Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1552: War gun cracks, space is now

Chapter 1552: Battle Gun Cracks, Space Now

The scarlet flame rolled up the infinite flame, and the holy flame made a sound of disdain and cheerful laughter.

Now the power of the holy flame, how can the infinite flame of the nine-star emperor level compete with him, no matter how he struggles and resists, he is eventually entangled by the scarlet flame and rolled to Shifeng's Dantian.

"Ah! No!" In the end, with an extremely unwilling roar, the infinite flame was swallowed ruthlessly by the flame, annihilating consciousness.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha!" Immediately, a loud laughter of the holy flame rang out in Shi Feng's body.

Shi Feng felt instantly that the flame at this moment contained a strange power, which was the sacred power of the infinite flame!

After devouring the Promise Flame and gaining the sacred power of the Promise Flame, Shi Feng slowly raised her head again, looking at the twelve people ahead!

Of the original thirty-four peerless powerhouses, only these twelve were left!

But one of these twelve people, Shi Feng, knew each other, and had fought with himself many times, and had a very complicated relationship with himself in this life.

Shi Xuan, the son of that ruthless person, Shi Jintian!

Shi Feng's eyes gazed at Shi Xuan's body, saying: "Ben Shao didn't expect it, but it was only three years. Ben Shao saw you again. You went into the realm of Jiuxing Wudi! In Tianheng continent, absolutely It's a peerless evil demon! "

Seeing Shi Feng looking at himself and hearing Shi Feng's words, Shi Xuan naturally knew that his words were to himself.

Followed by, Shi Xuan shouted at Shi Feng with a stern expression on her face: "Shi Feng! Nether! Wicked! Livestock! One day, you will not die!"

"Ben Ben must die?" Shi Feng said with a sneer when he heard Shi Feng's words, "Isn't Ben Ben going to die, it's not you slags who can say it! Really dead, you have to die! "

As she said these words, Shi Feng was moved.

"Huh!" And at this moment, a heavy humming sounded from Shi Xuan's mouth. The next moment, I saw the silver spear in Shi Xuan's hand, suddenly burst and burst into pieces, and the silver powder was lingering. He Shixuan spun around.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Xuan's cold voice sounded again: "Shi Feng! You wait for me, my Shi Xuan, one day will come to take your dog's life and take revenge for my father, my mother and my brother."

When speaking these words, Shi Feng had already seen that this Shi Xuan, with his hands, formed a mysterious ancient handprint, a force of mysterious ancient space, which rose up in the whole body of Shi Xuan.

"Want to run?" Shi Xuan defeated Shi Feng twice, and each time he was defeated, Shi Feng was almost killed and fled. This time, he even wanted to run!

The silver war rifle in his hand did not expect to be a mysterious space tool, and the explosion of the ancient mysterious space force actually produced.

But at this moment, Shi Feng, who was still in shape and never saw his shot, finally shot.

I saw Shi Feng's right hand turned into a claw, one claw suddenly straight forward, facing Shi Xuan ahead.

And at this moment, the power of the mysterious space surrounding Shi Xuan's body suddenly broke up, and only at this moment, it disappeared and was clean.

"How is it! How is this! My silver dragon war rifle!" Above Shi Xuan's face, an incredible expression appeared immediately.

It seems that Shi Xuan is very confident in the power of the space caused by the self-explosion of the war gun! However, he did not expect that the evil man would destroy the power of this space as soon as he shot it!

Extinct so thoroughly.

"This wicked man ..."

"Hum, once Ben Shao let you run twice, and you want to run a third time? Forgive your talent against the sky, indeed can be called a genius, but Ben Shao's favorite step is the genius!

Give this little, broken! "


As the word "broken" sounded, another crackling sound of Dantian broke out.

"Dantian! Ah no! No! No!" It was Dantian's turn to break, and Shi Xuan could not calm down any more, and his face was instantly utterly ruthless, sending out a burst of crazy roar.

I originally thought that I had the last resort to leave the place with the power of a powerful and ancient space, but I didn't expect that this dim! The Nine You Emperor Nether ...

"Get out!" Shi Feng said calmly, looking at the wildly roaring Shi Xuan.

This Shi Xuan, in such a situation, is his deserved deed!

He could have cultivated peacefully all the time and set foot on the pinnacle of this world, but who told him to be greedy and to die for the sickle of death, to attack Nether Purgatory!

Offended the world, the people who should not offend!

After Shi Feng's "Go Roll" word sounded, Shi Xuan's body disappeared.

"One more dealt with." Shi Feng murmured softly.

Then he looked at the eleven people ahead!

These eleven people have never seen Shi Feng.

It should be the northern dynasty dynasty and the people of that holy land!

"Ben Shao doesn't know you dregs. Okay, report to your forces!" Shi Feng said again, speaking to the eleven.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's question, these people did not dare to neglect, and someone immediately spoke respectfully and said, "I am Huang Chong ..."

However, when he reported his name, Shi Feng frowned, interrupting him: "Don't report your name, Ben is not interested, and report your influence."

"Yes! Yes! The Emperor!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, those Emperor Wudi who were like turtle grandsons nodded at Shi Feng again and again.

The strong man named Huang Chong also quickly said, "The Great Emperor, from the northern dynasty! Under the order of the northern dynasty emperor, he was compelled to attack the Nether Purgatory, and he should die if he sins The Emperor forgive me! "

"I am the emperor, I am from the Holy Land ..."

"I am the Lord, I am ordered to be the Lord of the Holy Land ..."

"Imperial, I am also ordered by the Lord of the Holy Land ..."

Soon, nine people reported their power. Two people came from the Northern Dynasty, and seven people came from the Holy Land of Qiankun.

After learning about the power of these people, Shi Feng sneered and said, "Northern Dynasty! Qiankun Holy Land! Huh! Good, good!"

Then, Shi Feng shook his head slightly, looking at the last two people, one with white hair and an old man.

This old man is still looking up to the sky, and there is a proud look on his old face.

Most importantly, this man's martial arts practice is only in the realm of Six Star Wuzong.

Another person was dressed in black and wore a bucket hat. Shi Feng felt the strange and strange breath of death from his body.

This breath of death, where I should have seen it.

"I am the Emperor, Xu Xuanzong, Xu Xuan!" At this time, the ancestor of Xu Xuanzong, who had been high above him, also called Shi Feng the emperor. Although his voice was husky, it was as respectful as the previous ones.

"Shi Xuanzong?" Shi Feng muttered these three words softly.

(End of this chapter)

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