Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1713: Shi Feng vs Lisana

1713 Shi Feng fights Lisana

"Ghostprint Ghost Solitary!"

When the creatures of various ethnic groups saw the ghostly lonely head of Gutai midair playing, the grandstands of various ethnic groups were uproar again!

"This ghost is lonely, so heartless, so heartbroken, so gorgeous, he has to go down!"

"The demon tribe is enchanted, and the demon tribe's posture is so dead in the hand of this ghost alone! Hey! What a pity!"

"This ghost orphan is really impersonal! It would be so good if such a stunning demon girl could linger with me for a night! But it was given by this ghost orphan ... hey! What a waste!"


"Ghostprint! Ghost Solitary!"


In the grandstand of the demons, due to the tragic death of the pride of the demons of the demons, an extremely cold voice sounded suddenly, and the intention of killing was pervasive.


Above the Tianjiao platform, the death of the enchanted woman in the golden costume of the demon tribe, the elders of the demon tribe and the old demon, the old faces became cold and ugly.

At this time, I saw a wave of the elder demon sleeve robe, and a violent demon wind blew from the Tianjiao platform. The headless corpse lying in a pool of blood flew into the air and flew to the elder demon.

Not only the headless corpse, but also the glorious head played by Gui Gu's hands, freed from the hands of Gui Gu under the fierce demon wind.

"Hey!" Looking at the "human" head that flew away, Gui Gu didn't go after him, and made a wicked weird smile at that head again. Gradually, he saw his body quietly disappear into the void. Among them, in the eyes of the public, once again showed his strange body method, so disappeared silently.

Headless corpses and glamorous heads flew, and the elder demon's sleeve robe waved again, and the corpse was included in his sleeve robe.

From now until now, the eternal old demon has been cold-faced and hasn't seen him say anything.

The blowing demon wind quickly dissipated on the Tianjiao platform. At this moment, Tianjiao platform had been restored as before, and no trace of blood was left.


At this moment, there are five colored light **** above the elder demon, slowly spinning.

Afterwards, the elder demon's skinny hands grabbed upwards and caught two light **** again.

Immediately after that, the old hoarse voice resounded in Tianjiao battlefield again.

"Fourth battle, the ancient corpses fight the light!"

"Ancient corpses vs. Guangming?"

"Ancient corpse corpse, Guangming, Lisanna!"

"I did not expect that this battle turned out to be Shifan and Lisana!"


At the moment when the voice of the eternal elder demon resounded, the creatures of all races exclaimed.

Although the ancient corpse corpse corps had only been to Tianjiaodai once, although they only made one punch, that punch was too deeply rooted in the "human" heart.

"The corpse fights against the bright Lisana, there must be a good show!"

"Bright people, since ancient times, have assumed that they represent light and justice, and before endless years, they are incompatible with those dark and dead races!"

"This battle is another battle of life and death! Hahaha!"

"Hmm! Bright people!"


"Wait so long, finally it's my turn!" In the ancient corpse grandstand, Shi Feng grinned and said secretly.

Seeing those Tianjiao fighting and sitting for a long time, he wanted to fight on the stage.

"Bright Lizana! Shifan, you have to be careful!" Despite knowing that Shi Feng is strong, the girl dancing at the moment is still worried and tells Shi Feng.

"Relax!" Shi Feng said indifferently at the words of the corpse dance.

As he said this, Shi Feng's figure slowly stood up.

"Big Brother Fan! Come on! Big Brother Fan will win!"

"That's natural! Our corpse brother, even the supreme Yuji tribe, is not in the eyes. What a Lishana is worth!"

"Yeah, Lizana, it's not time for our brother, Fan Fan, to be killed."

At this time, the four youths in front of the ancient corpse grandstand also followed suit and patted Shi Feng.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a flash of their corpse corpse, disappeared into the stands of their ancient corpse clan, and quickly moved towards the Tianjiao platform.

But with three breaths, Shi Feng flashed into the Tianjiao platform. At this moment, she stood proudly on the Tianjiao platform and immediately caught the public's attention!

"Appeared! It's a corpse! The ancient corpse corpse!"

"Zhu Fan!"


When Shi Feng appeared, shouts of shouts rang again.

"Zombie! Where!" In the tribes of the Terrans, at this moment an extremely old and cold voice sounded.

The patriarch of the human race, the Lonely Nebula, stared coldly at the figure standing proudly on the stage of Tianjiao, clenched his fists tightly, and the scene that night occurred in the territory, he will never forget.

This small animal and animal gratitude will revenge, even design himself, let himself kill his own grandchildren!

On earth, what could be more painful than this!


"Hum! A humble death creature!" Just then, a humming voice came over the ring.

I saw the bright tribe Tianjiao Lisanna appeared, floating in mid-air form, gently fanning the pair of white wings on the back, secretly, emitting a holy halo.

"Lisana also appeared!"

Looking at the bright Lisana, the stands of all ethnic groups shouted again.

"Oh, here it is!" Shi Feng looked up, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and murmured, looking at Lisana flying in the air.

At this time, I saw that Lisana's right hand moved, and the big sword she held in her hand slanted into the sky, whispering, as if chanting the mysterious old mantra: "The humble creature, subject to the sanction Come on, the holy light will wash your dirt ... "

And at this moment when Lisana's curse sounded, I saw a holy light descending from the sky, like a huge pillar of holy light, violently slamming down towards the Tianjiao platform below.

"Power of light! Good power of light. However, give less and break!"





The sound of the word "Bro" echoed between the heavens and the earth, and saw Shi Feng punching up with a punch, toward the huge holy beam of light that fell down.

The next moment, I saw the space above Shi Feng, boiling extremely fiercely, followed closely, and saw the huge beam of light, which suddenly collapsed and turned into a bit of broken light, and then disappeared into the void. In.

Such a powerful power of the Holy Light was even blown away by Shi Feng in this way. At this moment, even the bright Lisana's holy, perfect, white and delicate face was shocked. Content.

Immediately afterwards, she heard her cry again: "Humble death creature! How dare to blaspheme the power of God! You will fall into darkness forever! Never be born again!

At this time, I saw that the big sword in Lisana's hand suddenly shone with an extremely bright and holy light, and then she saw her holding the big sword high.

Suddenly, a huge holy lightsaber appeared above the Tianjiao platform, almost across the entire Tianjiao platform!

(End of this chapter)

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