Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1534: Arashi's ambitions

Chapter 1534 Lan Yuan's Ambition

War, no, more precisely, it should be massacre.

Lan Ying led hundreds of thousands of troops, and the slaughter staged in Tianlan Emperor City for one day and one night before gradually stopping.

Tianlan Emperor City, the city gate, the streets all the way to the Royal Palace, is an incomplete corpse, sprayed with red blood everywhere, the entire Tianlan Emperor City, filled with a strong **** smell, filled with Blood mist.

Heaven seems to be born of mercy, and today it is dark and gloomy, and occasionally a cold wind roars, as if someone is crying.

The former Emperor Tian Lan, the head of the Lan Lan Empire, still stands proudly on the sky, looking down at the former imperial city and the palace that lived in the past, with a solemn face and no joy and no sorrow.

Hundreds of thousands of troops, all in the sky and the ground, are all silhouettes, and now Tianlan Palace has been surrounded by the regiments.

"Your Majesty spares life!"

"Your Majesty spares life!"

"Your Majesty spares your life!"

On top of the palace tower, the civilian and military generals stationed in the Emperor Tianlan City, at this moment countless people have kneeled down towards Langao above the sky.

For example, today the Battle of Landi City has come to an end. The first strongest in their hearts, the extraordinary Emperor, has not yet arrived!

Most of the kneeling people were former civilian and military officials of the Tianlan Empire.

Among them are many extraordinary emperor running dogs, who are still standing upright, glaring at the Langyan above the sky, even though the city of Landi was breached today, despite the palace being surrounded, they are still very happy.

Immediately afterwards, a running dog opened his mouth and yelled coldly into the sky: "Lanyu, Lanyu! You are so brave, you dare to commit chaos, wouldn't you be afraid that the emperor of my family would **** your muscles? Did you pick your skin? Huh! "

In this man's heart, only his extraordinary emperor is in his heart!

The stray dog's voice had just fallen, followed closely, and there was a sneer sneer at the corner of the stray dog, sneer: "Lan Ying, you fled from Tianlan Emperor City that day, so it's so difficult to retrieve this dog's life, why? Almost out of memory?

Even if you take down Tianlan Emperor City today? When the emperor of our family arrives, you people are nothing but chickens and dogs! "

"Haha, hahaha!"

Hearing the words of the two, the extraordinary emperor running dogs, who stood upright, laughed in unison.

Seeing what they looked like at the moment, it seemed as if they had not even realized that they were now surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops. Without realizing it, their fate is now in the hands of the Emperor Lan Lan, the emperor of the Tianlan Empire.

Listening to the cold drink coming from below, and listening to the burst of laughter, the emperor Langao still had a mighty face and remained motionless.

However, Lan Ying's mind was already moving, the flames under him suspended slightly shivering, and then a force of flame enveloped him.



Suddenly, two extremely loud screams resounded.

The two extraordinary running dogs who had just spoken were burning with extremely hot flames all over their bodies. They were in the crowd, and instantly turned into two firemen.

Immediately afterwards, the two men who turned into firemen had been instantly burned into nothingness by the burning of flames, and no dust remained in this world.

"This ... this ..." The running dogs, who were still laughing, immediately stopped laughing.

Each one's complexion changed. You look at me, I look at you, and you can see the horror from the other person's face.

They didn't expect that this ranch would dare to kill himself and others who followed the extraordinary emperor.

Is he really not afraid of the return of the emperor, and will he break up his body?

"Come!" At this moment, Lan Yan, who was proud of the sky, drank a deep voice, and then resounded in the entire Tianlan Emperor City.

"In!" Tens of thousands of people should sing in unison, just after the words of Lan Ling fell.

Lan Yan again yelled, "Detain all of these people and put them in prison. Everyone will cramp the skin and crucify him. My delicacy, where is it?"

After escaping Tianlan Emperor City that day, these traitors and the running dogs of the extraordinary emperor still remained in Tianlan Emperor City.

"Respect your Majesty!" Once again, he should drink. This time, there were nine strong men in the martial arts realm leading thousands of soldiers straight down and rushing towards the hundreds of people in the palace tower.

The nine strong men and thousands of soldiers who were sent down were all the strong men and soldiers who surrendered from Wofeng Mountain.

After these thousands of people rushed down, Langao stopped paying attention to the palace below. As these thousands of people rushed down, the battle of Tianlan Emperor City came to a complete end, and he himself achieved the ultimate victory.

Followed by, Langao slowly looked up and looked at the distant place. At this moment, he seemed to see a great river and mountains in the Eastern Region.

These will eventually be stepped on by his feet, only because of him, there is this fiery flame tripod under him!

In the future, he will be an artifact of the Celestial Empire!

With this artifact, he, Langao, will one day rule the Eastern Regions and become the great emperor of ancient and modern times, leaving his name forever.

Thinking of this, Lan Yan's heart suddenly became surging and immediately followed, he yelled again towards the Tian Lan Emperor City: "The generals obey orders!"

"Yes!" Hundreds of thousands of Taoying responded.

"The Zhilan Tianlan Empire, and its Dongfeng Empire and the Tianhuang Empire, have always been wells and rivers.

But the other two countries fell into the ground when my Tianlan Empire fell. The army was rested for three days, and after three days, I would like to re-visit the pro-conquest, first conquer Dongfeng, and then conquer nature! "


"Dongfeng first, then Tianyi!"

"Long live Your Majesty!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live Your Majesty! Long live Long live! Long live Long live!"


When Shi Feng and Prince Guang took the space teleportation array back to Tianlan Emperor City, the battle of Tianlan Emperor City was over for half a day.

When the guards guarding the space teleportation formation saw Shi Feng and Prince Guang coming, they immediately fell on their knees and shouted loudly: "See the horse, see the old master!"

The horse and the prince are, in theory, the king and the horse, but in the hearts of the soldiers, the horses of the Tianlan Empire are like gods!

Proud of the sky, whoever wants to die will die! No matter what the other party ’s identity is, what a strong one!

Proud of the sky, hundreds of thousands of people worship him! Control hundreds of thousands of lives with one person!

In this world, who can do it.

The Tianlan Empire is broken, and now it can stand on the land of the Eastern Region again. People all understand that because their horses are back.

Immediately, Shi Feng and Prince Guang left the area where the teleportation array was located and flew towards the imperial palace.

Along the way, the soldiers who cleared the battlefield saw Shi Feng and Prince Guang and worshiped.

The two flew to the gate of the palace, and they were not informed. They rushed in.

When Prince Guang knew Shi Feng's identity, he naturally didn't feel that there was nothing wrong with it.

He is the Great Emperor of Jiuyou, the first emperor in the world. It is reasonable to say that if he descends on the Emperor City of Lanlan, Langao should bathe and burn incense, and lead the civil and military officials to respect and welcome him.

(End of this chapter)

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