Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1373: Weird killing

Chapter 1373: Weird Killing Intent


Just when Shi Feng felt that the journey was smooth and smooth, a strange snoring sound suddenly started from his front.

Hearing that voice, Shi Feng felt annoyed in his heart. If this monster attacked himself, he would waste his escape time.

The bloodthirsty thunder sword has been held in the hand by Shi Feng, a thunderous "Boom", the dark magic thunder broke out from the stone maple, the black thunder instantly replaced the white thunder on the bloodthirsty thunder sword.

"Oh!" A fierce roar resounded again, and the power of Shi Feng's soul had gathered in the past.

However, under the power of Shi Feng's soul, there was nothing in front of it, and no monster was seen.

"Is it an invisible monster?" Shi Feng whispered secretly. Since the monster could not be seen, Shi Feng naturally couldn't see the strength of the monster, but it moved from the wind in front of her, and she was keen with Shi Feng. The soul can still capture the movement of that monster.

Under the keen sense of Shi Feng, this should be a huge, human-like monster walking upright, Shi Feng's body is still moving rapidly, toward the monster getting closer and closer.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's sword was lifted up and chopped abruptly. At the same time, in the mid-air ahead of him, a huge dark thunder sword appeared, and with his action, he chopped down suddenly.

Suddenly, blood splattered. Under Shi Feng's soul induction, he already knew that the invisible monster had been split into two by his own sword, and the red blood poured wildly into Shi Feng.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's figure hurried forward again, and continued to run away!

Gradually, Shi Feng also understood the legend that Lei Lin said earlier. All geniuses died in this soul-breaking mountain range. Outsiders passed through the scene before their death, but did not see the creatures that killed them.

The monsters seen by Shi Feng in this mountain range are either invisible or translucent. Even when they first encountered the monster group, they were so small that they could not be seen by the naked eye, let alone just images under the secret method.

In this part of the soul mountain range, if it were not for the strong and keen soul of Shi Feng's soul, perhaps he would have died here.

Broken Soul Mountain! However, Shi Feng has not met so much now! Maybe he was exaggerated, or maybe he hasn't encountered real danger.

How exactly he didn't know.

Subsequently, the majestic voice of Shi Feng resounded in the space in the blood stone monument: "Do you two still have that feeling?"

The feeling Shi Feng asked was naturally the feeling of being "starved" from the dark by "people".

Shi Feng now still has this weird feeling.



Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the thirst for fire and Lei Lin in the blood stele space echoed in unison.

Shi Feng's eyebrows were immediately locked again. After the two entered their own blood stone stele, how did they feel?

Did the monster fail as they entered their own bloodstone?

What strange things did the three of them encounter?


"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Not long after Han Wei and other five strongmen emerged from the black mysterious building, they encountered a wave of intangible strangeness.

After a while of drinking and killing, he kept yelling and shouting from Han Wei's mouth. He was angry all the way, and the wave of intangible monsters who slaughtered wildly.

He regarded those monsters as the little animal and stone maple! Although several invisible monsters were invisible, they were still grasped by Han Wei's hands, then torn apart alive, and red blood was flying across the world.


Shi Feng's body is still flashing rapidly. She has traveled from mountain to mountain, and has encountered several waves of strange or invisible monsters, but these monsters were eventually solved by Shi Feng.

Today, this makes Shi Feng think more and more that this soul-breaking mountain is nothing more than that!

Although thinking so, Shi Feng's heart still showed that uneasiness.

I always feel that I will not be so easy.

"What else will you meet?" Shi Feng's figure was still moving quickly, and whispered softly.

In fact, at this moment, Shi Feng is most burdened by the feeling of being "starved" secretly by "people". This feeling has kept "he" unable to get rid of it.

And everything in the blood stone stele is under his control, but the fire desire and Lei Lin are still in their blood stone stele, and they still have that feeling, but they can't find it.

"Followed from the deserted ancient forbidden area to this! What the **** is it!" Shi Feng felt more and more uneasy the more he thought about it!

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt that a sudden cold intention came suddenly from behind him.

"Who!" Shi Feng sighed coldly, and his agitated figure turned away immediately, but in front of him, there was nothing left, except for some thorns in the trees, there was no creature at all!

But the feeling of being spied on secretly still hasn't disappeared!

"Is the ghost in secret ready to shoot against Ben Shao?" Shi Feng murmured again.

Then he turned around again, and at this moment, the cold and cold killing intention appeared again.

Feeling that killing intention again, Shi Feng turned around again, but the result was still the same as before, the killing intention disappeared and the front was empty!

"No! This will not work! This ghost thing must be solved, otherwise it always feels that there is a sword hanging on its head." Shi Feng said with a narrowed frown.

At this moment, Shi Feng stood still, eyes closed slightly!

The next moment, Shi Feng's eyes suddenly opened! The bloodthirsty thunder sword in his hand suddenly moved, a sword stabbed at the black figure under his feet, half of the sword body pierced into the ground!

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream like an evil spirit was uploaded from the earth!

"Hum hum!" Shi Feng snorted at the shadow under her feet, saying:

"Think of hiding in Ben Shao? Ben Shao is hard to find? Give Ben Shao, die! Boom!"

When Shi Feng said the last sentence, the violent dark magic thunder exploded from the bloodthirsty thunder sword, and directly blasted the monster hiding in his shadow into ashes.

It turns out that the weird monsters have been hiding in their shadows since they entered the ancient deserted forbidden land! No wonder I have always felt my eyes staring in the dark, but I have not been able to find them!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng's voice sounded in the space where the blood stone monument was located: "That monster has been hiding in your shadow."



Hearing Shi Feng's voice, Huoyu and Lei Lin exclaimed, lowering their heads and looking at their feet, but at this moment, suddenly a black claw appeared from the foot of Huoyu, slamming up, To the fiery life!

(End of this chapter)

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