Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1235: Coffin reopened

Chapter 1235: The Coffin Reopens

Shi Feng trembled with a seemingly broken body, clutching the miserable white coffin, and seemed to be struggling to stand up from the white bone altar.

Looking up, "Hehe!" Shi Feng smiled coldly at the middle-aged middle-aged man above.

At this moment, his face was full of bright red blood, which covered his handsome appearance, and when he showed that smile, it was a bit of blood, like a bloodthirsty demon.

Middle-aged white man in mid-air suspension, watching the **** figure gradually climb up from the altar of white bones, then stand firmly, his face suddenly changed, terrified!

There is nothing wrong. He, who was in the realm of nine stars and demigods, had a look of horror on his face.

At this time, Shi Feng stared at the white figure in the air, and said, "If Ben Ben did not guess wrong, you just hit it with all your strength? At this moment, you are almost at the end of the oil. The lights are dead! Humm! "

Listening to Shi Feng's words, the middle-aged white man didn't answer, but his expression on his face had become very ugly.

Judging from this expression, it seems that Shi Feng has been spoken.

And at this moment, Shi Feng's figure standing proudly on the bone bone altar suddenly moved 14 times! For the fourteenth time, Shi Feng grabbed the terrible white coffin with both hands and rushed straight up.

And at the moment when Shi Feng's body suddenly moved, the middle-aged man in white finally couldn't calm down anymore, and quickly issued a panic roar: "Not a man! This is not a man! This is definitely a demon! Xueer, we are fast run!"

With a roar, the figure of the middle-aged man in white and the ice lady above moved together!

In fact, it is not necessary to remind the middle-aged man in white, that Mrs. Snow has long been upset in her heart, and she has already been ready to escape at any time.

"Run?" The figure rushed straight up, ready to launch another fierce bombardment of Shi Feng, seeing the two people above chose to flee, and then sneered.

With a sneer, Shi Feng cursed again: "Damn!"

At this moment, the body of the middle-aged man in white and Mrs. Ice and Snow all shone with an ice-colored light, and then the body suddenly disappeared into the space.

Having seen the magical maple of the ice-cold mirror, they naturally knew that they were hiding their bodies with that ancient and mysterious mirror.

While saying the word "damn", Shi Feng's figure carrying the coffin was still rushing, and was still chasing towards the two who disappeared there.

"This demon!" When the fire wanted to see the two men flee, Shi Feng began anti-hunting, and once again, sent a feeling of emotion in his heart.

I really did not expect that the support to the end turned out to be this evil "devil"!

"Devil" is worthy of "Devil"! Every time I thought he was going to fall down, each time he stumbled stiffly.

Fire desire saw the true unyielding and undefeated will from him.

These characters are doomed to be ordinary in the future!

There was a loud blast of "boom", and it sounded from the top of this ice and snow palace, followed closely by a huge ice and snow hole that appeared at the top.

And Shi Feng's body has been rushing up.

The roar just now, the hole that appeared was when the middle-aged man in white and Mrs. Ice fleeed, and opened a large ice-snow hole with strength, and her body flew out of that ice-snow hole.

But immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's body arrived immediately, and she rushed straight out of the ice and snow hole.

The outside world still roared the cold winds and violent snow.

Shi Feng ’s body has been rushing straight up. Although the two have disappeared with the ice-cold mirror, Shi Feng ’s keen soul still captures a slight breath, and he leans on this A trace of breath fully traced.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng gave a cold drink again: "Last time, the old Hanwei dog escaped from Ben Shao, which made Ben Shao very upset! This time, how can Ben Shao tolerate you Dogs and men flee again! Give Ben Shao, die! "

When shouting in a cold voice, Shi Feng grabbed the hands of the **** coffin and suddenly stunned, once again gathering all the strength of the body in this coffin, and immediately followed, the coffin once again made a "click" ring!

The original coffin cover was moved under the shock of Shi Feng, and then moved again. The original coffin cover had only a line size. This time, it was as thick as the little finger!

A more majestic momentum suddenly rushed out of this miserable white coffin, as if a rampant beast.

"Spit!" Shi Feng's body suddenly trembled. Under the majestic momentum, the flesh that had just recovered has been shocked and constantly damaged!

The coffin cover was opened again. This momentum was too powerful and fierce, and it was beyond the limit of Shi Feng's control.

And at this moment, Shi Feng still lifted the bleak white coffin high with both hands, and let the exposed gap away from him, and the impact was relatively weak.

And the strong momentum was rushing upward, and Shi Feng was under the coffin.

If he gets closer to the gap, and then is directly impacted by the strong momentum, even if he has the undead monster in ancient legends, it is estimated that it will turn gray.

The blood spewed and the body shook. At this moment, Shi Feng, who looked very painful, kept staring at the sky above, exposing the cruel color.

"Go!" At this moment, Shi Feng burst into a thunderous thunder, and his hands suddenly moved again, even pushing the miserable white coffin tightly in his hands and pushing it upward.

Under the push of Shi Feng, the **** coffin rushed up and turned into a miserable white streamer.

"No! No!" At the moment Shi Feng pushed the coffin out of the sky, there was a panic of panic.

The middle-aged white man and Mrs. Ice and Snow had originally disappeared with the ice star, thinking that they had escaped successfully.

But just now, a icy momentum that was extremely strong, rushed up from below!

They saw the terrible white coffin rushing towards them at a rapid speed. As the coffin approached, the icy momentum became stronger and stronger, and the panic on their faces followed.

At this moment, this coffin's powerful momentum is definitely far beyond the previous.

This coffin! What is there like in the sky!

"Xueer! Run away! Run away!"

And at this moment, the middle-aged man in white wore a hissing roar! His original rushing body suddenly stunned at this moment, his body flipped, his arms opened, as if to meet the incomparable momentum, the mysterious **** coffin!

(End of this chapter)

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