Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1283: Respectively, see Jiang Ning again

Chapter 1283 Respectively See Jiang Ning

Tianta Desert is also called Tianta Desert.

The ancient city of deserted sand, an ancient stone city in the desert of Tianta, has existed in the desert of Tianta for countless years. Today, it has been broken and full of traces of years.

A white light shone on a similarly dilapidated space teleport altar in the center of Shahuang Ancient City. When the white light fell, two figures stood proudly on the empty altar at the moment.

It is Shi Feng and Lust! After the meeting in Wuchuan Abandoned City, the two took a space teleportation to the ancient deserted city.

After the arrival of Shi Feng and Lust, it was obvious that the surrounding temperature was completely different from that of Wuchuan Abandoned City.

A hot, scorching breath rushed towards his face.

However, the **** itself cultivates the power of the hot flames. Instead of feeling uncomfortable with the high temperature around it, it is very comfortable, as if ordinary people are like a spring breeze!

And Shi Feng, the practice is the power of the cold, although it is not a big deal, but he really does not like this hot place.

Secretly running Jiuyou Gong, all of a sudden, a cold icy wind blows constantly around Shi Feng's body, making him a lot more comfortable.

"The ancient city of Shahuang has arrived. Please go down to the altar." At this time, a moat guard guarding the teleportation of the altar opened his mouth, and said respectfully to Shi Feng and Lu Yu.

These two people, in the eyes of their city guards, cannot see through. That's why the moat guard is so respectful to them.

The world of strength is such a reality.

What's more, this deserted ancient city is located in a complex location. Not only will powerful adventurers often go to the Tianta Desert to pass by this deserted ancient city.

It is even possible to have powerful wicked people in the "Abyss of Sin". Those wicked people are passing here, and once those people are upset, they may pick up a butcher to kill people indiscriminately.

The moat still remembers that not long ago, one of his companions provoked a wicked man with scars on his face, and was torn apart by the wicked man alive.

Hearing the voice of the city guard, Shi Feng nodded at him, and then went with the fire to exit the space to transmit the altar.

It didn't take long for the two to enter the streets of the ancient deserted city.

The entire deserted ancient city has a broken atmosphere, and this street is no exception. However, although it is broken and there are many people, most of these people are adventurers who go to the desert of Tianta, and most people practice positive heat.

The bad environment of the Tianta Desert has produced countless powerful wild monsters with fire attributes over a long period of time, so it has attracted adventurers from all walks of life to come here to practice and kill the wild monsters.

Powerful wild demon can swallow their flesh and strengthen their flesh.

Take off their leather armor and make your own hard armor.

They can use their bones, and they can be made into indestructible bone warriors without the need of a blacksmith.

Even with good luck, a demon crystal was born inside the barbarian demon who was killed, which can devour the power of the flame inside the demon crystal and strengthen its own power.

Naturally, the rules between heaven and earth are always fair. Opportunities are often accompanied by unexpected danger.

After many people entered the desert of the Sky Tower, they suddenly died without knowing how they died. In the end, they became a desert, a pile of bones that no one cares about, or became delicious food for the barbarians.

According to the guidelines on the map of the animal skin, after entering the desert of the Sky Tower, continue to travel south. At the speed of Shi Feng, it should take another seven days and seven nights to reach the most central place of the wild desert, where the wicked gather "Abyss of Sin"!

When Shi Feng and Huo Yu walked in the deserted ancient city, they had already walked to the south gate. At this time, Huo Yu said:

"The Tianta Desert has a bad environment and countless powerful wild monsters. In fact, this area is very suitable for training! Many years ago, I wanted to come here and have a chance, but I didn't expect that it really came today."

After hearing the words of fire, Shi Feng asked: "What level is the highest-level barbarian monster in this desert?"

Huoyu said: "I once heard people say that the greater the towering desert is, the deeper you go, the stronger the demon you will encounter! According to rumors, even the big demon of the nine-star demigod exists.

I once heard one of our elders in the sacred place of flames talk about a nine-star demigod-level demon deep in the desert of this tower, but the big demon didn't know what he saw, and he looked very embarrassed. And flee in full force! "

"Jiuxing demigod-level demon is actually fleeing? What is more terrible than it?" Shi Feng said in shock when she heard the fire.

Jiuxing demigod-level demon, equivalent to the human race of Jiuxing demigod, is even more terrifying than it is. Isn't that the true **** in the legend?

This vast and vast sky tower desert, is there still no true God exists?

Later, Huo Yu said again: "At that time, the elder of our sage son, seeing that big demon was fleeing, so he also fled, and did not know what kind of existence it was.

At that time, my elder said so, even the big demon of the same level as him was fleeing. If he did not flee, would he wait to be killed? Only stupid creatures do that. "

"Indeed!" Shi Feng said, "If your elder went to see what it was, maybe we would never know about it."

"This day's desert, even if the high-level big demon is extremely scarce, but the four-star, five-star, and six-god-level big demon are still often encountered. After entering, we are still cautious everywhere." Huo Yu reminded.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded after listening to the fire.

Then, while talking and walking, a bronze chariot suddenly passed by the two of them.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Huoyu made a frivolous sound.

Even Shi Feng smiled slightly and said, "We really have a fate with her! I didn't expect that she also came to this ancient deserted city and has been going south!"

The logo on that bronze chariot is the logo of the ancient family Jiang family, with a quaint "ginger" character written on it!

And the four big monsters in front of the bronze chariot are Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku, and Xuanwu!

There are four elephant beasts with blood flowing from the body!

This bronze chariot is seated in the Jiang family's deity master, Jiang Ning!

Unexpectedly, Shi Feng and she just saw each other in the deserted ancient city of Wuchuan not long ago.

Later, Huoyu said, "It is said that the four-element array of the four great beasts of the Jiang family is infinitely powerful. Jiang's parents have unanimously decided to give this bronze chariot and four big beasts to Jiang Ning's body. It is estimated that the entire Jiang family has only Jiang Ning has this treatment, the true darling of the Jiang family. "

(End of this chapter)

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