Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1770: Ancient altar

Chapter 1770: Ancient Altar

Among the gray and white fog rolling in the forbidden area, I saw a figure holding a golden bell moving by hand. The golden bell was constantly being shaken, constantly breaking the silence of this world. For a time, it fell Feeling less depressed.

"Huh?" At this time, Shi Feng's brow frowned again, and he moved all the way to the west, at his speed, he had not yet moved out of this mess of rubble.

This ruin seems to be endless!

"Oh!" Another sound of Zhongming resounded in the world. Under the power of Shi Feng urging the clock of the emperor God, the power of the Nether Landing was constantly destroyed.

With today's Shi Feng, as long as it is not a god-level power, he doesn't look at it at all.

"Is there really no end to this ruin?" Shi Feng followed, Shi Feng's brows had deepened and thought.

And here, Shi Feng still didn't feel half the breath of life, as if the souls here had completely died.

"Huh? This is it?" But then, Shi Feng sensed that there was a huge building in front of her, and her body stopped and stopped before the huge building.

This huge building looks like a tall and ancient altar built from stone. The altar is filled with dense ancient writings, but Shi Feng feels a space force from this altar!

Then, looking at the stone maple of this altar, he exclaimed: "This is a space teleporting altar!"

Shi Feng remembered a few years ago that he asked King Kirin if there was space in the Tianmiao Empire to transmit a large array across the region.

King Kirin said at the time that there was one in this forbidden area. Could it be this teleportation array?

Thinking of this, Shi Feng's figure flickered again and onto the space teleporting altar.

At the same time, Shi Feng thought, a **** light flashed beside him.

"Master!" Xiao Tianyi's voice sounded before the blood light had fallen. When the blood light disappeared, Xiao Tianyi's white flowing figure appeared.

Following Shi Feng, he pointed at the teleportation altar under his feet and said to Xiao Tianyi, "Tianyi, look at this!"

Tianheng continent's space teleportation arrays are all made by the magician. Therefore, it is natural that the magician is familiar with the space teleportation array.

What's more, in front of Shi Feng, but the world's first master master!

"Oh?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tian also said "Oh" with a little doubt, then lowered his head slowly and looked down at his feet.

"Huh? This is it?" When he saw the seemingly ancient altar under his feet, Xiao Tianyi immediately moved his face, and immediately followed, his soul's power was released and he felt to his feet.

Not long after, Shi Feng heard Xiao Tian also exclaimed: "Master! This turned out to be a large space cross-domain transmission array! And it is an ancient space cross-domain transmission array! The same seat! "

"Ancient space cross-domain transmission array?" After hearing Xiao Tianyi's words, Shi Feng opened his eyes and was slightly surprised!

In ancient space, there was a large array of cross-domain transmissions. There were not a few in the entire Tianheng continent, but it was unexpected that there was even one in this forbidden area!

Like Shifeng Territory, the area of ​​Nether Purgatory is special, not in the Five Realms. If Shi Feng wants to return to Nether Purgatory, he must take this ancient cross-border array!

"Can this ancient cross-domain teleportation be used?" Shi Feng then asked Xiao Tianyi again.

If this space cross-domain teleportation array is available, it will be much easier for him to return to Nether Purgatory or go to other domains.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tian also said, "It has been damaged!"

But immediately following, Xiao Tian Yi grinned and said to Shi Feng again, "But the child can fix it!" When I said this, I saw Xiao Tian Yi's face appeared. A touch of self-confidence.

Shi Feng smiled and said, "You kid!"

When hearing Xiao Tianyi's first sentence, Shi Feng thought that this ancient space teleportation array had been completely damaged.

Then, Shi Feng said again, "Then you will fix it! Protect the Fa for your teacher!"

"Huh!" Xiao Tian also nodded his head, and then thought of it, he saw a piece of material, constantly flying out of his storage ring.

At the same time, Shi Feng's body moved, and he held the Heavenly Emperor's Bell, flying over Xiao Tianyi.

In this dangerous place where strength often falls from the sky, he must protect the apprentice's safety!

Although Shi Feng's figure reached above Xiao Tianyi, the power of his soul was felt in all directions!

This weird place of death isn't just about the dangers in the sky, but in all directions, dangers can appear at any time.

Seeing that Shi Feng was suspended above himself, Xiao Tian had disregarded everything else and devoted himself to restoring this ancient altar. He had given his master a life or death in a dangerous place.

This is an absolute belief in the master!

A cloud of snowy white flames suddenly burned from the palm of his hand. Once the snow flames burst out, they rushed violently and devoured the previous piece of material flying out of the storage ring.

Immediately afterwards, Xueyan continued to rush, rushing to this huge ancient altar underneath, and the entire altar was burning with raging snow flames, like a small snow-colored flame mountain.

And Xiao Tianyi's hands have begun to dance slowly, afterglow.


Time passed slowly in Xiao Tianyi's restoration altar. Although there was no day and night in the death forbidden area, at least one day and one night had passed from Xiao Tianyi's restoration.

During this time, Shi Feng didn't care the least. In the meantime, there were indeed five violent forces falling from the sky, but they were destroyed silently by Shi Feng!

Except for the void, the danger in other directions did not appear.

And at this time, I saw the burning snow-colored flame below, starting to roll back towards Xiao Tianyi, being absorbed by Xiao Tianyi's body.

Seeing Shi Feng in this scene, he immediately asked: "Heaven, this ancient space teleportation altar has been restored?"

"Yes, Master!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, Xiao Tian also nodded and replied while absorbing Xueyan.

At the moment, Xiao Tian's face looked relaxed and cozy, and he couldn't see any difficulty in the continuous repair of this ancient altar one day and one night.

Soon, the snow-colored flames had been completely absorbed by Xiao Tianyi, the ancient space transmitting the altar across the domain, and then appeared again.

When Shi Feng moved, she fell on the ancient altar and asked Xiao Tianyi: "Tianyi, can this space transmit the altar directly from here to the Imperial City of Yunlai?"

(End of this chapter)

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