Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1519: Death of General Wansheng

1519 Death of General Wan Sheng

"Lan Ying's head, the extraordinary Emperor's personal martial arts guidance, this lord also yearns for it!"


"If you can get the guidance of an extraordinary emperor, this martial art will definitely be one step closer!"


"Lan Ying, it's Ben Sheng!"


"In the past few months, I do n’t know how much effort I have spent to inquire about the trace of this dying king, but he never thought that he has been hiding in Wofeng Mountain! Wowei Mountain, I remember that People have checked it! "


Immediately following, except for Kong Xingchen, the national division of the Dongfeng Great Empire, and Huyan, the general of the Tiancheng Great Empire, the crowd of Wofeng Mountain was constantly emerging in all directions.

Wo Fengshan, surrounded by countless people in an instant.

These people are from the top forces in the East Region!

However, after all, although the Tianlan Empire died, it is by no means ordinary forces that can provoke it. Without absolute strength, how dare you come to Wofeng Mountain.

"Blood Yunzong! Find the extremist! Shanhemen! Invincible Sect! Trap Dragon Island ..."

Ao Li, the prince of Canton who was lying in the mountains, looked coldly at the crowd appearing in all directions, said coldly.

Today, there are hundreds of thousands of people who surround Wolong Mountain! There are dozens of people in Wusheng Realm!

Dongyu, it seems that there has never been such a battle! The martial arts of the extraordinary emperor personally instructed, it seems that the temptation is indeed strong enough!

"Haha! Hahahahaha!" Facing hundreds of thousands of people in all directions, Lan Ye is still an emperor with majesty, and is not afraid of it.

Not only that, he also laughed.

Lan Yan laughed: "I didn't expect that my head today is so expensive. The strongest forces in Dong Yu today are all here!"

"No! There is also my Yue Huazong, just arrived!" And just after Lang Ye's voice fell, a voice with a slight smile sounded.

In the sky ahead of Langao, another wave of people arrived.

"Yue Huazong! It is Yue Huazong!"

"Unexpectedly, Yue Huazong even came! And also the suzerain Yue Huaxian, come in person!"

Yuehuazong was once one of the three sacred places in the Eastern Region, but only two years ago Case.

If not for the extraordinary emperor's birth, Yuehuazong and Yuehuaxian are the strongest forces and strongest people in the Eastern Region.

It is rumored that the martial arts realm of Yue Huaxian has entered the extremely powerful realm of Jiuxing Wusheng, which is only one step away from the legendary Emperor Wu.

Lan Yan's head can be replaced by an extraordinary emperor's personal martial arts guidance. It seems that even Yue Huaxian can't hold back such temptations.

Yue Huaxian, dressed in a white robe, has a gentle and elegant temperament, like Kong Xingchen, the national division of the Dongfeng Great Empire.

However, Kong Xingchen has a little more chic and uninhibited, and Yue Huaxian is like a white-faced scholar.

Yue Huaxian led Yue Huazong to tens of thousands of martial arts. In this moment, looking at the arrival of Yue Huaxian, Kong Xingchen gently shook the fan and laughed: "I didn't expect that you will come!"

Kong Xingchen actually called Yue Huaxian as a brother. He did not expect that Kong Xingchen, the national teacher of the Dongfeng Great Empire, was also from Yue Huazong.

Hearing the words of Kong Xingchen, the empty Yuehua string in front of him still kept a mild smile, and nodded: "If you don't come again, it is estimated that the skull of the dying king will be taken away by your brother. You also I know what my brother is pursuing in my life! "

"Haha." Kong Xingchen smiled and said, "Wu Di realm, in our eastern region, who can not pursue!"

For a time, Yue Huaxian and Kong Xingchen seemed to start talking and laughing. Their looks seemed to not put the world's arrogants in their eyes at all, as if they did not put the rest of the Tianlan Empire in Wofeng Mountain in their eyes.

"Are you all here?" Just then, at the top of Wolong Mountain, a young, cold voice suddenly sounded.

Although this sound didn't sound, it echoed through the whole world and passed into everyone's ears between this world.





When the young voice sounded, a light "um" sound followed, followed by a gaze on the peak of Wofeng Mountain, and a look at the cultural and military hundred behind Langao Among the crowd of officials.

At this time, I saw a flash of the young figure wearing dark and strange armor, and instantly came to the void on the top of Wofeng Mountain.

Prince Guang Lan, who was now in shape, fell to the top of Wofeng Mountain.

Shi Feng stands alone in the void, and the power of the soul glances at hundreds of thousands of warriors in all directions.

Come, there are 300,000 people!



"It's you?"

"He! How could it be him!"

Immediately after that, the crowd in all directions immediately recognized the void person, and the faces of each one were shocked.

Two years ago, there was a peerless monster in Tianlan Empire, and a great event happened. Although countless people failed to see the appearance of that peerless monster, the portrait of this monster has spread throughout the East. area.

Everyone in the Eastern Regions knows that the evildoers have defeated all the powerful men in the Eastern Regions, holding the first beauty in the Eastern Regions and becoming the puppet of the Tianlan Empire.

His presence in Wofeng Mountain meant that he returned to the Eastern Region and was ready to help Langao revive the Tianlan Empire.

"Tianlan Empire has already fallen into the mountains, even if this peerless demon comes back to help, can we still defeat our hundreds of thousands of armies? See what you are afraid of. Hmm!" But at this moment, a full A disdainful voice sounded immediately.

It was the general of the Teana Great Empire who made that sound, Huyan the most.

Looking at the young figure standing proudly in front of the void, looking at the demon who is famous for the entire East Region in the past two years, he hovered most, and his eyes were disdainful.

He Huyan is the most, but General Wansheng! In this life, there has never been a defeat.


But just after Hu Yan's most disdainful words fell, a painful roar suddenly roared from his mouth.

After the roar rang, it suddenly stopped abruptly.

Then, in the eyes of everyone, people saw that Huyan had the most swollen leopard eyes, with extremely painful faces, and looked like extremely terrified, as if he had encountered extreme pain and terrible things in the world. Falling down against the ground below.

"Huh ... Huyan is the most, dead?"

"Dead, Huyan is the most, so that's it ... dead!"

Some people have sensed that Huyan, who fell to the ground below, had no breath and became a corpse.



"General Huyan!"

At this moment, in the army of the Teana Great Empire, an incredible roar continued to sound.

Hu Yan fell so inexplicably, faced with pain and panic, and suddenly lost his breath and died. Such a thing made them unbelievable and unacceptable.

They followed Huyan in the southernmost battle and the worst in Huyan, but they were obvious to all.

This ... but the man called General Wan Sheng!

(End of this chapter)

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