Chapter 1456: Sin Forest

In the Temple of Sin Demon, Tabitha's eight Tianjiao entered the Dark Demon Gate one by one.

Then, the opened Dark Demon Gate slowly disappeared into the hall of the Sinister Demon Hall.

Just as the Dark Demon Gate just disappeared, the mighty magic sounds resounded in this empty space: "Shi Feng, Lin Yu, Zi Yi, these three talents are considered to be the best. In the year of our sinful forest, we should be able to produce three more powerful nine-star demigods! "

Just after the voice of the broken army demon had just fallen, the evil demon devil who had not previously spoken, at this moment finally nodded, agreed, and then said:

"Well! I also admire the talents of these three people. This experience of the evil forest should give them a lot of gains and will grow a lot! Especially this stone maple, the youngest, but the most talented And, his martial arts realm is now only in the realm of four stars and demigods! "

"Huh!" At this time, the evil Dark Lord also nodded: "This stone maple is talented against the sky, and he is pregnant with an undead body from ancient legends. If he let him step into the realm of nine stars and demigods, then Force, it is unimaginable. "

"Shi Feng!"

When the words Shi Feng fell down, for a moment, the voice in the Temple of Sinisters fell silent. After a while, the evil Dark Lord slowly spoke again and said, "This stone maple now has two marks on us in the body. We must take complete control of this evil, and use it for us in the future!"

As soon as the Dark Lord's voice fell, the evil broken army demon and the evil flame demon nodded at the same time:

"Nothing wrong! If these geniuses are cultivated well, it will not be possible for him to compete with the three of us! The original focus of training Lin Yu can be shifted."


After the eight people of Shi Feng entered the Dark Demon Gate, as soon as they stepped out, the eight of them entered a jungle filled with black magic mist!

Don't guess that all eight of them already know that this jungle must be the evil forest in the legend.

"Sin Forest!" Shi Feng glanced at the Quartet, the words murmured in her mouth.

At the glance, the power of the soul has spread in all directions.

The other seven people also began to look at this evil forest full of black magic mist.

Suddenly, a dreary and oppressive atmosphere rose among the people, the forest of sin, and the rumors were filled with endless dangerous places!

At this time, the eight of them had already sensed this sinful forest long ago. Compared with the outside world, which is rich in countless vitality, it really is an extraordinary place for military training.

Cultivation in such a world with strong vitality must be incomparable to the outside world.

"Where exactly is the road to the Tianheng continent? I need to look for it, even if I go through this whole evil forest and even dig three feet, I will find it!" In all directions, glancing around, Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

"You guys, what shall we do next?" At this time, one of the eight people said, saying.

With his exit, other people's eyes turned towards him. The one who spoke was Nei Ning, who was going to fight Lin Yu on that day, and ended up timid!

That day in the Sinister City of Devil, it was called waste Nenin! The shame of the family!

As the eyes of several people looked, Nenin said, "I think we should be united next, we can take care of each other, and we can survive more easily in this sinful forest."

Just as the voice of Ningning fell, a disdainful cold humming sounded: "Hum, with your waste like you?"

It was Lin Yu who was going to fight against Neining that day.

At this moment Lin Yu's gaze was full of contempt. Such a person did not even have the courage to fight against himself that day, how could Lin Yu look down on him.

"Lin Yu ..." Ning Ning just said these three words, then shut up and didn't dare to say any more. Because he felt Lin Yu's body, sending out a cold killing intention.

This, however, Lin Yu! Although he was defeated in Shi Feng's hands, he was still that evil.

In this sinful forest, if Lin Yu is going to kill him, he is just a matter of moving his fingers. He has no strength to resist Lin Yu.

"Huh!" At this moment, Lin Yu gave a more disdainful sigh, and then he turned his head and looked away from Nenin's body, looking forward to the front of the raging jungle in front of the mist.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu had ignored anybody, and her body moved, and she flew out towards the forest in front of which the mist was rolling, and suddenly disappeared into the sight of the other seven people.

"Huh!" And just after Lin Yu left, a cold humming sounded again: "This Lin Yu has no idea of ​​where he is now! Such a person is here The wicked forest will die very quickly! "

This sound was made by that Neining again. When he said this, others looked at him, showing contempt.

When Lin Yu was just now, he didn't dare to say a fart, and after Lin Yu left, he dared to make a noise.

Then, Naining looked to the other seven people and said to them: "Since this Lin Yu doesn't want to be with us, we don't need to care about his life. The seven of us should be united together, let us be in this sinful forest, Get stronger together! "

And just after the words of Neining fell, at this time, someone said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in uniting with you."

It is Shi Feng who speaks! Shi Feng is also disdainful of such an artificial dance with Neining.

After Shi Feng spoke, he looked at Ziyi and Senrou and said, "Let's go!"

"Huh!" Zi Yi nodded to Senrou when she heard Shi Feng's words.

Not only Shi Feng, but even them, they did not bother to dance with this Neining.

Immediately afterwards, the three of Shi Feng's body shape rushed into the rolling mist of magic in front and disappeared into the sight of others.

All of a sudden, there were only four of the original eight.

Xiu Yan, Nei Ning, Wei Xing, Mai Yanlu!

"Huh, Shi Feng, Lin Yu, Ziyi!" After the three of them also left, Ningning's fists clenched tightly, his face full of determination and said to the other three:

"These three thought they were strong, and looked down on being with us! Next, we must work hard and become stronger, in this sin forest, become stronger than them! Let them see, let them Regret the choice they made today! "

When he said these words, Nei Ning's mind had already emerged when he became strong, and then the scene of Shi Feng, Lin Yu, Zi Yi, begging himself to shelter them.

In the picture, the three so-called Tianjiao even knelt down to him!

(End of this chapter)

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