Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1199: What a dare to do anything!

Chapter 1199: What A Dare To Do!

The Han family, the ancient family and the ancient forces that existed at the peak of the wild continent!

Han Wei, the owner of the Han family, a generation of strong men at the peak of the wild continent, it is rumored that his martial arts have entered the strongest peak of the nine-star demigod, away from the legendary true gods only a step far!

These forces, these figures, even entered the snow and ice wasteland to kill innocent people, could not help but be shocked.

"Han Family! Han Wei!" When Shi Feng heard these words, Shi Feng's face also immediately cooled down.

It seems that in addition to Gueshan hunting himself, this Han family has finally arrived!

Then, Shi Feng also looked at the ice lady, and asked, "Where are the people of the Han family now?"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Madam Bingxue turned with a frowny face, looked at Shi Feng, and asked, "Why, do you know the Han family?"

"It's hard to know," Shi Feng replied. Followed again: "The reason why they came to this snow and ice wasteland to kill innocent people should be for me. Because just a few days ago, I killed that Han Wei's grandson, what is it called Han Xiao!"



When Shi Feng said this, Madam Bingxue and Qing Yan exclaimed at the same time.

In this world, who doesn't know Han family's owner Han Wei, there is a waste baby grandson Han Xiao! But this man actually killed this Hanwei baby waste grandson!

This is absolutely bad news in the whole wild continent!

No wonder, no wonder! No wonder this Hanwei will bring people from the Han family into the snow and ice wasteland, all of them are murderous, as long as they see moving creatures, they will kill!

Madam Frost used the Frost Frost Mirror to hear the threat from the family of Han, to destroy her soul in the Frost Frost!

"Shi Feng, how did you kill Han Xiao! This ... What should I do now? Han Xiao is dead, the Han family owner will definitely not give up on this! What should I do!"

When it was learned that Shi Feng had killed Han Xiao, Qing Yan's pretty face appeared full of worries. Han Jiahan Wei personally dispatched. This hunting is naturally more terrible than the hunting of the Lady of Gu'er.

That's a peerless powerhouse! One of the scariest people in the world!

Then, Qing Yan looked at Mrs. Bingxue with her worried face again and asked her, "Mrs., what should we do now? Or ... we are now rushing to the ice and snow desert city at full speed, and arrive at the ice and snow. Barren City, start the ancient teleportation and send Shi Feng away. "

When speaking the last sentence to Mrs. Bingxue, Qing Yan's voice went down, and she seemed to be a little stubborn when she said that.

Shi Feng caused such a calamity, and hurry up to let him start the teleportation to leave, Qing Yan thinks that some can't hold Madam Bingxue.

Madam Bingxue didn't care about Qingyan, but looked at Shi Feng with a cold face, and said coldly: "You are really lawless. Everyone dares to be provoked and dare to do anything! Under this world, I am afraid it is already There is nothing you dare not do! "

At a glance, Mrs. Snow was upset at the moment.

Because of this person, he caused such a behemoth for the ice and snow wasteland, so that the creatures in the ice and snow wasteland were continuously killed, and Mrs. Ice and Snow was naturally very upset.

If it weren't for Qing Yan's face, perhaps at this moment, Mrs. Ice and Snow had already shot Shi Feng.

Shi Feng naturally also saw the coldness of Mrs. Snow, that she was indeed killed by herself, and the people in this cold family did come for herself. This Lady Snow had a life-saving grace to her, and Shi Feng remained silent, refusing to refute.

Everything has been done by myself, saying nothing has no effect!

However, Shi Feng had no regrets about the waste of killing the Han family so far. The waste dared to provoke himself, scold his mother, and touched his own scale, and he was dead!

I just didn't expect that if I killed that waste, that Han family was so overbearing, so many people would be implicated for no reason!

At this moment, Qingyan looked at Mrs. Snow with her cold face, and then said weakly, "Ma'am, things have already happened, so don't blame Shi Feng."

After hearing these words from Qingyan, Madam Bingxue turned her head and said,

"Girl, I said to him, that's all for his good. At a young age, don't do things so disregarding the consequences, don't act so arrogantly, don't do everything, and you can't be provoked.

If he does not listen to persuasion and continues to do so, he will continue to implicate not only himself but also those around him. "

Hearing Mrs. Bingxue's words, Shi Feng, who had been silent, said impatiently, and said, "Well, this young man doesn't need your words to teach!"

This time, it was indeed the beheading of waste that involved so many innocent people. But Shi Feng doesn't want anyone to "buzz" like these flies, saying these sermons over there.

"Huh!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's impatient words, Madam Bingxue made a cold hum and gave him a cold glance.

Qing Yan has seen that the situation between Madam Bingxue and Shi Feng is not very good. Quickly said to Shi Feng in a persuasive tone:

"Shi Feng, Madam said that, it's all for your goodness!" Then, Qing Yan turned her head and said to Madam Bingxue:

"Ma'am, your adults don't count on villains. You are right. Our young people are impulsive and don't want consequences. Madam, take a look. You can help Shi Feng again and send him out of the snow and ice wasteland. , Qingyan, please. "

"Send him out?" At this time, Mrs. Bingxue spoke coldly to Qing Yan, and said, "It is no longer possible!"

"Ah!" Seeing Mrs. Ice Snow's indifferent face and hearing her indifference, Qing Yan quickly opened her mouth and stunned, and then said to Mrs. Ice Snow with a pleading tone:

"Ma'am, Qingyan begged you, please help us. Shi Feng didn't mean to offend you intentionally, you have a lot of adults, don't take it to heart! Shi Feng, you offended your wife just now. Apologize to your wife! "

Qing Yan said anxiously to the last sentence, turned her head, and blinked at Shi Feng constantly, winking. "stone……"

Qing Yan originally wanted to say something more, then Madam Bingxue spoke coldly again, interrupting the words that Qing Yan wanted to continue: "No need!"

Mrs. Bingxue said, "At this moment, I just ca n’t help but want to help. The people in the Han family have already entered the Frozen and Deserted City, and they are already in our Frozen and Deserted City.

Not only is he the only way to enter the Frozen City, it is you and me, too! "

"Ah! This ... this ..."

(End of this chapter)

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