Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1260: beautiful as godness

Chapter 1260

"This tea is good tea!"

Shi Feng said after drinking the second cup of blood flower tea.

At this moment, the city's owner, Chu Mu, raised his whole heart, for fear of this guy, say a word "one more cup"!

If that's the case, how about giving him another drink? still is……

I originally took out this blood scented tea. The first is that these two people are distinguished and come up with the best things to entertain.

Secondly, I also want to pretend to show his identity as the master of Wuchuan Abandoned City!

The blood flower tea that these big men can afford, he is also drinking.

But at this moment, this forced to be a bit twisted! Why is this mysterious boy so unreasonable!

At this time, Chuan Mu, who was holding his heart and straining his nerves, suddenly saw the mysterious young man and had to speak. He immediately realized that it was bad!

But at this moment, "Uh!" A small cooing voice suddenly passed from behind Chu Mu.

It was this sudden peal that interrupted the mysterious boy and continued to speak.

Seeing that the boy was silent, Chuan Mu, who was already tense, yelled, "God help me too!"

But the next moment, Chuan Mu suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his body quickly got up from the chair, turned around and looked behind him. The voice of the coquettish voice was the voice of Jiang Ning.

Could it be ... Jiang Ning really has something wrong?

Thinking of this, Chuan Mu didn't dare to neglect, and his body flickered suddenly, flickering towards the carved stone wall of that side.

Immediately after that, the carved stone wall looked like air in front of Chuan Mu, Chuan Mu's body penetrated into it without hindrance.

"Jiang Ning, is something really wrong?" When Huoyu heard the sudden shouting, and then saw Chuan Mu's urgently moving figure, she secretly said in her heart.

Then he said secretly: "Did this demon really sense the situation just now? But although this devil is so cold and proud, he never seems to have spoken a lot? Since he said just now, there will be misfortunes inside It is estimated that misfortune is really about to happen. "

"Boss, what's going on inside now? Jiang Ning, isn't it really going to be killed?" At this moment, the desire to turn his head and asked Xiang Feng.

If Jiang Ning was killed in the Wuchuan Abandoned City, then it is estimated that the entire Wuchuan Abandoned Land will be changed!

Shi Feng's body, unhurried, stood up from the chair in a leisurely manner, slowly opened his mouth, and said, "Not yet!"

After saying those four words, Shi Feng said again, "I did experience some fierce danger just now. Although the power of that girl's soul is strong, it seems that she only understands the practice of the practice, but she does not understand the technique of attack. Just now Ben Ben thought that girl couldn't hold back anymore. As a result, it was an accident beyond Ben Ben. Let's go and see. "

Shi Feng said, still hurriedly walking towards the carved stone wall.

After listening to Shi Feng's words, he nodded secretly.

Followed by, he also followed Shi Feng towards the other side.

When Shi Feng and Huo Yu came to the carved stone wall, their bodies continued to move forward, and they followed closely, and they were like the city master Chuan Mu, seeing that carved stone wall as nothing, and shuttled in.

Shi Feng and Huo Yu were immediately seen. Inside the stone wall, don't have a different "world"!

This is a very elegant room full of fresh and fragrant flowers. The eyes of the two of them are looking forward, and a golden cypress bed is placed not far away. A woman is lying across the veil.

The city owner Chuan Mu, at this moment, was standing in front of a golden silk nanmu bed with a woman in a sky blue shirt.

This woman looks as soft as flowing water, a beautiful and white peerless face, which can make people find no flaws, absolutely perfect!

This woman looks like the woman who walked out of the painting, like a fairy. The blue shirt on her body fluttered gently without wind.

This stunning woman must be the Jiang Jiashen, the goddess in the hearts of everyone, Jiang Ning!

But at the moment, Jiang Ning had a pale face, and it seemed that she had experienced something just now, which made her uncomfortable.

"Woohoo!" Her mouth gasped slightly.

"Master Jiang, are you okay?" At this moment, looking at Jiang Ning's pale face, the city owner Chuan Mu asked with anxiety.

My heart was praying secretly, God bless, this Jiang Ning, don't be in trouble!

If she had an accident, then under the anger of the Jiang family, he had a hundred lives and could no longer survive in this world!

"It's okay!" Jiang Ning responded calmly when he heard Chuan Mu's words. His hands formed a mysterious ancient fingerprint, and his pale white face quickly became rosy.

Under the secret method, she looked a lot better. It seems this is an extraordinary recovery method!

"It's okay! It's okay!" After hearing Jiang Ning's words, and then seeing her improved look, Chuan Mu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Ever since he heard Jiang Ning's coquettish shouting in the hall, he still hasn't relaxed his tight nerves.

At this moment, finally slowly relaxed.

Followed by, Jiang Ning removed the conclusive fingerprints, her beautiful face is still a bland look, if the frozen ice on her face, it seems that there is no half-emotional color.

Jiang Ning spoke to Chuan Mu again, saying, "But it was really dangerous before. Just a little bit, my daughter and I are in danger! Fortunately, I did a life and death fight with mystery and did not get killed."

With these thrilling words, the expression on Jiang Ning's face still looked like nothing had happened.

From her tone, her face, she could not see that she was really in distress just now.

"It's okay!" Then, listening to Jiang Ning's words, Chuan Mu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Chuan Mu seemed to realize something suddenly, turned his head and looked behind him, looking at the two figures who had also entered the room.

Chuan Mu's gaze gazed at the young man in the scarlet battle armor. When he was in the hall just now, he said: The evil spirit inside is not simple! If you continue, both of them are in danger!

Could it be ... At that time, he really sensed that the situation inside was not working?

Is it just a coincidence? It was just that he had guessed.

At this time, Jiang Ning also saw the two men who entered the room, and slowly turned his head, facing the cold face without any fluctuation.

At this time, Chuan Mu saw these three people looking at each other, thinking about their identities, and smiling at them and said to them: "Several are distinguished people. You should know each other long ago. More wasteful lips, redundant introductions. "

Just after Chuan Mu's voice fell, Jiang Ning said, "You're wrong. I don't know them."

(End of this chapter)

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