Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1484

Ever since leaving that toxic place, Shi Feng's heart felt more and more upset.

Turning his head to look at Yu Xin, he saw that white and beautiful face was quiet and indifferent.

The power of the soul spreads in all directions, but under the influence of the power of the soul, it does not find any dangerous existence.

"Is it my heart?" Shi Feng thought secretly in her heart.

Then Shi Feng opened her mouth and asked Yu Xin: "Is this area dangerous?"

"Here?" Yu Xin said, "In the evil forest, no matter what the area, there may be mysterious and unknown dangers. Be careful and vigilant everywhere."

When she said this, she actually said nothing.

Such words, Shi Feng has not remembered how many times he heard.

Following Shi Feng, she no longer cares about Yuxin around her. The power of her soul is still inducting in all directions, and she dares not to let it go.

There must be some symptom of that distressed feeling rising in my heart for no reason.

As Yu Xin moved forward, the sadness in Shi Feng ’s heart became stronger, and Shi Feng ’s face began to become more dignified.

"Oh!" Suddenly, a very loud sound of dragon yin suddenly struck through this heaven and earth.

The sound of a dragon yelled, and a violent shock occurred between heaven and earth. Unmatched coercion shrouded the whole world.

At this moment, Shi Feng's and Yu Xin's complexions changed suddenly, Yu Xin exclaimed in shock: "This ... this is the poisonous dragon king! The poisonous dragon king did not appear in the place of poisonous, but actually appeared here, run away ! "

After saying this, Yu Xin immediately accelerated the speed of the teleportation.

"It's useless!" Then Shi Feng suddenly made a noise and struck, "This poisonous dragon must have followed us long ago, and has been following us here, but we haven't found it before!"

Shi Feng knew for a long time that her heart was suddenly upset, and it could not be groundless.

That boredom was related to that poisonous dragon king.

At this moment, a huge black poisonous dragon appeared in the night sky above the two of Shi Feng. The poisonous mist dangled above the black dragon body, like a fierce monster.

"Poison Dragon King!" Shi Feng whispered its name when he saw the black dragon showing the night sky.

The poison dragon king appeared, Yu Xin's body quickly began to change, and quickly moved towards the left, and wanted to shake off the poison dragon king. Seeing Yu Xin's body moving, Shi Feng quickly followed.

But following them, they found that no matter which direction they turned, the black poisonous dragon has been following closely. As Shi Feng said just now, this giant poisonous dragon seems to really be following him.

"Oh!" In the night sky, the poisonous dragon's mouth widened. This world once again sounded the sound of the wrath of the dragon. A thick black poisonous mist was spit out by the poisonous dragon king, violently toward the bottom The storm came, as if the sea of ​​anger rolled over and drowned.

"Not good!" The poisonous mist billowed violently, and Yu Xin again exclaimed extremely badly.

Even Shi Feng's face changed dramatically.

Under the black poisonous mist, the giant tree was instantly corroded and turned into black water.

There is such a legend circulating in the evil forest that the black poisonous mist of the poisonous dragon king corrupts all things in the world!

"Boom!" With a loud rumbling, Shi Feng's body had once again exploded with a violent magic thunder, protecting his whole body.

Even Yu Xin's body was once again surrounded by fairy mist, turning into an ethereal fairy.

Their bodies continued to flee, but the black poisonous mist rushed down, seeing that it was coming.

"Ah, it seems to be used up!" Just then, with a pitying sigh, suddenly sounded from Shi Feng's side.

This sigh was naturally issued from Yu Xin's mouth.

Immediately, Shi Feng saw that Yu Xin's long and white right hand appeared a worn black rune, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

Shi Feng felt a mysterious force of space from the black rune on Yu Xin.

The black amulet fluttered in Yu Xin's hand, followed closely, Yu Xin yelled at Shi Feng: "Let's be happy, fast!"

Shi Feng immediately understood what Yu Xin wanted to do, and quickly did what Yu Xin said, letting go.

Suddenly, Shi Feng and Yu Xin's bodies shone with a black light, and the power of a strange space rose simultaneously on both of them.

And just as the black poisonous mist raging down in the night sky was about to drown the two, Shi Feng and Yu Xin's bodies flickered, disappearing between the rolling world of poisonous mist.

The mist continues to roll, and continues to destroy in the jungle, "嗷! 嗷! 嗷! 嗷!"

In the sky, the roar of the poisonous dragon king kept violently violent, as if the sudden disappearance of Shi Feng and Yu Xin made the poisonous dragon king extremely angry and irritable.


Sin Forest, another peaceful jungle.

The two figures flickered and appeared.

The figure was black and white, just the stone maple and Yu Xin who escaped from the poisonous mist just now.

Under the strange black rune, a thousand miles passed.

Although this black jungle looks into the eyes similar to the previous jungle, the stone maple and Yuxin at this moment are actually far away from the poisonous dragon king.

"Whew!" After the figure appeared, Shi Feng heard another whisper sound beside him.

He was just hunted by the poisonous dragon king just now.

The black poisonous gas that was previously spit out by the poisonous dragon king can be sensed by Shi Feng. The poisonous gas has reached the power of nine stars and demigods!

Earlier Yu Xin said that once the Eight Star Demigod Realm entered the highly poisonous land and eventually became the food of the poisonous dragon king. It does not seem to be an exaggeration.

The moment Shi Feng turned her head to look at Yu Xin, she suddenly saw that the black rune in Yu Xin's hand turned into a black dust and sprinkled to the ground below.

The black rune turned to ashes, and Yu Xin's beautiful face immediately appeared a distressed look.

Such a piece of rune that can travel for thousands of miles in a short time, it is used up in this way, it is estimated that anyone will feel distressed.

With this rune in hand, sometimes encountering a strong enemy can really save a life.

Yu Xin looked down at her right hand that had become empty, silent.

Seeing that the woman didn't speak, Shi Feng didn't say anything.

After a while, Yu Xin removed her gaze from her white right hand, raised her head, and the distressed expression that appeared on her face gradually disappeared, and she became calm and indifferent again.

Followed by, Yu Xin turned her head to look at Shi Feng, and said, "Let's go! I just used that space rune and let us reach here. Soon we will reach that secret place."

"Oh, are you?" Shi Feng said slightly when he heard Yu Xin's words.

For Yu Xin, it ’s distressing to use such a space, but for Shi Feng, it ’s like hearing good news.

That secret place is finally coming.

(End of this chapter)

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