Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1704: Soothing Yinquan

Chapter 1704: Soothing Yin Spring Water

That's right, the four "people" appearing in the corpse's sight are human races!

At this moment they are rapidly teleporting in this direction, and it seems that they are preparing to go to Yintan!

"It's him! The elder elder, Hongshan of the East! The power of repairing the ice in his lifetime is in the six-star demigod, but he heard that there is a peerless treasure in the East of Hongshan!" Shi Wei immediately recognized it. Whispered alone.

Following this, Ziwei said secretly: "That Shi Feng killed the granddaughter of their tribe, the Dugu Nebula's grandson, and now the entire human race is looking for him! Before I see the Lord God, I will tell them the identity of the corpse god. "

"Um! Let them know first!" Shi Wei secretly said, "In this case, even if I was overtaken by that corpse fan, I was really beaten by his corpse fan, and the people will know why I died. Who killed! "

"My death is for my entire corpse tribe! At that time, the tribe will certainly not forget my corpse dimension! I will be the great hero of our corpse tribe, because of me, that corpse conspiracy No success! Because of me, we have reversed the tragic fate of our ancient corpse! "

The corpse thought just now that if this corpse has been posing as the arrogant arrogant of the ancient corpse, and has been recognized by the ancestors of the ancient corpse, then if the corpse **** wants to retreat, it is likely that the corpse **** will pass to the corpse .

And this scheming corpse fan will certainly do all sorts of things that are not good for the ancient corpse family. In serious cases, they will even lead the ancient corpse family to perish!


The four-person figure, headed by the elder elder Dongfang Hongshan, moved rapidly. For the young people of the ancient corpse who faced the teleportation, the four of them ignored them at all.

And just as they and the corpse were approaching, they suddenly heard the corpse shouting to them: "Elder Oriental, stop for a while, I need to tell you something."




When the words of the corpse were heard, the four human races showed a surprised "um", and their figures stopped immediately.

Dongfang Hongshan looked at the corpse in front of his face in doubt, and said, "What do you want to tell me?"

At this point, the corpse voice lowered his voice, and said, "About the person that your people track, Shi Feng."

"Why ... what!"

"Shi Feng!"


When I heard the words from the dead body, when I heard the words "Shi Feng", the four people of the tribe changed their faces together!

Shi Feng, this is really a big deal!

"Do you know where the stone maple is?" Dongfang Hongshan looked impatiently and asked Xiangwei.


Led by several young people of the ancient corpse, Shi Feng entered a cold place.

This area is not just chilly, even the sky has been dim, and it is overcast and even windy.

Before long, several people from Shi Feng came to a cliff, and below the cliff was the vast Yintan.

Shi Feng looked down, and saw the dark spring water in the Yintan flowing quietly, braving the cold and cold air like mist.

Among the yin tans, at this moment there is a figure floating on the surface of the tan. It seems that the cultivators of yin and cold have already arrived and are soaking the water of this yin spring. It seems that they are enjoying it at the moment.

"Brother Shifan, let's go down there! There is an area belonging to our ancient corpse tribe." At this time, a young man from the ancient corpse spoke and pointed to the Yintan below to Shi Feng.

A long time ago, the ethnic groups had already divided areas in Yintan.

"Zhu Fan, let's go down." Then, Wu Wu also said to Shi Feng. But then, the corpse dancer reminded: "After going down, you must pay attention to that ghost orphan, don't be careless!"

The former ghost lonely came in this direction, certainly rushed to Yintan. At this moment, the corpse dance glanced over. There was no trace of that lonely ghost in the yintan. It must have been hiding somewhere and wanted to take the opportunity to sneak attack on "her corpse fan".

"I know! I will not let this evil animal succeed." Shi Feng said when she heard the dance of the corpse.

In fact, just after arriving at this Yintan, the power of Shi Feng's soul spread out in search of the ghost pattern tribe.

However, under the glance of the power of the soul, he did not find the figure of the ghost lonely, but he naturally did not care.

Shi Feng had previously had a fight with the ghost lonely, and suffered a sneak attack from him. Although this ghost solitary method is strange, it is not so easy to successfully attack him.

After the power of the soul swept around in this Yintan, Shi Feng still could not find the ghost solitary, and then spoke quietly, and said to the young people of the ancient corpse next to him: "Let's go!"


As soon as Shi Feng's voice fell, the young people of the ancient corpse nodded again and again.

Then, their bodies flashed down toward the Yintan.

"Flop!" "Slap!" "Slap!"

The sound of water rang, and the figures kept flashing into the pond, stirring up the black water splash.

Upon entering Yintan, Shi Feng felt a cold sensation all over his body, and his body was filled with an extremely cold and refreshing feeling, refreshing to the soul!

"Sure enough, it's a good place!" Shi Feng murmured secretly, feeling the relief that filled her body.

However, this yin spring water is just for the enjoyment of all ethnic groups. As for cultivation, the cold and cold power is very small.

In this way, Shi Feng was in a state of enjoyment, and slowly closed her eyes.

And several other ancient corpse youths also slowly closed their eyes and enjoyed the nourishment of the spring water. Only the ancient corpse girl's corpse dance with eyes wide open, looking in all directions, did not dare to have The slightest care.

She was afraid of the ghost lonely, and attacked "her corpse fan".

However, she did not know that although the corpse fan in her eyes closed her eyes, the power of the soul continued to spread more than her eyes.


After Shi Feng soaked in the Yintan for a while, he suddenly heard him say, "Follow me all the way, now you can come out!"




Several young corpse youths who had closed their eyes originally were shocked when they heard Shi Feng's words, and opened their eyes.

Turning his head and constantly glancing in all directions, one by one solemn openings asked Shi Feng: "Zombie ... Brother Fan, have you found the trace of that lonely ghost?"

"Gu Gu, where is he ... where? I still don't see him?"

"Zhu Fan, please be careful!" At this time, Zum Wu also reminded.


However, after listening to the words of these "people", Shi Feng still looked like he wasn't panic, and then he opened his mouth and said to them, "You don't have to be nervous. Patriarch Patriarch! "

"Puppet clan, patriarch?"

"The Patriarch of the Feather Tribe?"

Listening to Shi Feng's last sentence, the young people of the ancient corpse clan were somewhat unclear. So, they couldn't react for a while. Why did they suddenly say that the Yuling clan chief?

But at this moment, "Hehe, hehehehe!" A burst of "hehe" laughed, suddenly echoing in this area.

"Ancient corpse, corpse fan! Hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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