Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1227: The massacre begins!

Chapter 1227 The Massacre Begins!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Over the barren snow and ice, painful screams kept echoing.

The four great snakes and the bloodthirsty thunder sword have already carried out a violent slaughter of the people of the ancient mountain.

The four-headed serpent is a Samsung demigod monster and a bloodthirsty thunder sword. It is a Samsung demigod that combines the legendary **** source. It kills the one- and two-star warriors of Gu'ershan.

Under Samsung, they are all ants!

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Four serpents and four snake heads, spitting flames, sandstorms, ice, and thunder at these Gu'er disciples.

The snake tail shining with four bright colors is also constantly waving, harvesting a lively life.

The blood and soul of the deceased disciples of Gu'ershan continued to surge towards the bloodthirsty thunder sword, and the mysterious force of death produced by the death surged towards the stone maple in the distance.

Shi Feng is still running the Nine Secrets, and her left hand concludes a fingerprint, condensing the surging death force in her left hand, and converging with the death force of Gu Yan's Samsung Demigod.

The death force of more than two hundred demigods must not be wasted. When Shi Feng waited for the breakthrough of the realm, the perverted Dantian didn't know how much energy he needed.

Therefore, Shi Feng saved the power of death with the Nine Secrets.

"Wow!" A loud snoring sounded, the space shook, and the white thunder reflected the half-sky.

The instrumental **** beast now looks like a thunder beast, shining with a huge white thunder beast, manifested from the bloodthirsty thunder sword, roaring upward.

The **** beast's open mouth sucked fiercely, sucking all the flowing blood and soul into its big mouth, and then chewing with a big mouth, constantly making "click ... click ..." Crisp.

The bloodthirsty thunder sword quickly turned into a white mad thunder, speeding through the body of a Nagoya warrior.

The warrior whose body is penetrated by the bloodthirsty thunder sword will continue to produce violent white mines, which will then turn into white mines, and then be destroyed instantly.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Some of Gu'ershan's disciples screamed in pain, while others of Gu'ershan's disciples screamed in exasperation, rushing away from the place where the two ferocious beasts were.

"Ah!" But a dozen Gueshan disciples who hurriedly retreated, and were about to escape from the frozen and snowy city, immediately burned the flames and screamed bitterly.

They seemed to have forgotten just now that, in addition to the two ferocious beasts, a life-threatening thunder sword, a teenager carrying a coffin, and the flame enchantment under the flame of the Holy Son of Flame.

Under the flames of enchantment, it was as if a net of heaven and earth had been laid on this void.

The disciples of Gu'ershan, who were burned by the flames, were instantly burned to death under the flames. The soul in the bright red blood and flame rushed out to the **** beast.

The forces of death converge towards Shi Feng.

The warriors begging for mercy in Gu'eshan saw that the young man who carried the coffin was still indifferent, no matter how indifferent he was.

However, when fleeing, there was no way to escape or retreat. At this moment, many warriors in Gu'ershan began to choose resistance and fight.

"Kill! Now, we have to join forces to kill this world! Kill!" Disciples of Gu'ershan, with a fierce expression, roared angrily.

"But the two ferocious beasts and the thunder sword are simply the existence we can't compete with, let alone the sage of fire and the boy carrying the coffin!" Someone shouted in despair, his roar, It's like pouring cold water on others, but it's true!

"Even if not! But ... do we still have a choice? Do you want me to stand still and wait to be killed? I! I don't want to die yet!" Someone roared unwillingly.

"Holy Flame Son, I Guyun begging you! As long as you withdraw from the enchantment and set me alive, for this, I will remember Guyun in my life!" A Gu'ershan warrior, since he felt that he asked for the coffin. The teenager was useless, so he turned his head and sought for fire.

As long as the flame enchantment is withdrawn, he may be able to escape this "nightmare"!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" While screaming one by one, the screams of heaven and earth did not stop, the slaughter of two giant beasts and the bloodthirsty thunder sword continued.

The fierce thunder monster, Bloody Beast, opened his mouth wide, swallowed a one-star demigod warrior into his mouth, and then chewed it with a big mouth. The extremely screaming sound came from his mouth. It came out that the chewing and screaming sounds made everyone feel cold and hairy.

Formerly, there were more than 200 Gu'ershan disciples, and now there are less than a hundred.

The sage of fire was eager, and after hearing the words of the ancient E'ershan warriors, he still had nothing to do with himself. At this time, another disciple of E'ershan said:

"Son of Fire, I have a younger sister, who is talented and intelligent, and can be considered as extraordinary. If you leave me a way of life today, then my sister's first night is owned by your Son of Fire!"

Hearing the words of the disciple of Gu'ershan, the eagerness changed immediately, showing his anger, and Dayi screamed angrily: "I am mad, are you such a lascivious person, **** it!"

A finger of fire pointed at the disciple of Gu'ershan, followed closely by an extremely hot heat, and instantly shrouded the disciple of Gu'ershan, and the flames instantly burned, devouring his body.

"Ah!" There was another scream, ringing in this world.

"Huh! How stupid!" Leng Hu said, looking at the burning flames. Follow the secret road:

"This man is just looking for death. In the eyes of everyone, he even said these things to Ben Shengzi! Huh! Don't even think about who this Ben Shengzi is!"

His desire for fire is the holy place of the Son of Fire, and his personal reputation is also related to the fame of the whole place of fire. Even if he wanted his sister's first night eagerly, he needed to arrange it secretly, and no one should know.

And this idiot turned out loud, his voice echoed the whole world.

This is forcing him to fire, kill him first, to show that he is not attracted by beauty, not that lust.

To show those words is an insult to him!

But then again, this "demon" now wants all the disciples of Gu'ershan to die, so he can't let him go, even if he is interested in the first night of the younger sister.

Compared with the "devil" method, the temptation of the stunning beauty of the first night must be forcibly restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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