Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1767: Shi Feng's warning!

Chapter 1767: Shi Feng's Warning!

After the second strike of the Heavenly Emperor God Bell, between the swaying heaven and earth, Shi Feng followed the old voice that just rang, then looked up and looked up!

Immediately afterwards, three white robes fluttering, white hair and white beard, and a figure like a fairy appeared in Shi Feng's sight.

"It's them!" At the edge of the Giant Sword Mountain, Yun Yimeng looked up at the same time, and saw the three white figures, Yun Yimeng shouted.

"Three old people in the realm of the true gods, it seems that Yi Meng said earlier that these are the three old things!" Looking at the three white-robed old men appearing above, although not masked, but Shi Feng soon recognized.

The wave of the Heavenly Emperor Bell fell, the swaying heaven and earth gradually calmed down, and seeing the arrival of the three old men, Shi Feng did not launch another wave of bombardment with the Heavenly Emperor God Bell.

"It seems that Ben Shao guessed it right, this large array of imprisoned worlds is not the former imprisoned array, but the three of you guys!" At this time, Shi Feng said leisurely.

Because it was not a large array of imprisonment, it is no wonder that the ancient secret method taught by the Dugu Nebula was destroyed as soon as it was operated!

"You're sorry to say!" At this time, an old man in white robes who looked a little thinner than the other two old men, said coldly when he heard Shi Feng's words:

"If it hadn't been for your thunder and lightning strikes many times in imprisonment and confinement, it would not have been completely destroyed!"

"That's it!" When the thinner old man's voice just dropped, another old man said indifferently: "You know how much effort and precious materials we have spent in this period of time, before we re-launch this new one. Great array! Without this new great array, those aliens would have gone to Tianheng mainland! "

"Oh, right?" Shi Feng said with a smile on his face when he heard the words of the two old men.

At this time, Yun Yimeng in the distant void said, "Master, the three old men are the three I mentioned to you before! The thinner one is called Ruxiang, and the one who spoke just now is called Ruyi. , There is another called Ruchen! "

As leisure! Rugao! As dust!

Next, Yun Yimeng continued to spread the word and introduced the three old men to Shi Feng: "Ru Xian and Rugao have a quick temper, and Ru Chen is more stable!"

"As leisure! As 燊! As dust!" Shi Feng also murmured the names of the three old men who descended from the top, and then spoke again, and said to the three old men: "Because of that, there are few books and no effort You guys open this array and let me wait to get out of here. "

While speaking these words, Shi Feng moved his right hand forward. Under the thought of Shi Feng, the enlarging **** emperor bell began to shrink rapidly, and then flew back towards Shi Feng. She returned to the size of a human head and was caught in Shi Feng's hands.

"This ..." When Shi Feng's words just came down, I saw the three old men, their faces moved together.

Seeing their old faces changed, Shi Feng's face quickly cooled down and said rudely, "Huh? Why? Ben Shao can't leave here? Couldn't you also keep Ben Shao here?"

Immediately afterwards, they saw a lingering war spirit, rising from Shi Feng's body!

Today, he has seven stars and demigods in martial arts realm, five stars and demigods of physical power, four stars and demigods of soul power, and holds the true artifact heavenly **** clock. Although the three old men above are three true gods, If he wants to block his way, Shi Feng will not be afraid!

Sensing Shi Feng's war intentions, remembering the previous picture of the perverted beating of the protoss strongman when he was in the preeminent battlefield, the three old men's complexions changed again, and the complexion seemed to be more gentle and open immediately. ,Say:

"Little friend must not hurt his temper. If you want to leave, the three of me will not stop you!"

"Oh!" Shi Feng said, "Oh", "then you three will manipulate the array and let me wait."

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the three men and three old faces looked at each other, followed, and the same one slowly opened his mouth again, and said to Shi Feng, "You can leave, but the ancient proud sword of the Yun family. But can't! "

"Why?" At this moment, Yun Yimeng spoke, and his body moved immediately, moving towards Shi Feng quickly.

Gu Ao's Excalibur is the Excalibur of his Yun family. He is easy to dream, and naturally has the right to take it away!

Looking at Yun Yimeng, whose body is still rapidly moving, Ru Chen said:

"Because Gu Ao's Excalibur, your ancestor of the Yun family stayed in the imprisoned heaven and earth, helping all races and souls to compete against the protoss. Yun Yimeng, if you take the Gu Ao Excalibur out of the imprisoned world, then you are against your The ancestors of the family can be filial! "

At this moment, Yun Yimeng had come to Shi Feng and heard the dusty words, his face was shocked: "This ..."

If it is as the dust says, if you really take the ancient proud sword away from the imprisoned world, it is indeed against the will of the ancestors!

The sword light flashed, and the bland Guao Divine Sword appeared again in Yun Yimeng's hands. Looking at the sword in his hand at this moment, Yun Yimeng's face was a little complicated.

Following this, Yun Yimeng turned to look at Shi Feng and said, "Master! The disciples thought about it, and they stayed in the imprisoned world with Gu Ao's Excalibur!"

At this time, ghosts and Xiao Tianyi's body have also come flying. After hearing Yun Yimeng's words, Xiao Tianyi was shocked: "Six masters, do you want to stay here?"

"Yeah!" Yun Yimeng nodded slightly, echoing.

And Shi Feng, his eyebrows frowned slowly, coldly staring at the three old white robe men above, and looked at Yun Yimeng next to him, and then a jade Jane appeared in his hands, he handed it to After Yun Yimeng said:

"Since you want to stay in the world of imprisonment, then I will do as you please, and accept this jade Jank as a teacher. If there is something you need to be a teacher, you will crush the jade Jank, no matter where you are, just induction When it arrives, it will inevitably come soon! "

Yun Yimeng reached down and took Yu Jian, and thanked Shi Feng: "Thank you!"

Seeing Yun Yimeng pick up Yu Jian, Shi Feng raised her head again, looking at the three old men above, saying:

"Three old guys, Yi Mengnai is a disciple of Ben. Since he chose to stay here temporarily, Ben Shao will follow him. However, if the three of you take advantage of Ben Shao's absence, rely on his strength to humiliate him, Ben Shao After returning, there will be no mercy! Heaven and earth will kill you all three! "

"After Ben Shao's return, he will never be lenient! Ben Tian will cut you three into heaven!"


Shi Feng's arrogant cold voice echoed immediately in this world, followed closely by a very cold killing intention, soaring into the sky, towards the three old men.

Yun Yimeng has Gu Ao's Excalibur in his hand. What imprisoned him in this imprisoned world is these three old men, in addition to the protoss who often invaded at that time!

Therefore, Shi Feng's words, as well as the killing intent, are regarded as warnings to the three old men!

You ca n’t touch the disciples of Emperor Jiuyou!

(End of this chapter)

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