Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1731: Blood Luogu Hell

Chapter 1731 Ancient Roman Hell

Tianjiao was on the stage, Shi Feng looked at the **** figure in front of him, saying:

"Stolen prison, imprisoned heaven and earth on the first day of pride, you won't be long before you can die."

"Dead?" Hearing Shi Feng's words, gazing at the pale and demon's strange face, he grinned chillyly.





At this moment, the sounds of "war" drinking continued to be heard from the stands of all ethnic groups in all directions!

"Kill!" At this moment, the prisoner drank indifferently, his body flashed forward instantly, turned into a blood-colored mang, and rushed to Shi Feng.

"Battle!" Seeing the jail move first, Shi Feng also gave a cold drink, the strongest stunt against the corpse warfare turned on instantaneously, the strong power was gathered on the right fist, and then the figure also moved, and flashed forward Blasting prison.

The two bodies that met in a hurry met each other instantly.

"Boom!" An extremely violent roar resounded, and the whole arrogant battlefield shook at this moment.

It's shaking!

But then, the two teleportation figures appeared together!

Shi Feng and the jail-fisting fist had collided fiercely at this moment. The violent sound just now was naturally caused by the collision of the two's strong forces.

However, at this moment, neither of them has regressed. Obviously, the two men had a draw in this collision!

"Tie! The first hit of the two turned out to be a tie! Shi Fan, even blocked a strong blow from Prison Eater!"


The various creatures looked at the scene on the ring, and exclaimed again.

"Any hand? Hey!" In the ancient corpse grandstand, the corpse **** shook his head secretly and sighed.

He knew, however, that Shi Feng's attack was a complete inverse corpse warfare. On the surface, the attack was a tie, but Shi Feng had already suffered the backlash of the inverse corpse warfare.

"Stealing, it's too strong!"

"Ancient corpse, corpse fan!" In the stands, in addition to the corpse god, there is also a person who knows the status of Shi Feng, that is the head of the Yuling tribe.

"My child's revenge rests on this corpse fan. If he defeats this time, it will be extremely difficult to want the life of this prisoner in the future!

But this corpse is extremely difficult to defeat the prisoner! "



When Tianjiao was on the stage, Shi Feng and the prisoner looked at each other coldly, and followed closely, "Boom!"

The left hand of Shi Feng and the prisoner had already followed Qi Qi, and once again had a fierce confrontation.

Followed by, "Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Shi Feng and the prisoner's fist carried out constant violent bombardment and collisions, and the sound of rumbling continued to rang, the world shaking more and more violently.

In front of everyone's eyes, the creatures of all ethnic groups have seen the two Tianjiao on the Tianjiao stage, and the violent battles are together.

Immediately afterwards, the two bodies moved in unison, straight into the void and rushing into the void, while the fists of the two were still violently blasting, and they continued to violently crash.

The violent, trembling power of "people" came out violently with two people as the center. The space of this world has already become extremely chaotic, and the rifts of dark space have also continuously emerged.

"Ah!" And at this moment, Shi Feng issued a roar of fury, and the right fist, which was about to be bombarded again, suddenly raised a stronger force of violent rage, and suddenly raged forward again.

"Huh?" When he felt Shi Feng's stronger power erupted, his jail-sucking face followed immediately.

At this time, it was not his fist that greeted Shi Feng that he changed his fist into a palm, slamming forward fiercely.

"Boom!" The fists turned into a flash of clashes, and then a violent violent clang resounded. This world experienced unprecedented turbulence, and the entire world seemed to become extremely unsettled.

"Eh!" And then, the creatures of all ethnic groups heard a painful "Uh" sound, and then, in the eyes of everyone, they saw the **** figure standing proudly in the air, and flew backwards violently. .

"Bite ... hate! Fly down under the power of this corpse fan!"

"Ah! The two have hit each other until now, and they have been quite equal, but at this moment, the prisoner was flying backwards under the power of the corpse fan!"

"Zhu Fan, it has the upper hand! How is this possible! His opponent, but the Blood Eater and the Prisoner!"


Seeing the prisoner's body fly upside down, people of all races cried out again.

"This ... this boy!" At this moment, even the corpse **** was a little surprised.

Originally, he thought that Shi Feng was running counter-corpse warfare and jail-blowing at all times, and was suffering from back-bite at all times. The combat power should be weaker and weaker.

However, he did not expect that the boy was getting stronger and stronger. The last blow just now was obviously a more powerful attack in this fierce battle.

"This is a pervert!" The corpse **** murmured again.

"Zhu Fan!" Yu Ji tribe stands, Ji Ji is a little surprised, the hope that was originally lost in the heart, quietly lit.

Tianjiao was in the middle of the air, Shi Feng's body had already rushed out of the air, and rushed to the inverted jail.

"Hum!" The prisoner's body flew backwards, and the pale and wicked face was still cold. Seeing the rushing body in front of him, he made an extremely cold hum.

At this time, the prisoner's right hand reached out, and his five fingers opened up facing Shi Feng, and he saw an old rune with strange blood on his palm. maple.

In the blood-colored light, it seems that the dense blood-colored skulls are flying! Faintly, a sound of pain and sorrow echoed from heaven and earth, as if from the extremely ancient and desolate dark period.

One of the other stunts of the Blood Eater, Blood Luogu Hell!

The stone maple rushing forward quickly was swallowed by blood!

The strange blood-colored awns instantly swept the whole world of Tianjiaotai.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

As if the tragic sound from the ancient desolation and darkness, echoed constantly.

"Engulfed! Shifan has entered Blood Luogu Hell! It seems that this time, he must be dead!"

"Well! I heard that entering the Blood Luogu Hell was even more terrible than being exposed to the blood palms of the Ninghe! Now, the corpse must be more ferocious!"

"It seems that the prisoner was just deliberately bombarded by the corpse fan, mainly to cause the corpse fan to rush forward, and then take advantage of this moment to cast in the blood Luogu hell, leaving the corpse fan to nothing shape!"

"It seems that the battle has come to an end! The first battle of Tianjiao is indeed a prisoner!"


At this time, the shape of the prisoner's inverted flight had already stopped, and only the space where he was located was not eroded by blood!

At this time, he saw that his hands again formed an ancient and complicated handprint, and then the handprint changed continuously, a cold killing intention permeated from him.

(End of this chapter)

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