Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1607

Shi Feng's eyes were still staring at the face of the young girl in front of her, and she said again, "Let's talk, enter with you, why my chances of survival are great!"

"These days, I have carefully examined the layout of this entrance. Although I have not entered the death forbidden area, I have inferred from the layout of the entrance. In this death forbidden area, it should be based on the ancient Moro fierce array Orientation! "Said the girl, extremely earnestly and confidently.

Look at her self-confident expression, as if she really said it.

"Oh, is the ancient Mo Luo fierce?" Shi Feng murmured softly.

He has heard about this formation, this is a big fierce formation a long time ago, but I heard that it has been lost for a long time.

However, if the formation in the death forbidden area is really an ancient mo Luo array, Shi Feng believes that he was already dead in the death forbidden area.

Then, Shi Feng said again, and said to the girl, "If you say that, it means that you know how to break the ancient Moro battle?"

"I'm not capable of breaking the magic," the girl shook her head and returned.

But after saying that, she said again: "But years ago, I read an ancient handwriting left by my ancestors, and that volume of handwriting has just recorded how to avoid this murderous point!"

"Oh. That's it!" Shi Feng said. Then she asked her again, "There are so many warriors at the entrance to the forbidden area, why do you choose me?"

This is Shi Feng's curiosity.

Today, he hides the martial arts realm and falls in the eyes of others, but it is only the one-star martial arts realm. Here he meets several martial arts men who are higher than the one-star martial arts realm.

"Maybe it's a woman's natural sixth sense. You give me a feeling that is different from other people! With you, you have a better chance of living, and I think with you, I may have a higher chance of living. Also, you look good and don't look so annoying! "The girl said truthfully.

Seeing this girl still answered her seriously, Shi Feng smiled and nodded: "It turned out to be this way.

Well, for the greater chance of my life, I am willing to enter this forbidden area with you. "

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the originally serious girl suddenly smiled at Shi Feng and said, "Happy cooperation! I hope we can all come out of this forbidden land alive."

Shi Feng still kept the smile just now, saying, "We must be alive from the forbidden area of ​​death."

The girl smiled and said nothing, her feet moved forward and came to Shi Feng.

At this time, Shi Feng also turned around, and with the girl, looked again at the forbidden area covered by thick gray mist.

Then, the girl's face gradually became more dignified. After looking for a while, she said again, "I will enter first, and you will follow me when you are there. Wherever I pedal, you can't step. Wrong, otherwise one of them will be bad, and you and I will be in danger! Remember! "

After saying this, the girl walked forward, and Shi Feng followed her, and slowly walked into the death forbidden area.

The last time I entered the forbidden area, in addition to looking for magic drugs, there was also looking for Yuewu Shuang.

This time into the forbidden area again, the main purpose is to find Yun Yimeng.

I really have a fate with this forbidden area, and both times I was looking for it.

Last time, I didn't go deep enough, but in that blue space, I got a sky blue crystal.

This time, I went deeper into this forbidden area, and I don't know what to find.

For these, Shi Feng still has some expectations in her heart.

That heavenly blue crystal was once a god-grade material for him. In fact, the real grade is a star and a god.

I don't know if I can meet the ten-colored flower that can run this time, that is, the black flower that Jiang Ning Jiang Ning called when he was in the wild land.

According to Jiang Ning, he has a life form, that is, the ten-colored flower that can run, but it has reached the true level of magic.


Shi Feng and the young girl had already passed through the thick gray-white mist of the shuttle, and immediately, a more cold and cold atmosphere swept from the front.

Now that the girl in front said it, she followed her closely and followed her steps, and Shi Feng did as she said.

Step by step, she followed in her footsteps and kept going forward.

However, despite this, Shi Feng naturally will not relax his vigilance, and is always ready to deal with the danger that may come at any time.

"There is nothing wrong, this area should indeed be arranged according to the position of the ancient mo Luo array." At this time, Shi Feng's voice rang again in front of Shi Feng.

"Really?" Shi Feng murmured secretly, but he didn't see anything.

"Yes! Believe me!" Although Shi Feng's voice was very light, but also passed into the young girl's ear, she said with great confidence again.

"Um." Shi Feng responded softly.

Shi Feng entered this time, and the death forbidden ground really gave him a different feeling than the last time. It didn't take long before he walked in that made his heart feel uneasy.





Just then, the two of them suddenly heard the sound of three screams, sounding not far in front of them.

These three screams should have been issued by three warriors, and such screams as fierce as evil spirits should have been when three warriors were in distress at the same time.

Hearing these three screams, the young girl walking ahead stopped suddenly.

Seeing her stop, Shi Feng stopped immediately.

After a while, the young girl said again, "The land ahead is the land where Morrow's fierce battlefields murdered. Come with me and go here."

After saying this, the girl paused and moved to the right.

Seeing her move, Shi Feng naturally moved around, continued to follow her, and continued to walk on the place where she stepped.

After another journey, Shi Feng did not encounter any danger.

Of course, what the so-called Mo Luo fierce array, Shi Feng still did not find the slightest.

Walking and walking, at this moment, the young girl in front of him murmured like a spell: "Tianchen's position, Mo Luo's heart, oblique way!"

When the word "inclined road" fell, she was walking diagonally to the left sixty degrees.

But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt that an invisible powerful force suddenly appeared in front of the road she walked. If this girl went forward obliquely like this, then she must enter the invisible Among the power.

If she enters, her cultivation will turn into ashes, and looking at her at the moment, she will be totally unaware of it, as if moths are trying to catch fire.

This is what she said. Following her, the chances of survival are high?

She was leading herself to that dead place at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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