Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1726: Evil Eye Chief Pleading!

Chapter 1726 The Evil Eye Leader Pleading!

Tian Hao's face changed greatly. He had heard what Shi Feng had said!

"Ben didn't take your life that night. Tonight, it's over!"

"Tonight, it's over!"

"That night! Tonight!"


"You! You! It's you!" Tian Hao gritted his teeth loudly.

No wonder! It turned out to be him! No wonder the moment I saw him, a strange feeling rose in my heart!

No wonder you look at him and you can't wait to kill him!

It turned out that he was that beast!

what! It's him!

"It's me!" Shi Feng smiled coldly at Tianhao.

At this time, Shi Feng's right fist suddenly moved, and a fierce bombardment came out towards the engulfed Jin Mang.

With Shi Feng's strong punch, the space was like a raging sea, and it trembled violently. The golden mang swallowed up was immediately destroyed by Shi Feng's punch.

Shi Feng's fist, however, did not stop, and continued to blast forward, and in an instant, he blasted before Tian Hao's face.

But at this moment, a cold humming sounded in Shi Feng's mouth again: "Hum! Do this again?"

Shi Feng has already seen that Tian Hao's third evil eye has disappeared from his forehead. It seems that he is known to be unable to compete with himself, and wants to dismember and flee again like that night.

He has escaped once, and this time, how can Shi Feng make him wish, "Boom", Shi Feng's unusually violent punch, has already hit the face of Tian Hao fiercely.

The entire head of Tian Hao exploded violently under Shi Feng's fist, and white liquid and golden liquid splattered in all directions, and the space suddenly shook violently.

In the violently turbulent space, not far from Shi Feng, a golden evil eye is constantly trembling, as if struggling and resisting in the turbulent space.

Shi Feng took a look with his left hand and immediately caught Tianhao's headless corpse. His body moved again and again, and in a moment, he reached the place where the golden evil eye was. The golden evil eye was caught in the palm of the hand.

"Let me go! Let me go! Livestock, you let go of me!" Every thought came to Shi Feng's mind.

Golden evil eyes, struggling fiercely in Shi Feng's hands.

"Huh!" Shi Feng smiled coldly, and his face was full of jokes, would he just put this golden evil eye in this way!

"My God Eye tribe admits defeat, please let go of Tian Hao's God Eye!" At this moment, above the stand of the evil eye tribe, a wicked and evil voice sounded, and it immediately resounded in Tianjiao's battle.

Immediately afterwards, there were all eyes gathered in the direction of the evil eye tribe grandstand.

"Tianrui! Leader of the evil eye tribe, Tianrui!"

"Yes! It's Tianrui!"

"Tianrui! Chief Tianrui!"


The voices of all races seeing and echoing are the leader of the evil eye tribe Tianrui.

After hearing that voice, Shi Feng also looked at the stand of the evil eye clan, and there was still a ridiculous and disdainful expression on his face.

At this time, I saw the evil eye tribe leader Tianrui, facing the stone maple in the sky of Tianjiao, showing sincere content, saying:

"Ancient corpse corpse, my God Eye tribe and your ancient corpse tribe have no resentment and revenge. After endless years, it has been well water and no river water! Please let go of Tian Hao. You alone! How? "

"Leave Tianhao?" Hearing Tianrui's words, Shi Feng's shameless face became more sneer.

Secretly, Tianrui saw something from that shameless face. At this moment, he turned his head and looked at the stand of the ancient corpse tribe, and said in a deep voice: "No corpse, let your tribe Tianjiao let Tianhao go, I owe you the ancient corpse, and I owe your corpse to no one. "

No corpse is exactly the name of the ancient corpse god!

This day Rui, seeing that Shi Feng did not let go of Tian Hao's intention, he actually turned to the corpse god!

"Hum!" From the stand of the ancient corpse, the corpse **** laughed when he heard Tianrui's words.

The corpse **** did not turn his head to look at Tianrui, his eyes still looked at the Tianjiao platform, and he said, "It is killing or letting go. It is determined by the corpse fan. I have no right to interfere!"

The meaning of the corpse **** is not to care about this.

He knew the resentment between Shi Feng and the evil eye tribe. Would he not care about this gossip?

What he thought at this moment was all the first battle of Tianjiao, and the cold water of Tianhan!

Tian Hao was defeated, and now the enemies of this stone maple are only the human tribe Tianjiao and the **** bite!

As long as he defeats these two people, he can share the cold water with him!

Refining with Tianhan Shenshui might really make him enter the realm of true gods in the legend!

Thinking of the real God again, even though he is the supreme ancestor of the ancient corpse, at this time his heart was heated again.


Just listening to the sound of a broken sound like a fish bubble being stepped on, it sounded in midair at Tianjiaotai.

In front of everyone's eyes, the creatures of all ethnic groups saw the ancient corpse corpse mortal, and suddenly gripped their right hand, squeezing the golden evil eye in their hands!

"Pinched! This corpse fan, who refused the favor of the evil eye tribe Tianrui, pinched Tianhao's golden evil eye!"

"I heard that the evil eye tribe has a secret method. As long as the evil eye does not die, it can recast the flesh! And now, Tian Hao will undoubtedly die!"

"Under this pinch of the corpse fan, that day, Hao, it must be that the spirit is flying and the smoke is gone!"

"Tianhao, the evil eye tribe is the first day of pride! Even the anti-sky pride that has been cultivated into the god's eye of the sky, it is rumored that he is only one step away from the powerful nine-star demigod. "


"Zefan, you!" Tianrui, the leader of the evil eye tribe, glared at the moment, stared at the proud figure in the air, and gave out a cold drink.

Immediately following, a strong killing rushed out of his Tianrui body, and an extremely cold and whispering voice echoed: "Okay, okay! Good ancient corpse! Good you ancient corpse I am Tianrui, remember! "

After speaking these words, Tianrui's standing figure slowly sat back, but although Tianrui didn't say it clearly, the creatures of all ethnic groups had already heard the meaning from his words.

It seems that from a long time ago, the two clans that have been well-watering and not breaking the river will not be as calm as before.


After Shi Feng pinched Tian Hao's golden evil eyes, he instantly devoured his death.

Immediately after, Shi Feng put the headless body into the storage ring.

Tian Hao's headless corpse was not swallowed up by Shi Feng, and did not turn into a dry corpse.

It's not that Shi Feng doesn't want to swallow, but the blood flowing in this corpse is not the blood of ordinary creatures, and he can't swallow it at all.

It seems that after the evil eyes of Tian Hao escaped, the body was remade, and the body was different from what it used to be.

Shi Feng put away the headless body and will study the different body later when there is time.

At the moment when the golden evil eye was pinched, Shi Feng did not devour Tian Hao's soul, but quietly put it into the space of the blood stone stele!

(End of this chapter)

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