Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1238: Go! Zhonghuang!

Chapter 1238 Go! Zhonghuang!

"... I let her go today. From now on, the grudges between us are cancelled!"

Shi Feng faced Qingyan and Madam Bingxue in front of her. After speaking these words, her body turned and turned to the rear, leaving Qingyan a wide **** back, and her dark, messy long hair dancing in the snow.

Immediately after, Shi Feng's figure flickered and disappeared into Qing Yan's sight.

"Shi Feng ..." Shi Feng disappeared instantly, Qingyan looked at the empty void in front of him, and was still dancing a lot of goose feathers and snow. For a while, he was a little lost, confused, and couldn't help thinking of the name.

At this moment, the expression on her face became extremely complicated.

She didn't understand why he would become an enemy with her biological aunt, and almost killed her biological aunt.

He ... has become so powerful!

Qing Yan found that she was far away from him again.

Every moment is zooming out.

"Girl ... you have to be strong ... he ... is the one ... that just killed your biological father ..." Just then, the extremely weak voice of the woman suddenly behind Qing Yan Sounded again.

"My ... Bio ... Abba ..." After hearing the words coming from behind, Qing Yan was shocked, and Jiao's body trembled fiercely.

Qing Xiu's pretty face, eyes widened, once again full of surprise.


The battle just now has already alarmed the entire Frozen City.

In the snow-white deserted city, there are many figures everywhere, looking up one by one, talking and exclaiming.

"What the **** happened just now?" Someone asked when he just stepped out of an igloo and saw silhouettes outside.

As he glanced into the void, an astonishment appeared on his face:

"Ice ... Mrs. Snow and Snow! This is our Lady of Snow and Ice City, Mrs. Snow and Snow! She ... how did she get hurt?

Who else can make her hurt in our snowy wilderness? Did the Han family kill again? What about the boy carrying the coffin? Doesn't it mean that Mrs. Bingxue and the boy carrying the coffin have an unclear relationship? How could he hurt his beloved Mrs. Snow! "

"Mrs. Ice and Snow, was injured by the boy carrying the coffin!" Someone replied.

"Wounded by a boy carrying a coffin? No! Why did he hurt Mrs. Ice and Snow? Not between them ..."

"It seems that our previous guesses were not wrong!" On the face of an audience, because of his own guesses, a full of firmness emerged, saying:

"Everyone saw it just now. It didn't take long for the boy carrying the coffin to enter the Frozen Palace. There was a fierce violent roar in the Frozen Palace, and the sound of that violent sound naturally fought.

Then we saw that a white-faced man and Mrs. Snow fled from the Ice and Snow Palace! Obviously, it was the boy who carried the coffin. After entering the Ice and Snow Palace, he just caught their rape! Sometimes it just happens to happen! We can call it God by chance! "

"Yes! It should be so! You are right!" As soon as the voice of the previous man had fallen, someone immediately nodded in agreement and answered. Followed him and analyzed:

"Mrs. Ice and Snow did that kind of thing with the other men in the Ice and Snow Palace, so the young boy carrying the coffin was chased up just now, and the coffin smashed the white-faced man under anger!

However, he can still remember the old feelings. Although Madame Frost brought him a green hat, so betrayed him and made him extremely distressed, he still gave up Madame Frost's life. It seems that the boy carrying the coffin is not a cruel person. "

"The reason why the boy carrying the coffin didn't kill Madam Xue Xue, in fact, you didn't notice the real key figure! The sudden appearance of the woman in white is actually the real key!

In my opinion, she must be the illegitimate girl carrying the coffin and Madam Frost! In fact, the reason why the boy who carried the coffin let Mrs. Bingxue pass away was because of her daughter's sake, so she didn't play the cruel hand! "

"But this woman in white looks older than the boy carrying the coffin? Is it really good to say that he is the daughter of the boy carrying the coffin?"

"Hey, every family has a hard story!"

"Hey, who can really say something like love, who is right and who is wrong!"

"Ask what is love in the world, it just makes people careless!"


There was a lot of discussion in the ice and snow deserted city, but Shi Feng had already returned to the ice and snow palace, carrying the snow-white coffin, and the sage of fire, again standing proudly on the white bone altar.

Now the fire desire looked towards Shi Feng beside him, more awe than before.

Not only because this "devil" possesses a powerful and powerful coffin, but also the undefeated and unyielding will that was revealed during the battle with the Iceman just now.

"This devil has been around for so long, and I still haven't figured out what exactly he is!"

Fire desire shook his head secretly, followed, and turned his attention to the bone-bone altar under his feet.

The bone bone transmission altar was interrupted when it was previously activated, and now it has to be refilled with bone.

Bone stone, also called bone element stone in the wild continent, is full of energy like the element stone in the Tianheng continent.

Bone element stones flew out of the fiery bone ring one after another, floating towards the eight groove openings of the bone bone altar in eight directions.

The coordinates have long been adjusted by the desire to go to the destination, Zhonghuang!

As the bones and stones continued to be filled into the grooves, the space runes on the white bone altar seemed to come alive, shining white light, like a group of puppets, quickly swimming on the white bone altar.

A strange force of space rises on this bone altar.

Immediately afterwards, the whole bone bone altar shone with a bright white light, and the light followed more and more.

At this moment, the fire rushed and said to Shi Feng: "Boss, this space cross-domain transmission array is about to start. It won't be long before we can go to Zhonghuang!"

When she heard the fire, Shi Feng nodded and said, "Good! Go on!"

Not long after Shi Feng's words fell, the bone altar shone with increasing white light, and instantly consumed both of them.

This snow and ice space has been filled with the bright white light.

Immediately afterwards, a huge white beam of light flew up! Magnificent, as if a white dragon took off.

This icy and snowy space was shaken violently by the appearance of the huge white beam of light.

This ice-snow palace seems to be a wave of earthquake. The snow and ice earthquake shook and the space shook.

But the white beam of light appeared fast and disappeared quickly.

The next moment, the huge white beam of light had disappeared, and the white light emitted from the bone bone altar also fell and dissipated.

At this moment, the bone bone altar was empty, and the stone figure and fiery figure had disappeared.

It seems that through this space cross-domain teleportation, the two of them have successfully traveled to the new world, the central area of ​​Mangluang mainland, Zhonghuang!

(End of this chapter)

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