Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1580: Ling Chi's execution

Chapter 1580 Ling Chi's Execution

I wanted to understand why the woman in the black armor did not look at herself the moment she turned, and Bai Feixin's handsome face showed a cold and arrogant smile, and then stomped forward, toward The black armored woman walked slowly.

Not long after, a white and beautiful side face fell into the sight of Bai Feixin, and when she saw the half of her side face, Bai Feixin's heart followed a sudden tremor, even breathing, immediately became Hurrying up, the pace at my feet accelerated even more.

Soon, the whole white and charming beauty was completely reflected in Bai Feixin's sight.

"No ... I didn't expect ... this small border town came with such a glamorous, enchanting, charming and peerless woman! And ... And, such a woman, was still emotional to me Bai Fei!

I have such a beautiful heart in Bai Feixin, and I have no regrets in my life! "

At this moment, Bai Feixin was completely immersed in the beautiful face, without blinking his eyes.

At this moment, Bai Fei couldn't wait to hold on to the peerless woman.

The female ghost would no longer care about the ghosts, and drank the "peerless wine" in the glass, looking at her emperor.

Today, although the emperor has changed his appearance, he is still the emperor.

But he did not expect that the cricket ant approached himself, turned his disgusting face towards himself again, and stared at himself again.

Suddenly, the ghost's eyebrows twisted, revealing a look of disgust, and at that moment, Bai Feixin smiled suddenly and suddenly: "Hahaha, I did not expect that there are still such beautiful people in this world.

Beauty, how about you and me sitting together? "

What Bai Feixin said to sit together naturally meant to sit with ghosts.

At this moment, Bai Feixin's eyes only glamorous and charming beautiful ghosts and ghosts. As for Shi Feng, Xiao Tianyi and Shi Ling who are at the same table with ghosts, he has been completely ignored by Bai Feixin.

At the rear, the old man who was half-dead by Bai Feixin's heart was still too lazy to pay attention to it.

After saying that to the ghost, Bai Feixin's face was filled with a confident smile.

Already ready to sit next to the beautiful woman, her body and the beautiful woman's body were close together. Bai Feixin did not think that this beautiful woman would reject herself.

Just because I am, Bai Feixin!

These three words are enough!


At this moment, Bai Feixin, who has become the focus of the tavern, naturally attracts much attention.

After seeing Bai Feixin walking towards the black warframe beauty, after hearing Bai Feixin's words, there was a sound of debate in the tavern again.

"Bai Feixin, you see that black armor beauty? Although this beauty is beautiful, when I looked at her just now, I had hallucinations?"

"Do you speak hallucinations? Could you have that terrible hallucination?"

"You? So do you? This ... This woman, though beautiful, is wicked!"

"It turned out that all of us looked at that woman, and they all had a terrible hallucination! But don't you forget, Bai Feixin, who is that?"

"It seems that this wicked and beautiful woman is estimated that only Bai Feixin, one of the top ten strong men, deserves her!"

"It's really envious, jealous, and hate! Bai Feixin's son is not only personable, but also super capable. Tonight, he can be so beautiful!"


And just when everyone thought that when the charming and enchanting woman was about to belong to Bai Feixin, a cold and pleasant voice came to mind at this moment: "How do you want to die?"

This voice was spit out from the ghost's mouth coldly.

After hearing this voice, everyone watching this side followed him, even Bai Feixin followed him. He didn't expect that the beautiful woman would say this to herself.

But then, Bai Fei's face moved, and he thought he suddenly understood the meaning of the beauty, and then a smile appeared on his face, and said to the ghost: "I think, die in your arms! How? What about? "

When it comes to the last sentence, Bai Feixin even raised an eyebrow at the ghost, and his face even smiled even more.

However, with his words, his facial movements made the charming and enchanting face that became so enchanting, and immediately became colder, drinking coldly, and saying, "Ling! Late! Be dead!"

Every word fell into the ears of the tavern with incomparable coldness.

When they heard the four words, the crowd felt only a cold chill, hitting their bodies. After the four words fell, they were covered by the cold chill.

"Ah!" For a moment, a terrible painful scream rang out in the tavern.

This terrible scream came from the mouth of Bai Feixin, one of the top ten strong men.

At this moment Bai Feixin, his body immediately fell to the ground, his face showing extreme pain, howling and miserable loudly, and then rolled up violently, as if suffering extreme pain.

The handsome white boy just now, just for a moment, became like this.

Immediately after that, the icy four-character word emerged in everyone's mind, "Ling! Late! Be punished!"

After the cold four words fell, Bai Feixin's son screamed!

And at this moment, he looks like he is really suffering from that "Ling Chi"!

Ling Chi's execution was one of the most painful punishments in the world! Thousands of swords, cut off the flesh of a person, and break down the body with a knife, until death!

Such cruel punishment is just thinking about it, which makes people feel cold on their feet and hairy. Not to mention personal experience!

At this moment, Bai Feixin was suffering from such torture.

The power of the ghost's powerful soul directly allowed him to enter a fantasy where his body was cut off with one stroke. Although it is a fantasy, the feeling is more real than real!

Really suffered from Ling Chi's execution!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" There was a burst of painful snoring sounds. Although people have not seen this white non-heart boy being tortured, the screams from him can Hearing, he must be uncomfortable at this moment.

Now there is no doubt that Bai Feixin will be like this, it must be related to the woman wearing a black armor.

This woman, who once made herself horrible, has now made Bai Feixin, ranked sixth among the top ten, so ...

It seems that she just said the words "Ling Chi's execution". The powerful Bai Feixin was in front of her without any resistance!

To what extent is this woman so powerful and evil?

"She ... this ... this ...?" At this moment, even the old treasurer who was waiting for being killed by Bai Feixin was stunned, looking at the direction there.

Recommend a book: "Eternal Mad God"

(End of this chapter)

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