Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1252: Eight Great Gods

Chapter 1252: Eight Great God Masters

At the gate of Wuchuan Abandoned City, Shi Feng and Huo wished that the crowd was crowded like a tide, and rushed toward the gate of the city like a giant beak.

Following them, they also moved their feet and walked towards the city.

At this moment, the fire rushed and said to Shi Feng: "Boss, have you noticed that it is now close to night and there are so many people entering the city, but so few people leaving the city?"

However, Shi Feng had already discovered this anomaly just now. "I have already discovered! There should be something big in the city!"

"I'll ask someone to ask!" Huoyu said. Then, he grabbed a young man beside him and asked, "Excuse me, if it's almost dark today, so many of you are still in the city. What's going on in the city?"

"Huh? You don't know yet?" The young man caught by the **** looked up and down with a puzzled look. Then asked again, "Are you new from abroad?"

"Exactly!" Huoyu nodded slightly and said, "I just came here!"

"Well, that's no wonder." The young man said, "Our daughter of Wuchuan Abandoned City, some time ago, I didn't know what happened. I heard that it seemed like she was unconscious and crazy!

Some people say that she is middle evil, and she has contaminated something unclean, and lost her soul. It was also said that she was possessed by something evil. Anyway, there are different opinions, and later, there are all kinds of opinions.

However, today, the master of the city of Wuchuan Huangcheng is about to invite a big man to heal his beloved daughter. Who do you guess? That's a well-known figure in the wild continent. Master Shen Lian, Jiang Ning! "

"Master Shen Lian, Jiang's family! Jiang Ning!" When Huoyu heard the name, he followed it! Exclaimed.

It seems that he has also heard the name of this master of refining!

"Master Shen Lian?" The conversation between the two also fell into Shi Feng's ears, and Shi Feng murmured softly.

Are the two masters of divine refining the same as the masters of spiritual practice, who have reached the semi-god realm?

Shi Feng has seen a lot of semi-artifacts in this reckless continent. He has long believed that in this world, there should be masters of arts and crafts that have reached the level of semi-divine!

Now listening to the master of refining that they talked about, it must be it!

However, the master of divine refining that made Shi Feng most concerned was the strength of his soul!

If he is really a demigod master, then the power of his soul must have reached the demigod state!

Shi Feng was originally a martial art, physical body, and soul. But martial arts and the flesh have long entered the semi-divine realm. Only the power of that soul, when they stepped into the peak of the nine-star emperor at the time of the demon god, can't break through.

Feelings of the power of the soul, he is just like the past life, like "closed door to build a car"!

For example, if the master of divine refining, his soul's power has really reached the semi-god realm, he might find him a way of enlightening the soul!

The master of divine refining, if he can see his practice, if he sees the power of his demigod soul in the process of refining, he will certainly realize with his extraordinary talent!

This master of refining, Shi Feng really wanted to see him.

Immediately afterwards, the man spoke to the desire for fire, and then passed into Shi Feng's ears:

"It is Master Shen Lian, Jiang Ning from the Jiang family! I heard that the city owner paid her a great price to heal his daughter!

Tonight, she will come to our Wuchuan Abandoned City. I am preparing to rush into the center of the city. I hope I can see the goddess Fangrong. "

"No wonder! No wonder!" After hearing what he said, the eagerness immediately understood why there were so many people moving into the city of Wuchuan, and most of these people were men!

When he knew that Jiang Ning was coming to Wuchuan Huangcheng, he didn't feel strange at all!

"Is a woman?" Shi Feng realized after hearing the words of the young man that the **** master was a woman.

At this moment, the fire desire turned his head and said to Shi Feng: "Boss, it is Jiang Ning who will come to the Wuchuan Awful City tonight!"

After making these remarks, the desire for fire did not continue. He thought that if he said so, the "devil" should also know the reason in his heart.

After all, it's Jiang Ning Jiang Ning ...

But immediately afterwards, she was astonished to hear Shi Feng asking him, "What is this Jiang Ning?"

"No ... No ... Boss, you don't even know Jiang Ning?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, his eyes widened as if looking at a monster like a monster.

In the reckless continent, who can't know the Jiang family, who can't know Jiang Ning, one of the eight gods!

Then, Huo Yu thought that when he practiced with the Flame Tree that day, the man suddenly asked himself the Han family.

At that time, he did not even know the famous Han family!

This "devil" has been cultivating in the "Abyss of Sin" before, and does not care about everything outside?

Shi Feng looked at the shocked expression of fire, his eyes narrowed, and asked, "Is it strange?"

"No no! Of course not! Of course not!" Huoyu answered quickly. "With the talent of the boss, I don't know these idle people are normal!"

The eyes of this "demon" were narrowed again, and every time he saw his eyes narrowed, he felt a tense heart.

Later, the desire to speak again, introducing Shi Feng:

"Jiang Ning is from the ancient family Jiang family. The Jiang family's heritage is not weaker than the existence of our sacred place of fire. Jiang Ning is one of the eight deities masters of our wild land!"

"Divine Alchemist, isn't it a semi-alchemist?" Shi Feng asked.

"Exactly!" Huoxi nodded and replied.

"The Eight Great Masters. In this way, the Manghuang continent has reached the level of semi-deity masters. Now in this world, there are only eight people?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Huh!" Furious nodded again.

God refiner, only eight people in the whole world arrived, it seems that it is indeed not simple.

With a preliminary understanding of Shi Feng, she didn't ask any more. Together with the fire, along with this crowd of people, flowed into this Wuchuan Barren City.

An individual around me was full of hope, excitement, and excitement at this moment. They were looking forward to seeing the fairy goddess Jiang Ning in the legend.

There is also a little news that the **** refiner Jiang Ning will be proud of Wuchuan Abandoned City, show off the technique of **** refining, and make the demi God's artifact on the spot!

The refined semi-artifact will be gifted to the fate!

There is also news that Jiang Ning will hold a contest to recruit relatives in Wuchuan Huangcheng.

But this news, people think it is ridiculous, it should be impossible!

Although it is impossible, some people have good expectations in their hearts, and the fantasy goddess will come, and they will fall in love with each other at first sight, and then set their lives for life!

(End of this chapter)

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