Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1702: Hiding Nether Body

Chapter 1702: Hidden Void Form

"... Who is still the opponent of Brother Shifan in the imprisoned world!"

Originally, it was just an inadvertent sentence. When you think about it, the "humans" of the ancient corpse people changed their faces immediately. This world suddenly became extremely silent, silent, and strange.

"Now the corpse fan, but the six-star and half-god realm can kill the eight-star and half-god in a second, so if he continues to grow in the future, who can compete with him!" Some youth thought in his heart full of horror.

"If you let him continue to become stronger, even the Supreme Corpse Lord, I am afraid he is not his opponent!"

"So, our ancient corpse, will one day honor him?"

"Not only our ancient corpse clan, when this demon evil stepped into the day of the nine-star demigod, it is estimated that even the entire confinement world must respect him!"

"Six stars and half gods slay eight stars and half gods in hiding. When he is nine stars and half gods, it is estimated that real artifacts can also be blown away by him!"

"My ancient corpse, such a peerless demon!"


While other ancient corpse youths were secretly shocked in their hearts, they understood Shi Feng's true corpse dance, but sighed in their hearts: "Hey, it's just a pity, such a demon is not our ancient corpse!"

"If he is our ancient corpse, if he is willing to be with me, how nice it is!"


"Ah! But ... abominable! It's abominable! It seems to be so! His corpse fan is indeed so peerless!

My corpse, I guess I can't surpass him in my life! In front of him, my corpse, I can only look up to him in my life! "

"My ancient corpse clan, why should he give birth to such a arrogant corpse! Why these talents do not belong to my corpse! Ah!"



But just as a few people were secretly talking in their hearts, a sudden and wicked laughter sounded again and again in this world.

At this time, the faces of the six ancient corpses changed again and again. The corpse dance immediately shouted at Shi Feng, shouting coquettishly: "Shi Feng! Be careful!"

Shi Feng? Be careful?

"Huh?" At this moment, Shi Feng's face suddenly became cold, and his fist rushed up.

Originally, in the eyes of everyone, the ghost pattern family Ghost Orphan who should have gone away appeared at the top of Shi Feng's head at this moment. As with the Tianjiao's move like the previous one, the claws seemed very slow Grabbed towards Shi Feng's head.

However, immediately following, Shi Feng's right fist slammed into the right claw grabbed by Gui Gu and slammed together, "Boom!"

An extremely loud roar echoed in this heaven and earth. Under the impact of two violent forces, the space in this area shook with the ground trampled by everyone's feet.

"So powerful! Shifan, I ... I didn't think you were wrong, hehehe!" And just then, weird and evil laughter sounded again.

But at the same time as the ghost solitary laughed, his body shook! Gui Gu was blown out of his body by Shi Feng's punch!

Obviously, in the first confrontation, Shi Feng prevailed.

"Huh!" And at this moment, Shi Feng snorted, and then his body moved immediately, rushing out towards the ghost lonely!

Since the goods came back to their own death, Shi Feng does not recommend killing him here.

"Body wind? Stone wind?"

Above the earth, several other young people did not notice anything, but the corpse dimension secretly murmured the name that the corpse dance had just hurriedly called out.

"Stone wind?" Ziwei murmured again secretly. He always feels familiar with these two words, and he always seems to have heard them somewhere, but he can't remember them for a while.

"Xiao Wu just now, why is this corpse fan called Shifeng? Is it another corpse name?"


When Shi Feng's figure rushed out not long, the ghost lonely who was bombarded by him suddenly followed him, looking at Shi Feng who was moving rapidly towards him, his face appeared again. A wicked smile smiled at Shi Feng:

"Hey, corpse, if you didn't laugh when I attacked you just now, could you find me?"

When Gui Gu sneaked into Shi Feng just now, he did make a wicked weird smile. Now look at him like this, listen to him, the sound seems to be that he made it intentionally, so that Shi Feng can hear it?

After hearing Gugu ’s words, Shi Feng sneered and replied:

"Originally Shaozhen thought you were gone, I didn't expect you to return quietly! But the moment you appeared above Ben Shao's head, you were already in Ben Shao's induction, your sneak attack Works for others, but doesn't work for less! "

"I know it! Little corpse, you really are not the same as those wastes, hehehe!" After hearing Shi Feng's answer, Guigu smiled strangely again, as if because of his attack on Shi Feng Ineffective and happy.

And just then, I saw a black light shining on the ghostly lonely body.

A weird black light, centered on this ghost solitary, swept out in all directions.

In an instant, Shi Feng saw the black light reach in front of him!

This circle of black light was previously cast by Tianguo on the Yanjiao Tianjiao during the Tianjiao ring.

At that time, the Yanjiao Tianjiao avoided the black light that swept up, and at this moment, Shi Feng was clenching his right fist, without any sign of shrinking, and seemed a bland fist toward the front. Boom!

Under the mighty power, what is blocked is a punch!

"Boom!" When Shi Feng punched with a punch, the air sent out an extremely violent sound boom, and just under Shi Feng's punch, the black light that swept up was suddenly violent. Boom and disappear!

But disappearing at the same time with the black light, there is the Tianjiao and Ghost Solitary of that ghost pattern tribe!

This ghost lone disappeared again! And after he disappeared, even the stone force that reached the level of Samsung demigod was unable to sense his existence!

"What a weird figure!" Shi Feng exclaimed secretly. Standing proudly in the vanity, the power of the soul is constantly sensing all directions in search of the ghostly lonely trace.

Shi Feng felt that the goods were still hiding in this void and did not escape.

"Well, you two have stopped here!" But at this time, this world suddenly sounded that old majestic voice.

This voice comes from that elder demon!

At this moment when the elder demon sounded, immediately after that, the strange laughter sounded again:

"Hey, I didn't expect that the old guy in Changsheng was attracted by you and me. It seems that this battle cannot be defeated! Hey hey, corpse, let's see you on the Tianjiao platform! Really run away. Hehe, hahahaha! "

It seems that Shi Feng really guessed right, this product, she is still hiding in this void!

The next moment, Shi Feng saw the distant void, and the ghostly figure appeared slowly.

Then, Guigu turned his head, and the weird face covered with black ghosts smiled at Shi Feng again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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