Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1340: Different text

Chapter 1340: Different Words

When he saw the huge crocodile that was still on the ground, Jiang Ning turned his head and said to Shi Feng, "Go, get on the chariot!"

"Oh?" Shi Feng said "Oh" lightly, but without any hesitation, he did as Jiang Ning said. The two flickered, and immediately flashed onto the chariot.

"Go!" Jiang Ning then ordered the four elephant beasts, and under the order, the four elephant beasts flashed as fast as lightning.




Some of the warriors who were planning to follow Jiang Ning and Shi Feng, avoiding the crocodile, looked at each other for a moment, staggering.

Jiang Ning and Shi Feng went away like this!

Jiang Ning ordered the four elephant-like beasts to leave. Suddenly, the crocodile, which was supposed to sleep, slowly opened his eyes and moved slightly.

"Ginger ... Master Jiang ... you're too unkind ... you just left like this, you can obviously help us, why not help? This is too selfish!" Head, shouting angrily at the top.

The voice of this person just came down, and immediately followed, Jiang Ning's response came from above: "I remember it was you. At the time, I said outside the giant tower that if it weren't for me Jiang Ning and Shi Feng, you would have entered this black light giant tower. Among them, Jiang Ning and Shi Feng will not delay you now! "

Jiang Ning's voice fell into everyone's ears, and the man froze. The words were indeed what he said outside the Xuanguang Pagoda.

"This ... this ... I just said that. I ... I ..." The man suddenly sensed a cold intent behind him, attacking him.

It seems that because of Jiang Ning's words, and because of this person's previous words, other warriors have already hated this person.

Blame this man for being cheap! Angered Jiang Ning, and affected them.

And at this moment, the crocodile like a hill suddenly lifted its sloppy body and roared at the warriors who entered the seventh floor: "Either roll! Or die! Roar!"

Strong and powerful coercion appeared again, and all the warriors who entered the seventh floor were shrouded. For a moment, a famous warrior shivered and evaded.

Such a powerful beast will never die again!

Suddenly, the warrior on the seventh floor retreated completely, and then only the ferocious crocodile remained, staring angrily at the crocodile-like lantern.

"Huh!" The big crocodile snorted, and then the raised body slowly lay down again.


Shi Feng and Jiang Ning have rushed to the twelfth floor in an instant under the swiftness of the four elephant beasts.

And the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh floors have been completely swept by the power of Shi Feng and Jiang Ning's soul. The layers are almost the same as the previous layers, without any special features. Thing.

Now they came to the twelfth floor, and going up, it was the final floor, the thirteenth floor.

"Going up is the ultimate layer. If there is nothing on this layer, then we are really in vain." Looking up, Shi Feng said to Jiang Ning.

"It depends on your luck," Jiang Ning said.

Then, the four elephant beasts flashed around the staircase of mysterious light, and the next moment, they appeared on the final floor, the thirteenth floor.

But looking at the scene on the thirteenth floor, the two hearts rose up with disappointment!

This last layer is as usual as ever. The light of black color is shining, and the ancient text of black light is floating and swimming.

Seeing this scene on the thirteenth floor, Jiang Ning grinned suddenly, smiled at Shi Feng, and said, "It seems that we are out of luck! It took so much effort, and there was nothing in the end."

"It should not be so!" Shi Feng whispered to himself.

When entering the thirteenth floor, the power of the soul was swept again. At this moment, it was carefully scanned again, and it turned out to be almost the same as the other layers.

Although Shi Feng's voice was very light, it also fell into Jiang Ning's ears clearly. Jiang Ning said, "That's really it!"

The power of Jiang Ning's soul has also been on these thirteenth floors, and Zai has carefully scanned it several times, but in the end, he did not find anything.

However, Shi Feng is still a disbelief. This giant light tower, guarded by such a powerful mystery, is only these unknown ancient letters of Xuanguang, and only a seven-story crocodile?

"Well?" Suddenly, a sound of suspicion emanated from Shi Feng's mouth.

Hearing Shi Feng's suspicion, Jiang Ning quickly turned to him again and asked, "What did you find?"

"This!" Then, Shi Feng pointed to an ancient word in the center of Xuanguang.

As Shi Feng pointed out, Jiang Ning looked at the ancient Xuanguang word, and frowned slightly, saying, "This ancient Xuanguang word is nothing special."

This ancient Xuanguang character looks nothing special compared to the surrounding ancient Xuanguang character.

Shi Feng said: "From the first floor to here, all the ancient characters of Xuanguang are moving, and only this ancient word of Xuanguang, floating there, is motionless. There must be something strange. I don't believe this Xuanguang giant tower, we Just come for nothing. "

"Oh!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Jiang Ningqing said "Oh", and it was true that Shi Feng said so.

Although this ancient Xuanguang word looks nothing special, what Jing Jing said is particularly obvious.

"Is there really something wrong?" Jiang Ning muttered.

Following this, she and Shi Feng proudly stood on the bronze chariot, and the two flashed down directly from the bronze chariot until they reached the Xuanguang ancient word in the center.

At this time, Shi Feng's right hand slowly probed out towards the ancient word of Xuanguang, "Boom! Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!"

And at this moment, as Shi Feng's hand got closer and closer to the Xuanguang ancient word, the entire Xuanguang giant tower seemed to be awake from a sleeping beast, and the earthquake shook violently.

"Sure enough it is famous!" Shi Feng said, as she spoke, Shi Feng's right hand suddenly shook, holding the ancient Xuanguang word tightly in her hand.

The rest of the ancient writings are as unreal as air, as if they were nothing, but the ancient word of Xuanguang held by Shi Feng at this moment is actually, really and truly in Shi Feng's hands.

"Boom! Rumble! Rumble!" But Shi Feng's grip, the whole huge tower of black light, shook even more violently, as if the giant tower was angry and roaring violently.

The shapes of Shi Feng and Jiang Ning suddenly fell to the west under this violent tremor, and at the same time, a column of black light suddenly fell from the top of the giant tower, covering them both.

(End of this chapter)

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