Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1303: Scream of the King Venom King

Chapter 1303 The Scream of the Golden Spider Poison King

In full view, people saw the King Venom King slowly extending his hands and pressing towards the two bronze gates.

However, as King Venom's hands were about to be pressed against the bronze door, his mighty old face was followed by a twist of his eyebrows, and his two hands stopped immediately and stopped moving forward.

Afterwards, the King Venom King's figure fluttered and floated backwards.

Looking at the golden figure of the Golden Venom King flying backwards, Shi Feng said secretly: "This old guy is really cautious. It seems that these two bronze doors can't get him."

The King Spider Venom's body didn't stop until he flew backwards for four or five meters. At this moment, his palms pushed out fiercely towards the two bronze gates ahead.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka! Rumble Rumble!"

The two bronze gates, under the mighty power of the Golden Spider Venom, issued roaring sounds. As the bronze gates opened, the earth below them slammed violently.

"Gone!" Seeing that the bronze door continued to open slowly, nothing unexpected appeared, and then the figure of the King Venom King followed and rushed towards it.

At this moment, the king of poisonous spiders reappeared in the mind of the legendary mysterious artifact.

Then he held the artifact in his own hands, arrogant to the world, and dominated the world. Those who had offended his King Venom King all died under the artifact.

Under the temptation of artifacts, all unknown dangers and unexpected dangers were all left behind by King Venom King! Wealth insurance seeks, and sometimes, when it's time to do so, it's time to do it.

The cautious King Spider Venom is not unthoughtful, and he will find someone to test it.

But he thought, if that person enters the path, he will get the Xuanguang artifact!

The power of the artifact, even if it is a waste, with the artifact in hand, you will not be defeated!

In the history of the once desolate continent, there was a man who was born uncultivable and was called a generation of waste.

However, he got an artifact by chance, and since then he smiles proudly, even if he can't become a warrior, but he relies on the artifact in his hand to cure all kinds of dissatisfaction!

The ultimate achievement is huge!

The bronze door was now open enough for three people to enter side by side, but the scene inside was dark, and even the Venom King, who had reached the seven-star demigod state in rumors, could not see what was inside.

But this does not stop the artifact's temptation to the Venom King. Instantly, under the rush, the golden figure of the Venom King flashed into the darkness.

But immediately following, "Ah!" A painful, stern echo echoed suddenly from inside the bronze gate.

This voice is naturally the voice of the King Venom King! Obviously, when entering the dark world inside the bronze gate, the king of poisonous arachnids had misfortune!

Sure enough, there is unknown danger here!

Listening to the screams of sorrow and pain that came out from inside, I heard all the soldiers outside the world secretly rejoiced, fortunately, it was not themselves who entered it.

"I didn't expect it to be true to you. Inside, there was unexpected danger." Shi Feng naturally heard the pain and screams coming out of it, and turned to laugh at Jiang Ning beside him.

"I didn't want to touch the bronze gate at that time, just talking nonsense." Jiang Ning said truthfully.

"Let's wait and see what happens!" Shi Feng said.

"Huh!" Jiang Ning nodded.

Now that there are really dangerous things inside, they naturally do not want to recklessly enter.

For a while, the crowd began to talk about it. When they heard the scream of King Venom and learned that it was really dangerous, people who had been seduced by artifacts, magical skills, and magical techniques immediately sobered up and did not dare to act lightly , Rushed to the bronze gate.

What kind of artifacts and magic skills are prerequisites are that they must be used for their lives.

The King of Venom Venom, who is a strong man in the seven-star demigod, even he is in distress.

At this time, someone yelled and encouraged: "There may be an ancient and powerful prohibition inside this bronze gate, but it is very likely that the king of the poisonous king entered just now and has triggered the ancient and powerful prohibition. Inside, maybe It's alright! "

"Since you feel safe and sound, why don't you enter!" Someone questioned angrily when he heard what the man said.

Anyone could hear that the person was afraid of himself, but wanted to encourage others to go inside and search to see if there was any danger.

Human nature is so selfish! Your own life is treasure, and the lives of others, what do you do if you die?

"Perhaps as he said, the king of poisonous spiders has triggered the prohibition inside, and now there is no more danger in it!" At this time, a famously thin young man spoke to a young woman beside him.

As soon as the young woman heard what the young man said, she said, "Autumn, don't do stupid things! If you have an accident, what should I do ..."

"Rou!" The young man turned his head and looked at the woman in front of him tenderly, with helplessness appearing on his face, "Oh!" He sighed softly.

"Autumn!" Seeing the youth like this, the woman whispered his name again.

The young man slowly opened his mouth and said to the woman, "Rou, you are willing to follow me, even for me, willing to run away with me. And I ... I have been letting you suffer with me. I cannot let you continue to suffer Time!

Rou, listen to me, as long as I enter there and get the heritage of the Xuanguang Holy Land, I can hold my head up and take you home to see your father, we will never have to be like this again! From now on, we can even look down on the whole world. "

"But Qiu, it's too dangerous in there! Even the Venom King was killed in it just now, let alone ... you! I'm afraid ..."

"No, I have a feeling! In this life, I will rise up here, Rou, please believe me, I can do it." Talking, at this moment, the youth's face appeared abnormally firm. Look.

Looking at the young man at this moment and listening to the words of the young man, the woman suddenly developed a feeling in her heart, as if he could really rise up here as he said.

"Is this feeling the sixth sense of a woman? Is the prohibition in it really disappeared because of the trigger of the Golden Spider Venom King? Can my autumn really gain the inheritance of the Holy Land of Xuanguang?"

Thinking of these, and looking at the resolute man in front, the woman suddenly spoke again and said to him, "Autumn, everything is taken care of, I am here, waiting for you to come back."

"Huh!" When the woman said that, the young man smiled and nodded at her.

Then he slowly turned around, his eyes again looking directly at the two bronze gates!

(End of this chapter)

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