Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1501: Make a mistake!

Chapter 1501 Committing Something Wrong!


The scream of the extreme sorrow of the illusion fan Heiyan resounded from Shi Feng's hands.

And just after the scream of grief, the black flame burning on Shi Feng's arm suddenly went out.

"Ah! Roar! Roar!" Even though the black flames were extinguished, Shi Feng was as terrified as a beast, with an extremely terrifying face and bursts of roar.

"No!" Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng yelled angrily again, keeping her heart calm, so as to suppress the manic mind.


Shi Feng, constantly changing again and again.

For a long time, Shi Feng's mind was like iron, but he did not expect that even under the power of the magical flames of the fantasy fan, even he would be so.

"Roar! Roar!" The frantic mood continued to impact Shi Feng's mind, making his mind extremely chaotic and hot.

Shi Feng, who was making this roar, suddenly turned around at this moment, facing the white shadow on the ground sitting cross-kneeed not far away.

Under the violent and chaotic energy, Yu Xin was severely wounded, and she has swallowed an elixir to recover from the injury and is sitting cross-legged on the ground to heal.

But at this moment, Yu Xin suddenly felt like she was being stared at by a wild beast, and her slightly closed eyes opened immediately.

But Yu Xin, who had just opened her eyes, saw a black figure, rushing violently towards herself.

Shi Feng had a terrible face, and fell into Yu Xin's eyes. The boy who rushed at this moment was no different from a beast that lost his mind.

"No! Don't, Shi Feng!" Yu Xin suddenly became flustered and yelled.

Today, she is seriously injured, and in the face of this beast-like stone maple, she has no resistance at all.

But Shi Feng, at this moment, is a beast. Where can I hear her "don't," the next moment, Shi Feng has already fallen this fairy-like white fairy on the ground. The young and sturdy body is brutally pressed on On top of her tender body.

"No! Don't! You wake up, Shi Feng! Wake up soon!" At this moment, Yu Xin's eyes widened, and her confusion became even worse.

"No! Don't!" At this moment, Shi Feng, who had lost her mind, suddenly woke up, but only at this moment, she lost her sense again and became a beast again.

He grabbed the white clothes in front of Yuxin with both hands, and tore them hard, only to hear a hiss, the white clothes were torn!

"Roar!" Shi Feng roared violently again, and the dark armor on her body turned into a dark ancient word that spilled onto the ground, revealing the huge red fruit body.

"Roar!" The next moment, Shi Feng suddenly moved ...

"Ah! No ~!"


Time passed slowly.


Shi Feng's mind confused by the illusion of black flames has been completely suppressed by him at this moment, but at this moment, when he looks at the sight in front of him, he has no idea what to say.

In front of him, there was a beautiful face. But at this moment, the face was full of beauty, and there were tears on the face.

Below me, I felt a piece of softness. At this moment, Shi Feng's figure suddenly moved, and she quickly got up.

"I ..." Looking at the teardrop below, Shi Feng said nothing.

He did not expect that this would happen in the end.


"My Xiner! And where is that **** Shi Feng? Where the **** is this place? This world is so big, how can I find it? My Xiner, is there nothing wrong?"

Between the vast world of ancient ruins, a white figure was constantly shuttled.

Jun Hao's injury has long since recovered, and he has come to this vast world long ago, looking for his beloved Yu Xin.

Although he encountered some vicious dangers along the way, as well as several ancient and powerful battlefields, they were all resolved dangerously by him.

Under the dangers again and again, Jun Hao is constantly getting stronger. Jun Hao has a feeling that as long as he can not get through, he can successfully break through and enter a real higher state.

"Breakthrough! As long as I break through, kill that stone maple, like killing a pig and dog!" The figure is still moving rapidly in this vast world, Jun Hao said secretly in his heart.

When I think of the moment when I step into the strong, I think of the young man named Shi Feng, and when he sees his strong self, he shows a horrified look, Jun Hao's mouth twitches, and he sneers.

"Huh! As far as he Shi Feng, dare to think of my Xiner? Hum, when my Jun Hao breaks through, it will be when he Shi Feng will die!"

"But where is my Xiner? Xiner, Xiner, my Xiner! Ah!"

In my mind, I was constantly thinking of the white shadow, that fairy-like beauty, but at this moment, Jun Hao was shocked. He just felt that the whole world had lost its color instantly.

This moment seemed to him like the end of the world.

Jun Hao saw that on the land in the distance, there were two wolverines at the moment, a man and a woman!

Those two ... the two! It was that abominable Shi Feng, with her beloved Yu Xin.

"No! Impossible! Impossible! This is not true, this cannot be true! Hallucinations, this must be hallucinations! No, dreaming, I must be dreaming at the moment!"

For a while, Jun Hao couldn't believe the scene he saw with his own eyes. Jun Hao only felt that at this moment, he was dreaming. I really hope that this nightmare wakes up soon.

"Every day I think about it, I think about it, don't I always worry about it? It must be because I think too much, it must be! That's why ... it's such a nonsense ... nightmare!"

Jun Hao whispered deceitfully. At this moment, his body was shaking, and his voice was also shaking.

"Ah no! Xiner! My Xiner! This is just a pair of dogs and men who actually do this kind of thing behind me! Kill you! I want to kill you! These shameless dogs and men This pair of adulterers ***! Ah! "

At this moment, Jun Hao was finally unable to control the emotions in her heart, burning in anger, making a loud roar, and her body flew towards the land quickly.

The whole body was full of murderous intention, and the murderous spirit suddenly rose into the sky.


(End of this chapter)

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