no other things can be seen, even Shi Feng has disappeared!

"Xin Ying, what's going on? What about that little bitch? Didn't you listen to this virgin, and destroy that little bitch?"

Gu Yan didn't see it. The little bitter wolf howling she wanted to see, hurriedly looked at a fuzzy shadow beside her at the moment, growling at him angrily.

This vague shadow seems to be the strong man who has been guarding beside the maiden Gu Yan.

"This!" After hearing Gu Yan's words, Xuan Ying made an old voice again. Listening to his voice seemed to be a bit mistaken.

It seemed that he did not understand why the figure disappeared under his power.

"What, what! Xingying, what the **** is going on?" Followed, Gu Yan yelled angrily at the fuzzy shadow beside him.

Followed by the vague shadow shadow, a sigh was sighed, and Gu Yan sighed, "Sir, it seems that the boy, a mysterious strong person to help him, let him run away!"

"The mysterious strongman helped him? He wasn't destroyed by your power, but he ran away!" Gu Yan said with wide eyes when she heard the words from Xuan Ying.

Be suspicious and have greater anger!

That little bitch, if let him run away, then for Gu Yan, it might as well be brutally killed by Xingying!

"Yes!" Xuan Ying replied to Gu Yan. Then continued: "I previously launched that power to chase the boy, but a mysterious force appeared, which stopped me from bombing the boy's power! That power is absolutely extraordinary! This person's realm, Definitely above me! "

"Above you?" After hearing this swirling shadow, Gu Yan's anger on his face faded slowly, and he was shocked!

In this ice and snow wasteland, there is a surpassing existence of Xingying? Xuanying, but the strongest of the five-star demigod peak!

As for the Lady Snow and Ice, the Lord of the Frozen Wasteland, it is estimated that the battle with Xingying is not her opponent.

But ... if this lady Madame Frozen used the mirror of the ice?

"No!" Thinking of whether Gu Yan was shot by Madam Bingxue, she quickly shook her head to deny the idea.

She feels that this is not what the Snow Lady did. If it was the Snow Lady to rescue the little bitch, why did she use the ice barren mirror to help her find the bitch!

Later, Gu Yan remembered that day, that little **** was under the fire of the red lotus industry in the land of Jiuyang, and a golden circle appeared on her body.

There must be a powerful secret in this little bitch! But it should not be used casually or easily!

Gu Yan made a secret decision in her heart. The reason why the powerful secret treasure cannot be used at will or easily is because if he could use it at will, he would not have been beaten down before facing the powerful blow from Xingying.

Will not run away!

That time in the land of Jiuyang, he will not be activated by himself into the red lotus industry fire!

Following this, Gu Yan spoke coldly again, and said to Xuan Ying next to her, "Xuan Ying, go and find the Madam Snow and Ice, and I will wait for the other disciples to come here. When we see the kid again, we will use Gu Ecuadorian team, put down the Tian Luo Di net, must! The kid must be abolished! "

When Gu Yan said the last sentence, her face resurrected.

"Observe!" The vaguely swirling shadow drank, followed closely, and disappeared beside Gu Yan.

"Little bitch!" Xuan Ying left, and Gu Yan spit out these three words again and again.

As soon as I remembered that the little **** fought back while taking care of himself, I felt that I had been tortured by the bite of all insects, and then escaped under my hand once again, and Gu Yan was going to be furious.

I ca n’t wait to smash that little bitch!

Then, Gu Yan stayed in this void, silently waiting for the other disciples of Gu'ershan to come!

Since she was urging the golden lotus platform and teleporting with Madam Snow and Snow at full speed, how could those disciples of Gu'ershan catch up with the speed of the two of them and have been left behind by them.

Gu Yan originally thought that this time, to deal with the little bitch, these Gu'ershan disciples were not needed.

But now it seems that the little **** has a secret treasure, or the mysterious strongman who Xuanying said to help. Even Xingying's attack is blocked. The powerful Gu'er array seems to need to be in this snowy wasteland. It works!


"What kind of power is this?" In the dark ground, Shi Feng's figure quickly shuttled through the ground again, but Shi Feng's body at this moment was shrouded in light.

However, this light is not the golden light of the source of all things. In this fierce battle of Shi Feng, the source of all things did not like Shi Feng from the beginning to the end, and came out to help against the enemy.

And the light covering Shi Feng's body at this moment was an ice-white color.

Previously, Shi Feng used the magical power of the earth to continuously dive into the ruins of the rubble. Seeing that powerful force of swirling shadows smashed to death, it was this ice light that instantly appeared around Shi Feng, blocking him Xing Ying's strong blow.

At this moment, this ice-white light did not retreat from Shi Feng, but directed Shi Feng to a place.

Shi Feng already knew that at a critical moment, someone secretly shot to save himself, and since the person who saved himself directed himself to go, Shi Feng did not resist.

Life-saving grace should be appreciated!

If there wasn't this ice light at that time, and it was for him to block the Xingying blow, Shi Feng would have a hard time imagining his own consequences.

Perhaps at this moment, she had fallen into the hands of the vicious saint, and suffered a lot of vicious torture!

Maybe she has already broken Dantian by her, and her future destiny will become extremely miserable, like a pig and a dog being kept in captivity.

"No! Ben Shao will never allow such things to happen!" Shi Feng sighed coldly at the thought of the tragic fate.

Speaking of it, everything is still because of strength!

In Shi Feng's mind, the face of the vicious **** Gu Yan reappeared, and then said fiercely: "That vicious slut, wait for Ben Shao! Ben Shao has said! It ’s better to die, Ben Ben will let you taste it! ”

(End of this chapter)

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