Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1743: Heavenly Emperor God's Bell changed hands!

Chapter 1743: Heavenly Emperor God Zhong Yi Master!

When the voice of the man's big man's request sounded, one after another, the sound kept ringing.

"Sword senior, please give me the Heavenly Emperor Bell! Please, as long as you give me the Heavenly Emperor Bell, I would like to worship you as the righteous father!" It was a tauren who said this.

"Predecessor, little girl, please, as long as you give me the **** emperor bell, the little girl is yours." A charming, full-spirited demon woman followed the soft whisper and smiled softly and softly .

"Sword senior, please give me the heavenly **** bell!"

"Grandpa Sword, you give me heavenly **** bell, I kneel down for you!" Tong Tong, an ancient skeleton tribe skullman, really did kneel to the ancient proud sword after saying that.

"Senior, as long as you give me the emperor **** bell, you will be my ancestor in the future!"

"Senior, their body is waiting for you to enjoy!"


In order to get the real **** war bell, the emperor's bell, these creatures have completely disregarded their faces and could speak everything.

There are even a pair of demon mother and daughter flowers. If Gu Ao Sword is willing, they are willing to serve together!

Hearing the bursts of frowns, at this moment, I saw the evil face on Gu Ao's Excalibur, the eyebrows suddenly frowned, showing a touch of impatientness.

Immediately after, he heard a cold drink and said, "Go!"




The word "roll" immediately echoed and opened, followed closely, and then saw the figures surrounding the Gourmet Excalibur in all directions, flying out in an invisible force.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Pah! Pah!"

"Uh! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The sound of grounding and screams kept ringing, but at this time, the Gourd Excalibur no longer ignored these "miscellaneous people", looked up, and looked at Shi Feng and Yun Yi Meng in the void. .

At this time, I saw Gu Ao's Sword suddenly stepping on the Heavenly God's Divine Clock under his feet, and "Beep", Tian Di's God's Clock was shaken up directly by this step of Gu Ao's Magic Sword, and then flew towards Shi Feng and Yun Yi dreamed away.

Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng looked at the heavenly **** clock that was flying. At the same time, a voice followed: "Catch, master!"

With the sound of that sound, the original emperor's bell, which was like a golden mountain, began to shrink rapidly, and soon it was reduced to the size of a human head.

At this moment, just listening to Yun Yimeng again, he said to Shi Feng, "Master, this **** emperor's bell! It is a gift of rebirth given to you by your apprentice!"

Upon hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Shi Feng smiled and said, "This gift is precious."

Heavenly Emperor God Bell, a true God of War weapon, I can't think of anything more precious than this.

It is estimated that only Yun Yimeng, who has the true God of War sword, has this skill! Only he Yun Yimeng was willing to the person in front of him.

"Yimeng can have today, it ’s all a gift from the master. If it weren't for you, Yimeng is still a waste of incompetence, inaction, and ultimately unwilling to die." When Yun Yimeng said these words, his tone was full of seriousness, sincere.

When Shi Feng heard this sentence, he smiled and shook his head indifferently, saying, "As a teacher, I told you decades ago that you are the most motivated one. You can achieve what you have today. , Mainly by virtue of your own strong heart! "

After saying that, at this moment, the Heavenly Emperor God Clock is getting closer and closer to Shi Feng and Yun Yimeng. At this time, Shi Feng is also not polite. Since this object is an apprentice who honors himself, he probes out his right hand. Grabbed toward that true God of War weapon, the Emperor God Bell.

Soon, Shidi Fengzhong was caught in Shi Feng's hands!

At this moment, Shi Feng has fully felt the real artifact in his hand! The left hand condenses the fingerprints, and immediately, a forest white rune emerges on the palm of his left palm, and then slaps fiercely on the emperor's bell.

"Yeah!" Tiandi bell rang, once again reverberating heaven and earth, the entire space of heavenly battlefield, once again boiled under the sound of Zhongming.

The seal in the Heavenly Emperor's Bell has long been broken by Gu Ao's Excalibur. At this moment, Shi Feng easily put his own seal into the Heavenly Emperor's Bell.

At this moment, the Heavenly God's Bell has completely become a stone maple! And Shi Feng finally got a true God of War weapon.

"Tian Di Shen Zhong! Hehe, the device of true god!" Looking at the Tian Di Shen Zhong in his hand, Shi Feng grinned involuntarily.

Today, my combat power is already in the state of Jiuxing Demigod, and after I have this **** clock, the combat power will naturally be greatly improved!

Nine-star demigod strong, he does not have to look at Shi Feng!

"The reckless continent! The abyss of evil! The evil, the three demon masters!" Followed by, Shi Feng murmured these words again, and in his mind, the picture several months ago suddenly appeared.

"The evil three old demon! Ziyi! Yuxin! You are waiting for me, I can go back soon!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart again.

The deepest concern for the reckless continent is the safety of those two people.

One is his own brother. For his own sake, life and death are unknown.

Alone, the relationship is complicated, and she wanted her body, but she finally saved herself!




"This! Hey!"

At this moment, sighs rang out in Tianjiao's battlefield, "The emperor's bell finally belongs to this stone maple!"

"The outsider Shi Feng, posing as an ancient corpse corpse fan, took part in the Tianjiao battle that we hosted together. During the Tianjiao battle, he killed the ancient You hiding, the bright Lishana, and the blood guilty. It stands to reason that he should be punished by all our ethnic groups! "

"Punishment? Who dares to stand up and punish Shi Feng now? Not to mention the exquisite sword, it is the peerless combat power of this stone maple, plus he owns the heavenly **** clock, who dares to provoke him to Shi Feng? "

"That's it! Shi Feng doesn't ask anyone for trouble, thank God!"

"Now the punishment is the Nine Strongs who besieged him! I don't know how Shi Feng will ultimately pronounce the fate of these Nine!"


"Shi Feng! I didn't expect that this would be the result in the end!" In the stands of the ancient corpse, there was no dead corpse and corpse that hadn't been moved. He stared at the figure in the void and said secretly again. .


"Shi Feng!" The Yuzu tribe is extremely extreme. Now, the son's enemies have successfully reported, and that person has indeed fulfilled his promise.

At this time, I do n’t know what the Dai people looked at in the void and what they were thinking.


"Shi Feng! Great! What a great deal! Shi Feng survived, and also won the only true artifact God Emperor Bell in our imprisoned world.

His talent is inherently against the sky, and his combat power is extraordinary. Will he become our first stronghold in the world in the future? "

The corpse dancer girl looked at the figure and said with joy.

He can live, and the corpse dance is happy for him from the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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