Chapter 1305: Leng Aoyue, A Generation Overlord

Under the seal of Jiang Ning's Nine Seismic Souls, the two warriors directly shook their souls, and exclaimed among the crowd.

"These two people talked about Master Jiang very warily just now, so they died!"

"People say that Master Jiang's talents for skill-making are unparalleled, beautiful and unparalleled, and he never thought that he would be unparalleled in killing!"

"I just sensed a powerful soul wave. It must be that Master Jiang has released a powerful soul attack and directly killed the two who dare to desecrate her!"

"The Jiang family, Jiang Ning, not only has unique skills, but also did not expect to kill people, it is so horrible!"

"Dare to blaspheme the goddess in my heart, these two are dead!"


After the two died, Jiang Ning, who stood proud on the top of the bronze chariot, ignored the others and turned back to look at the two open bronze doors.

"Eh! Heh!" At this moment, the white tiger among the four elephant beasts made a roaring sound, and the wind broke out between heaven and earth!

It is said that the white tiger beast in ancient legends is the beast in charge of the power of wind!

Under the force of extremely violent and violent winds, the open bronze door continued to open slowly towards both sides, the more it opened!

"Booming!" The earth amidst the ruins trembled again.

The two bronze gates did not stop until the widest opening, the fierce wind between heaven and earth, followed closely, and under the gaze of all eyes, the four beasts of the Jiang family rushed into the world inside the bronze gates.

Then, Jiang Ning Jiang Ning, who was standing on a bronze chariot, and Shi Feng, the first day in the world, all entered and disappeared into the dark world.

At this moment, there was a great silence between heaven and earth, waiting for what would happen inside.

Will it be the same as before, they will be silent after entering?

Still hear bursts of ferocious beasts, and men and women screaming in pain!

Time passed again, and gradually, people began to realize what.

And at this moment, the figures of the suspended void moved in unison, flashing quickly towards the two open bronze gates.

"Prohibition! The prohibition was really broken! Xuanguang Holy Land Ruins!"

"Quick! Hurry! If it is slow, the artifact will be taken away by others!"

"Xuanguang Artifact! I must get the Xuanguang Artifact! Achieve prestige, create a great holy place, be famous forever, immortal for thousands of years!"


In the dark world, when Shi Feng and Jiang Ning entered, the world was still dark. Even the eyesight of Shi Feng and Jiang Ning were dark, and they could not see five fingers!

The flame cannot be ignited by the flames.

The power of the soul spreads in all directions, and it is exactly the same. It's like being suppressed by a mysterious and invisible force.

Although it is dark, even the mighty Four Elephant Demon Beast cannot see the world, but the Four Elephant Demon Beast continues to soar forward, soaring to the endless darkness.

"This darkness is weird, be careful!" Shi Feng said in the darkness, and said to Jiang Ning, who was beside him.

Your eyesight is blocked, and your soul induction is blocked. If there is any powerful attack, it is difficult to find and hide.

And who knows that in this dark world, there is no powerful restraint that can kill the existence of the seven-star demigod Golden Spider Venom King.

"I understand!" Jiang Ning responded. Followed him again: "At this moment, the four elephants and beasts of my Jiang family have opened up a large array of four elephants to protect us, and we should be able to cope with ordinary attacks."

"Oh? Has the Four Elephants Array already started?" Shi Feng said softly "Oh" when he heard Jiang Ning's words. Unexpectedly, he had opened the rumor and could destroy all the terror Array.

I originally thought that the Four Elephants Array opened, the clouds changed color, the earth shook the mountains, and it was violent. I didn't expect it, but it was so peaceful.

The boundless darkness, Shi Feng only felt that his body was constantly moving rapidly.

However, the road was still extremely calm. From beginning to end, they did not encounter any powerful attacks.

It's just that darkness, moving forward, I don't know where to go.

In front, will it really be the Xuanguang site that disappeared long ago? Still Leng Aoyue, will he really be here?

I wish it were here, I hope nothing happened to this boy!

"Leng Aoyue!" Shi Feng murmured the name in his mouth.

A tall and mighty figure appeared in his mind.

The face with a mustache and a mighty face is full of solemnity.

This is what his disciple looked like more than a decade ago. At that time, he was holding a snow-colored spear and wearing a gold battle armor.

Sitting in the sky of the wilderness, dominating the party.

"Emperor, please accept me as a disciple under the cold and proud moon!" A scene from decades ago emerged in Shi Feng's mind.

In a valley, the cold and proud moon of the year was just a young man with a beard.

With a firm face, holding his fists in both hands, he vowed respectfully to himself who was the Great Emperor Jiuyou at that time.

At that time, Leng Aoyue had the style of a young overlord.

"Leng Aoyue, the genius of Lengjia in Tianhuang City?"

When Leng Aoyue was young, he was dubbed the genius and became a little famous in the Northern Territory. Even Jiuyou Emperor had heard of him.

"The Emperor, it's down, Leng Aoyue." After hearing the question from the man in front, Leng Aoyue revered reverently, his voice was loud and echoed in the valley.

This man even knew himself, and he was a chuckle.

"Good qualifications, I accepted it!" Leng Aoyue, also the Emperor of Nine You, but accepted the disciple after a few glances. I don't know why, just watching him cool.

There were no other disciples, and when they received the disciples, they had to endure many trials.

Even Leng Aoyue couldn't believe it. She became such a disciple so fast and so successful!

To know the Tianheng continent, how many people want to be disciples of this person.

"Xie Tai ... No! Xie Master Chengquan, please accept the apprentice Leng Aoyue worship!" Leng Aoyue has always been serious and has a solemn attitude, and even worshiping a teacher has completed this process seriously.

Kneel on your knees! kowtow! Get up! Worship ceremony!

"Imagine that year when I fought against the Demon Emperor Tian Yao Shan. Although I successfully killed the Demon Emperor, he was seriously injured. It was his cold and proud moon. , Heal me! "

"That year, I was going to impact the power of the Jiuxing Emperor soul. It was his cold and proud moon, almost all the treasures and yuanshi accumulated in the Leng family generation, in exchange for ten thousand years of snowflakes. I break through current events with less effort! "

"Leng Aoyue!"

(End of this chapter)

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