Chapter 1598 Revisited

Yunlai Empire, Imperial City, King's Palace of Kirin.

"Father, I heard he is back!"

The former hero of Ziyun County, who was once beautiful and charming, now wears a long white dress, which has less of her former brilliance and is more feminine.

Two years ago, I did n’t know what happened. I used to like wearing the battle armor and the heroic Ziyun County Lord. One day, I suddenly took off the battle armor. After that, she saw that she had always put on feminine clothes .

There have been rumors in the world that the owner of Ziyun County, the Kirin Palace, is in love, and it is estimated that he will get married soon.

People have speculated who is so lucky to have married the jewel in the palm of Kirin Palace.

However, the rumor had been circulating for two years, but never saw the marriage of the master of Ziyun County in the Kirin Palace.

"Yeah, he is back." Upon hearing the words of his daughter Ziyun, King Kirin sighed deeply.

Two years ago, others did not know for whom the owner of Ziyun County changed, but King Kirin knew it in his heart.

Since the appearance of that evil, she has changed, becoming truly different.

Originally, King Kirin only thought that her daughter's feelings for that demon was just a whim.

But day by day, King Kirin has discovered that this is not the case.

She seemed to be really moved.

Followed by, King Kirin faced his daughter's face with a dignified expression, and said, "Yun, you, forget him. Today, the gap between us and him is too great."

Once this demon evil, the gap with them is not very big. But now, he is the puppet of the transcendent empire Tianlan Empire in the Eastern Region, and he is the first great emperor in Eastern Region to be killed.

He can slay the Emperor Wudi, and his martial realm of King Qilin has been working hard in recent years, but only in the state of Wu Zun.

In the Yunlai empire, he could call the wind and contempt the world, but in front of the demon evil, it was just a cricket ant who could pinch him to death. The king's palace and him were simply unattainable.

"I ..." After hearing the words of King Kirin, the owner of Ziyun County was speechless for a moment and did not know what to say.

Why didn't he know the distance between him and him now.

When I heard that he had become a puppet of the Tianlan Empire, I felt that it was impossible for him.

In recent years, why not want to forget him. However, this is not something you want to forget.

Basically every night, a figure like a demon emerges in her mind, magnificent, proud, and overlooking the world.

She would remember that once in that scarlet world, he took his own hand, it was her first time, a man took her own hand, but the feeling was so ... comfortable.

Then, the Lord of Ziyun County raised his head slightly again, and stared again at his father King Kirin, saying, "Father King, I will listen to you, and make every effort to forget him. Really!"

Hearing his daughter's words, King Kirin's heart was a little relieved, as if he had laid down a boulder in his heart, and slowly nodded at his daughter, saying, "Well! Father Wang believes you, my Ziyun, it must be! "

"Hey!" After saying these words, King Kirin sighed deeply in his heart, thinking to himself, if that demon can really become his son-in-law, how wonderful!

It's just that this idea is too unrealistic.


"Carried in heaven, the emperor said, I am the return of the God of War in the Yunlai empire today, to celebrate one day for the whole country, up and down the country, tax-free for one year!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"

"Long live God of War! Long live the Emperor!"


The Yunlai empire ascended the whole country, at this moment is shouting long live, truly national celebration.

Did not expect the return of the God of War to the Yunlai Empire, the emperor Longchen ordered a tax exemption for one year! For a while, both the **** of war and the emperor won the hearts of the people.


"Sister, I heard that he is back."

A dark and mysterious place in the Yunlai Empire, a pretty woman in red, said to another woman in red.

The woman who spoke was the little jasmine who was a ghost student. Two years later, Little Jasmine looks a lot mature and beautiful.

And another beauty in red looks calm and gentle. It was the attack on the woman, Hung Ho, who was blocked by Shi Feng.

After hearing the words of Shimei Xiaomoli, I saw that Hongyan had a beautiful face, but there was no slight fluctuation. She just nodded her head slightly and said gently, "Yes."

Seeing sister-in-law being so tepid, Little Jasmine was anxious, and hurried to speak again, saying, "Sister, don't you go to her?"

For him, the sister almost died two years ago.

For her, the sister willingly suffered torture herself.

The sister is kind to him.

Followed by, I saw Hongxi shook her head slightly at Little Jasmine, and then said softly, "No! I have forgotten him."

While Hongying said these words, Little Jasmine noticed that her tender body suddenly shook slightly.

It seems sister can't lie to herself at all.

Others don't know Sister, but her little Jasmine doesn't know yet?

Sister Shi has been unable to let go of that person over the years.

Maybe the sister herself didn't know it. She had shouted the name of the person several times in her sleep.

"That pitiful man!" At this moment, Xiao Jasmine didn't say anything else to Hongyu, she just clenched her fists and said secretly in her heart.

For the sake of him, the sister can not kill herself! He unexpectedly married the first beauty of Dongyu!

It's simply ingratitude!


Yunlai Empire, Cangyue City.

Shi Feng, dressed in white at the moment, came to this small town with her mother Bai Yue'e and her sister Shi Ling in a low-key manner.

Three years ago, Shi Feng was in this city, awakening the memories of previous lives.

It was in this city that the first person killed and the first wounded.

For this city's impression, Shi Feng is still very deep.

In the center of Cangyue City, there once stood a huge statue, which is the statue of the founder of the Emperor Yunlai Empire in the sky.

However, at that time, Shi Feng and the envoys of Yin and Yang of Tianfengzong exploded and died on the statue. As a result, the statue collapsed under a strong collision.

Since then, the statue has not been rebuilt, and now, the most central statue of Cangyue City is the statue of war in the Yunlai Empire!

Taller, grander, and more imposing than the statue of the founding emperor.

With Bai Yue'e and Shi Ling walking leisurely on this street, now they come to this city, their state of mind is completely different.

Once, they got up early and became hacky, went up the hill to cut firewood, and then carried it to this Cangyue city to sell it, just in exchange for a meal and food.

And now, the whole world can be said to be theirs.

In just a few years, the contrast turned out to be so great.

Because of the past life of ordinary youngster Shi Feng, it was the Emperor Jiuyou.

"Get off! Get off! All get off for me!"

But at this moment, suddenly, an angry burst of drink sounded from a distance in the street.

Immediately after that, behind the three of Shi Feng, there were sounds of chaos and chicken flying.

The crowd on the street hurriedly evacuated towards both sides of the street, and a carriage came galloping with impunity.

This picture is so familiar!

Even, it's kind of warm.

(End of this chapter)

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