Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1514: Genius Fanghua

Chapter 1514

"Fang Hua, the son of General Tiger, has stepped into the state of five-star Wu Zun at a young age. You say, how many layers can Fang Hua finally step into?"

Among the crowd not far from the Budo Tower, people were talking softly.

"A few years ago, our Tianlan Empire came with a peerless demon evil, which killed and killed three of our top ten strong Tianlan Empire in succession. One person was even our Xiaolan Hou of the Tianlan Empire.

Later, there has been controversy over the new top ten, but there have been rumors in the world that in a few years, Fang Hua, the son of General Tiger, is likely to be among our top ten in the Tianlan Empire! "

Although the Tianlan Empire was destroyed, in their hearts, the kingdom has always been.

As long as the Royal Lan family is still there, as long as they are still, the Tian Lan Empire is always in their hearts.

So they opened their mouths and remained our Tianlan Empire.

After hearing the words of the previous person, someone nodded secretly and said, "Well! Fang Huatianzizi, in a few years, will certainly be in the top ten. In the future, it will be these young people."

"It's such a blessing for General Tiger to have a son like this!"

With a beard on his face and a rough-faced tiger general, after hearing the discussion around him, the pride on his face grew more and more.

This son is also the greatest pride of his life.

His son Fanghua was different from the rest of his life. On that day, a purple auspicious light crossed the sky, as if it was the manifestation of Xiangrui. Just before the old man of the immortal style passed the gate, he said:

This son must not be something in the pool.

Because of the old man's words, General Tiger also named his son Fang Hua, hoping that he could one day become a "Dragon", Guangzong Yaozu.

"In my opinion, with Fanghua's talent, at least he can enter the fifth floor!"

"Fifth floor!"

"Fifth floor!"

"Fifth floor!"

When someone's voice had fallen before, there was a burst of screams of extreme shock.

If the martial arts tower can really step into the fifth floor, it will definitely exist against the sky.

"I heard, however, that Prince Guang was also on the fifth floor and quit!"

Prince Guang Guang, the uncle of the Emperor Tian Lan Empire, was once ranked third among the top ten.

Later, after Wang Zhuo of Dragon Tiger Door was beheaded by that demon sin a few years ago, Prince Guang ranked second!

If Fang Hua could step into the fifth floor, as the man said, there would be absolutely limitless achievements in the future.

Although General Tiger's eyes were still gazing closely at the Budo Tower in front, his ears were still listening to his son's discussions around him.

With both hands clenched tightly again, facing himself, as if facing the son in the martial arts tower, secretly whispered: "Fifth floor! Fifth floor! Huaer, you must be able to do it! You must be angry!"

However, at this moment, people were still discussing Fang Hua's talent, and when he could step into the first floor, people suddenly saw that before the martial arts tower, a purple light suddenly burst out.

When the purple light just shone, it followed, and there was another purple light.

After the two purple rays fell, people immediately appeared two young figures before they saw the Nabuta Tower.

One of them was the son of General Tiger, Fang Hua.

And another young man, about seventeen or eighteen, wearing dark black armor, many people always feel familiar, as if they have seen it somewhere.



"It's him!"

"It's him! It's him! Although it's been two years, I still recognize him! It's him!"

"Is he? He ... how did he appear here? He is, coming out of the martial arts tower? How can he appear in the martial arts tower?"

Immediately afterwards, exclaimed again and again, constantly sounded in this dark underground world, many eyes focused on the young man wearing dark black armor.

Just now, someone was talking about this demon evil here, but he didn't expect ... he actually appeared here.

Some people think that they have hallucinations. This person should not be here!

They couldn't figure out why this person appeared here.

The genius was supposed to be the focus of everyone. For a time, all eyes were attracted by the dark figure around him.

Not only those people in the distance, but even the four old antiques floating in the air, and the wrinkled old face, also showed a look of suspicion. Like those people, how could he appear here?

How come he came out of the martial arts tower?

Not to mention how he entered the Budo Tower, but the Budo Tower can only be entered once in a lifetime!

Just as they once entered the Budo Sky Tower, after coming out of the Budo Sky Tower, they can no longer enter.

"Here is it?" After Shi Feng came out, the power of the soul glanced in all directions, scanning this strange underground world.

Originally, he thought that after coming out of the Budo Tower, he would appear in the magnificent and magnificent underground palace of Tianlan Emperor City.

And now I am here, it looks like an underground refugee camp.

Then, Shi Feng slowly looked up, looking at the four old figures in the air, the four old antiques.

"Why did I come out? Didn't I just enter the second floor of the Budo Tower? Why did you suddenly come out?" At this moment, beside Shi Feng, there was an inexplicable murmur.

It didn't take long for Fang Hua to enter the second floor of the Budo Sky Tower, and she was staring at the world on the second floor.

At that time, Fang Hua seemed to see a fuzzy figure wrapped in purple light flashing in front of him, and that figure showed a feeling that other Fang Hua could not say, as if it originated from the subconscious, which forced him to Controlled back again and again.

Followed by, Fanghua's body also shone with purple light, and then, now, he somehow returned to this underground world outside the martial arts tower.

"Returning to this underground world also means that Fanghua failed to break through the martial arts tower? With our talent, only entered the second floor of the martial arts tower?" Fanghua stared blankly forward. The crowd, said.

Others, before entering the martial arts tower, but said to themselves, they must enter the fifth floor!

But today, it's just the second floor!

On the second floor of the Budo Sky Tower, a few days ago, those who existed as waste in the eyes of other parties could all arrive!

Even the son of the Book of Rites, which was also regarded as waste by Fang Hua, stepped into the third floor!

And the other side, even came out only on the second floor!

For other parties, this kind of thing feels that the whole world has become unreal.

Then, after the bun, Fang Hua realized that he was standing beside him, slowly turned his head, and looked at him!

"Yes! You!" Followed, Fanghua gritted his teeth and made a loud voice.

(End of this chapter)

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