Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1584: Weird teleportation (below)

Chapter 1584 Weird Teleportation Array (2)

In the territory of the Yunlai Empire, the city of Rosan.

In the void, Shi Feng listened to the lord of the Rosan city, Xu Da, saying.

If it really is the same as this Xu Da, then the space teleport array of this city of Rosen is indeed a bit strange.

After the first blast, Long Chen sent a magician to rebuild.

Not long after rebuilding, it suddenly exploded.

Rebuild later, but after rebuilding, it exploded again and again!

On several occasions, Suda himself guarded the Seven-Star Emperor's Realm. The altar of the space teleportation array still exploded suddenly, and he did not see anyone approaching and found no strange things.

After listening to Xu Da's words, Shi Feng said, "Have you searched the ground? The thing that destroys the space teleportation array may be performed from the ground."

Some creatures, born with the power of the earth, can travel through the earth. Such creatures are not unusual in the Tianheng continent.

"I also doubted it at the time," said Xuda. "So I ordered people to go to the Monster Beast Mountains to capture ten monsters that have the power of the earth, and sent hundreds of soldiers and the ten earth monsters to hide in the teleportation altar Underground, the result is still the same. "

Zuda still said the same thing. Naturally, the teleportation altar was suddenly destroyed, but the murderer was not seen.

"It's strange," Shi Feng said again. Then he said, "Take Ben Shao to the teleportation altar."

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xu Daying drank: "Weichen obeys!"

"God of War, please come with Weichen!" After saying these words, the city owner must reach the mighty golden figure and move down to the city of Lausanne below.

Seeing him moving, the four big snakes under Shi Feng and others also followed, flying away from the top of the statue of war and chasing away to the Xu Da.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Suddenly, the roar of the fierce beasts burst out from the four big mouths of the four big snakes.

Immediately, a strong coercion overwhelmed the entire small city of Lausanne. A soldier and a general of the city of Lausanne, a citizen and a warrior of the city of Rosen were all in that strong force. Under the coercion of the body, the body shivered involuntarily.

As if there was a giant mountain, pressing on this border town.

Even the owner of the city, Xu Da, who was falling down, showed extreme horror. This coercion ...

He had to be up to the age of thirteen and had experienced countless wars of all sizes, but for the first time he felt such coercion.

In fact, the coercion emanating from the four-headed snake is still because of the presence of Shi Feng, and it converges. If the real coercion emanates, it will definitely destroy all the creatures in this Rosan city in an instant.

Then, Xu Da secretly stunned in his heart, "This ... God of War! How strong is this God of War, Shi Feng, how powerful! Even the mounts under him are so horrible!"

But then, Xu Dabin also felt that this wicked mount was so natural.

After all, this demon evil, but beheaded the existence of the extraordinary emperor of the first emperor of the Eastern Region. Now Dongyu, this demon is the only Emperor of Wudi Realm.

Dongyu, it is such a great blessing for the Yunlai Empire to have such a demon.


The site of the teleportation altar was not far from the statue of war. Soon, the owner of the city had to reach and landed in front of a tall building that looked like a few years old.

The four big snakes under Shi Feng's four people also arrived and landed beside Naxuda.

At this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts instantly shone with blood.

The four-headed serpent returned to the space world of the Blood Stone Stele, and the four of Shi Feng fluttered in shape and fell to the ground.

Dozens of blue armor guards in front of the ancient building saw the arrival of Xu Da and Shi Feng at this moment, and the figure immediately knelt down, drinking in his mouth, "See God of War!"

At this time, Xu Da turned his head and spoke to Shi Feng again: "God of War, the space teleportation altar is inside."

Shi Feng nodded slowly and said, "Well, go!"

At this moment, Shi Feng's feet moved forward and went forward.

Seeing the God of War approaching, the two blue armor guards kneeling on both sides of the door were afraid to snub, and immediately got up to open the door for their God of War.

Then, Shi Feng walked in first, and the others immediately followed in.

This is a hall as large as a basketball court. There are hundreds of blue armor guards standing in the hall. When they see someone walking into the hall, they immediately bow down and worship: "See God of War!"

"See God of War! Long live Long War!

The great movement outside just now, the fact that the God of War was approaching the city of Rosan has spread throughout the city long ago, and naturally it has also been introduced into this hall.

Just now, the generals were even looking forward to seeing the true style of God of War.

The statue of God of War is often visible, but the true God of War in the legend has never been seen before.

At this moment, the generals guarding the hall finally saw the presence of the God of War.

The God of War is really cold and handsome. Behind the God of War, followed by a charming and enchanting peerless beauty, makes people dazzling.

Such a beauty, it is estimated that only the God of War is worthy of possession.

"Well, get up now." Shi Feng's faint voice echoed in this hall.

"Thanks to the God of War!" The sound of yelling and shouting from the soldiers came out from behind the soldiers, followed by, one by one, with solemn faces, looking at the coming God of War.

Shi Feng continued to move forward, and the soldiers in front of him retreated to both sides, leaving a way forward for their God of War.

Soon, a fragmented altar ahead appeared in Shi Feng's sight.

Obviously, this altar is the space transmission altar of the city of Rosan.

The power of Shi Feng's soul was gathered on the fragmented teleportation altar and sensed carefully.

Soon, Shi Feng discovered a problem. The fragmented teleportation altar, from the traces, does not look like it was damaged from the outside but blasted from the inside.

"Is this the unrefined success of the teleportation altar, the unstable power of space, and the explosion?" Shi Feng thought secretly in his heart.

But then he shook his head again, and denied the idea he had just made.

If it is still unrefined, the force of space will be unstable and cause blasting. However, this teleportation altar has been blasted many times. It is impossible to do so many times.

There is such a wasteful artificer, and they will not be stupid enough to always let him refine.

"Of course there are still strangers," Shi Feng murmured again.

At this moment, Shi Feng had already walked to the fragmented space to teleport the altar, stopped and stared down.

At this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts moved again, followed by blood-colored lights, which continued to shine from this hall.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!" At this moment, a scream of screams kept ringing in this hall.

Shi Feng has released the corpse group in his blood stele.

(End of this chapter)

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