Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1250: Hell Blood Cave

Chapter 1250 Hell Blood Hole

In the void, the woman in purple was unable to catch the fire in the distance, but Shi Feng had long noticed.

Then, Shi Feng suddenly saw that the guy came back, but he couldn't come, as if he was avoiding something?

Then, Shi Feng turned her head again and looked at the woman in the purple dress next to her. She immediately understood in her heart and secretly said, "I guess that guy, after playing with the woman in the purple dress, didn't want to be responsible, so when he saw her, he began to avoid.

"Huh?" And at this moment, the woman in purple suddenly saw that the blood armored boy suddenly looked at himself, Xiumei twisted again, and said secretly:

"What did he suddenly look at me for? Didn't he think of me indiscriminately? But with my beauty, the world's men are beating on me, and that's just normal!

But ah, but these men are just delusional, my heart is only owned by my Son of Fire! "

At this moment, Shi Feng's figure flickered suddenly, and the woman in purple saw that the boy suddenly disappeared into her sight.

"Huh? What is he doing?" Seeing the sudden disappearance, the woman in purple quickly followed.

The heart said secretly: "Is this person not only thinking of me but also attacking me by hand? If so, I will be unkind to him!"

For a while, the woman in purple was ready to shoot. But after a while, she couldn't feel the existence of that boy.

"Did he have a mysterious concealment technique?" The woman in purple thought again in her heart, and did not dare to slackly sense all directions, with purple streamers flowing in her hands.

Then she gave a cold drink: "What the **** do you want to do? Give it to me!"

However, her cold drink did not get a hint of response. As if the boy had really left.

But she did not believe that the person had left, and her face was cold, and she drank coldly again: "Come out! Don't have to hide anymore! Tell you, I and the Flame Son are destined to be together! If you have anything to me It ’s unbelievable that this heart died early! ”

"come out!"

"Come out to me! You have been sensed by me!"

Then, there was another indifference to drink, from the mouth of this woman in purple clothes. With this drink, the woman's show eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

But as time passed, no one suddenly shot at her. After the boy disappeared, he never appeared again.

"What the **** is going on? Is it just that I reported just now that my Son of Fire and I are destined to be together and scared him out?"

"Yes, it should be so! Huh!"

The woman in purple said affirmatively.


Shi Feng had no idea. After he left, there were still so many boring things in that void.

Soon, his figure moved to the fiery desire of the sage of fire.

"Boss, why are you here?" When Shi Feng suddenly came over, she was stunned and surprised.

This "devil" was just with the woman in the purple dress just now, and he avoided it specifically to not disturb them. He did not expect that the "devil" came over by himself.

Shi Feng no longer tangled in other issues, and asked directly the urge to say, "How are you exploring?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the craving naturally did not entangle on the topic just now. The woman in the purple clothes was just a flavoring agent in their boring life, and could be ignored.

Huoyu flipped his right hand, a piece of shabby hide that appeared in his hand, and then handed it towards Shi Feng, saying:

"Boss, this picture is a map of this wasteland of Wuchuan and the surrounding areas! The place marked by this red dot is exactly where we are now."

Speaking of fire, Shi Feng reached out, took the animal skin map over, spread it over his right hand, and looked at it.

Then, another animal skin map appeared in Shi Feng's hands, which is the animal skin map he originally obtained from the Manacosaurus.

In fact, the original animal skin can be said to be somewhat imperfect.

From the falling mountain to the evil abyss, you can enter the ice and snow wasteland and several adjacent wastelands, and then take a space to cross the field to send a large array into the middle wasteland.

But on this animal skin, Zhonghuang has only a map of several areas around the "Abyss of Evil". As for the Wuchuan wasteland where they are now, it is not on that map at all.

At this moment, Shi Feng combined a map with these two maps and said, "We are now in the Wuchuan Wasteland. If we want to enter the abyss of evil, we must first leave this Wuchuan Wasteland and enter the Tianta Desert!"

They also have to cross the desert of the tower that day to enter that sinful land, "the abyss of sin"!

I did not expect that after entering the wasteland, so many roads are still needed.

The way home! Still so long!

Then, Shi Feng murmured again:

"Where we are now, going west, there will be a city called Wuchuan Abandoned City! At our speed, it should be able to arrive in a day. We will now go over and see if there is a connection to the Tianta Desert Teleportation! "

"Huh!" Furious nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them completely ignored the purple woman in the distant void, flickering in shape, and rushed towards the Wuchuan Desert City!


The wild continent, a dark cave without half-light.

In this dark cave, there is a strong smell of blood, which is sickening, like a dark **** hell.

Immediately afterwards, a gentle footstep sounded slowly in this extremely silent cave.

"Patter ... patter ... patter ..."

Immediately afterwards, a cold and ruthless voice was spit out by this man severely: "Kill of martial art!

In Hell, there are ten wise sons. Among the ten wise sons of each generation, only one person survives in the end! I kill and ask, I will be the one!

Guys, wait for me! When the day when I kill and step out of this blood hole in **** is when I kill and reborn, the enemies! "

It turned out that the person walking in this dark and **** cave was the killer of one of the ten priests of hell.

On the same day, Shawen stepped out of the Demon God's Meteorological Site and kept following Shi Feng, trying to take the opportunity.

As a result, in the ice and snow wasteland, he fully understood that there is a big gap between him and that person.

With his power today, even with the best way of assassination, he can't assassinate that person.

So, Shawen returned to hell, ready to be baptized in the blood hole of hell!

Hell Blood Cave, each generation of Hell, each saint, is eligible to enter after he reaches the age of eighteen.

Enter the blood hole in hell, look for opportunities, and touch the unknown danger.

Kill today, just over eighteen!

(End of this chapter)

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