Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1566: The end of the war

Chapter 1566

"Nether, I know that my northern Xinjiang dynasty is exhausted, but would you please let me know the billions of people in northern Xinjiang? How?" At this time, the sky paralyzed on the ground also looked up at Shi Feng above the sky and said.

Hearing this day's words, Shi Feng said:

"Let you hundreds of millions of people in northern Xinjiang? Huh! Have you ever heard of this emperor killing innocent people indiscriminately? As long as it is not a person who seeks death, this emperor will not kill! You are hiding three million Iron armor, due to his acquaintance, Ben Shao was too lazy to move! But you send someone to attack the northern emperor of my nether purgatory, hum! "

The Northern Territory Emperor Tianyi, indeed, hid three million troops in the Northern Territory, and was led by Northern Marshal Wei Wei!

It's just that Tian Yi already has his will. Without his will, the three million army must not act rashly!

And how can these three million troops escape Shi Feng's soul induction?

At this moment, just as Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, "Ah!" A sound of pain like killing a pig rang at the top of the northern palace.

The northern emperor Tianyi, the absolute power of Jiuxing Wudi Realm, under the mind of Shi Feng, wearing a golden dragon robe, suddenly burst out like the bloodline woman, and the red blood went to the void. In the surge, it was swallowed by Shi Feng in an instant.

The northern emperor, the emperor Tianyi, fell down!

Immediately afterwards, she could only hear Shi Feng say, "Ghost introduction!"

Hearing Shi Feng calling for his own name, one of the Eight Great Ghosts flashed in front of Shi Feng, and his fist shouted, "The end is here!"

Shi Feng said to him, "Go and hold the heavens and souls, bring back the Nether Purgatory and pierce into the Nether Blood River, taste the pain of biting all ghosts forever!"

The three great emperors who attacked Nether Purgatory were sent by the northern emperor Tian Yi.

His crime is of course to break into the blood of the Nether! Eternal life must not be born.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Guisuke drank again: "The general will command!"

Immediately, Guisuke bowed his head again and looked down at the top of the palace below.

Immediately afterwards, a black hook flew out from the heart of Onsuke's claws and flew down.

This hook is called Ecstasy! Used exclusively for ghosts.

Under the ecstasy, I saw the white ghost that had just manifested on the top of the imperial city, and was immediately hooked into the head, then pulled up and flew up.

"Ah! Ahh! Ah!" Bursts of screams of extreme pain and pain, from the ghost's mouth.

Thinking of him, Tianyi, once the Lord of the Northern Territory, suffered such a brutal treatment after death!

If the winner is king, the loser is a dog! This world is so cruel.

"Dead! Northern Emperor Tianyi! How did he die?" Someone looked at the top of the palace with a sigh and sighed.

The moment before, he was the Lord of the Northern Territory, but at this moment, he has turned into a lone soul and a ghost!

"Heaven is also very unsatisfactory, and is associated with the evil spirits that cruelly destroy the world, and North Xinjiang and his demise are already doomed! Moreover, he also seeks death by himself, offending Jiuyou Emperor!" Someone should have looked like this.

Once, his Emperor Jiuyou was the best in the world! Today, his Jiuyou Emperor is even more invincible! Even the **** demon who passed the **** thunder under the rumor was killed by him.

Emperor Jiuyou! Undefeated Emperor!

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Old minister, hey!" In the northern imperial city, an ordinary-dressed old man kneeled on the ground and wept bitterly, crying in grief.

Although this old man is ordinary in appearance, it is difficult to conceal the extraordinary power of revealing! This person is the Grand Marshal of the Northern Xinjiang Dynasty, Wei Wei!

"The old minister still remembers the entrustment before the death of the first emperor! Old man, ashamed to the emperor! Ashamed to the fathers and herds!"

As soon as the sky died, the Nine You Army stood proudly in the air, and the overthrow of the Northern Xinjiang Dynasty was a foregone conclusion.

Even if you have the military power in the palm of your hand, even if you have millions of troops, what use is it in the face of Jiuyou Army!

The country broke down, Wei Wei only felt that he had no faith in surviving the world.

Lord died, servant!

"Eh!" Immediately after that, Wei Wei's body suddenly trembled, and then a bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Just at that moment, Wei Zheng shattered his heart directly with Yuanli, and on his old face, there was a relief. Then, the body slowly fell to the ground, and pictures flickered past in his mind.

The battle of life, the glory of life, came to an end. Thoughts receded like tide.

Northern Marshal Grand Marshal Wei Wei, the peerless powerhouse of the peak of Jiuxing Wudi, has fallen!

"Marshal of the Northern Territory, Wei Wei!" Shi Feng murmured the name in the sky.

Wei Ye's suicide was naturally inescapable.

The battle in northern Xinjiang was almost over.

But then, Shi Feng shouted again: "Guisuke, Ghost, Ghost Flame, Ghost Yin, Ghost Feeling, Ghost Cultivation!" The names of six male ghost generals were shouted in succession.

"The end is here!" The six ghosts will immediately hold their fists and scream.

Shi Feng said, "Here, six people led a thousand ghost soldiers into the palace, and those who were royal family members struck! Those who resisted, those who fought! Those who did not know each other, those who fought! All treasures brought me back ! "

Just as Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, the six ghosts would immediately respond again: "The last command!"

Immediately after that, the six ghosts will establish a ghost seal with their hands, issue their own ghost orders, and then go straight towards the palace below.

Immediately after their bodies washed down, among the crowd of millions of ghost soldiers, 6,000 ghost soldiers flew out and followed the six ghosts to float into the palace below.

With more than 30,000 years of accumulation in the northern dynasty, there is no shortage of treasures!

However, what Shi Feng is most interested in today is the dragon qi that gathered in the northern dynasty for more than 30,000 years.

Dragon spirit, dragon vein spirit, mysterious and mysterious things!

Tianheng mainland once circulated such a legend.

Before the endless years, there was such a peerless emperor in Tianheng continent that unified the world.

It is rumored that he devoted himself to the world, changed the world, gathered the dragon veins of the world, merged the dragon spirit of the world, and fought the enemy with the power of dragon spirit. He was invincible and comparable to the gods!

Of course, this is just a legend.

But if the power of dragon spirit is really used, it will be extraordinary! What's more, like the northern dynasty, the dragon veins of the northern region have accumulated more than 30,000 years of dragon spirit.

If it were not for the sunset of the northern dynasty, if someone in the northern dynasty could really know how to use the power of dragon spirit, it would be more than 30,000 years! In this battle of the Imperial City of Northern Xinjiang, who wins or loses may not be sure!

However, there is no "if" in this world! Emperor Jiuyou, nobody really saw him take the shot, and he won the battle.

"Longqi was suppressed under the palace, and the place of more than 30,000 years of dragon Qi is worth seeing!" Shi Feng murmured looking down.

At this moment, Shi Feng opened his mouth and said to the nine you still in the sky: "Go! Follow me to see this place in the northern Xinjiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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