Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1773: Great Dragon City!

Chapter 1773 The Holy Dragon City is overjoyed!

Sanctuary, Holy Dragon City!

Today in Shenglong City, the voices are full of joy and excitement!

There are colorful lights everywhere, filled with red hi words, and red lanterns are hanging! A piece of red!

In the Tianheng continent, many top forces gather here!

Today is definitely a great day for Shenglong City!

Today is the day of great joy for Yin Wuji, the Lord of the Holy Dragon City, the President of the World Masters of Art and Crafts Association!

Yin Wuji, this year there are three in sixty, and he has a son and a daughter under his knee, but his hair wife died somehow 19 years ago.

There are rumors in the world that Yin Wuji loves sending his wife deeply. He has not been able to forget his wife over the years and has never been married.

But never thought, just a few days ago, Yin Wuji advertised the world and told the world that he Yin Wuji was about to marry a new wife.

The new wife is his Yin Wuji's adoptive daughter named Qiandie, who is only eighteen years old!

I heard that the girl Qiandie secretly fell in love with her father when she was very young! After growing up, one day finally he had the courage to confess to his righteous father Yin Wuji!

I never thought that when I heard Qiandie's confession, Yin Wuji severely scolded Qiandie, saying that if they were together, they would definitely suffer a joke from the world!

They will be cast aside by the world!

However, although that day was severely scolded by the righteous father, the girl Qiandie has never been unwilling to die, and still remains obsessed with Yin Wuji, the righteous father!

He even threatened that Yin Wuji, a non-parent father in this life, would not marry!

For Qiandie's infatuation and persistence, Yin Wuji's heart as firm as iron finally finally melted! And until that time, the mysterious killer **** organization even sent a heavenly killer to assassinate the Lord of the Dragon City! The President of the World Spellcraft Association!

The assassination was said to be dangerous and dangerous. Yin Wuji almost died under the **** killer sword. If it wasn't for the girl Qiandie who used her own body to block the sword for her adoptive father Yin Wuji, maybe Yin Wuji is now Already killed Huang Quan!

Perhaps Shenglong City has changed hands!

That sword, the blood stained the earth, and even Yin Wuji's heart was completely melted at that moment! Setting aside the mundane eyes, I fell in love with this foster lady who is willing to sacrifice her life for herself!

Perhaps God was also moved by the love of Qiandie, who originally thought she would die. Qiandie, who was unconscious, was unconscious for ten days and ten nights, and the miracle survived!

"Perhaps, that is the answer, a lover will eventually become a dependent!"

In the Holy Dragon City, these days have been chanting that infatuated girl and that great love that can sing and cry!

"Yes, the girl Qiandie is so persistent for her love. These women are rare in the world!"

"It's so happy to have this love, President Yin! If I were President Yin, there would be no regrets in this life!"

"Hold your hand, what's your husband asking for?"

Shi Feng and his disciple Xiao Tianyi have already walked in the Holy Dragon City at this moment. Although the Holy Dragon City is still an extraordinary period, no one can enter the Dragon City without presenting an invitation.

But if the two of them want to enter silently, how can those guards who guard the Holy Dragon City see!

At this time, Xiao Tian, ​​who was suddenly heard beside him, also said with emotion: "I didn't expect that Yin Wuji, the old guy, had such beautiful blessings! He was pursued by an eighteen-year-old girl! It is really beautiful!

After hearing the words of disciple Xiao Tianyi, Shi Feng did not speak. Walking between this festive and bright red world, but did not resolve the coldness in his heart.

The two seem to be walking step by step, but after their step, they are tens of meters away!

The power of Shi Feng's soul has swept out in all directions.

After a while, she heard Shi Feng said to Xiao Tianyi indifferently, and said, "Go to Shenglong Pavilion first, and look for the Yin old dog directly! Let's get married today, this Yin old dog should not want to end! "

"Huh!" Xiao Tian nodded after hearing Shi Feng's words, and answered.

My heart began to feel sorry for the Yin Wuji secretly. This old guy just happened to have a wedding today, and it was a bad luck!

If that doesn't happen, maybe this old guy can sleep tonight with his beautiful wife and beautiful woman. But now ...


In the center of Shenglong City, there is a huge building like a golden dragon. Magnificent, as if about to soar!

This is the legendary Holy Dragon Hall!

At this moment, in the solemn and solemn hall of the Holy Dragon on weekdays, there are also colorful lanterns, and the voices are full of joy and joy.

In the Holy Dragon Hall, Yin Wuji, the Lord of the Holy Dragon City, wore a big red robe to sit high, and the chair he sat on was his Holy Dragon Chair!

At this moment, his face was full of red, his face was full of smiles, and people were happy when they came to the wedding. At this moment, Yin Wuji seemed to be a teenager! It doesn't look like he is in his early fifties!

The guests below are seated on both sides, standing in order from high to low, and extending forward!

The day of great joy for the president of the World Association of Smelting and Refining Associations, who can sit in this hall of holy dragons, is an extraordinary person!

Take the two closest to Yin Wuji, sitting on either side. One is an old man in his seventies, and the other is a middle-aged man. Both of them are the power of Jiuxing Peerless Emperor!

In Tianheng continent, the existence of billions of souls is controlled!

And this middle-aged man sits at a table next to him, and is also a Jiuxing Wudi, and the old man in his seventies is a master of smelting in a white loose robe, coming from the badge on his shoulder Look, this! Actually is a master of the eighth level holy realm!

Everyone knows that in this world, in addition to the world master Xiao Tianyi, the eighth-level Holy Master Master is the world's top master master!


"During your busy schedule, you will come to Shenglong to attend Yin's wedding. Yin is grateful. Yin is here toast everyone!" At this time, Yin Wuji, who sat first, raised his glass and toasted to the guests below.

When the guests below saw it, they quickly raised their glasses to Yin Wuji with a smile: "Hahaha, where is this from President Yin! On the day of your great joy, you must be there next! Come! Come on!"

"That's what it is! Even if it's billions of miles away, you have to come! Do!"



In the hall of the Holy Dragon, the crowd laughed back at Yin Wuji, the first one, with his head lifted, and he drank the wine in the glass at the same time!

But at this moment, a young, cold voice suddenly resounded in this holy dragon hall: "Yin old dog is getting married, here is really lively! It seems that there are few books, and it is just the right time!"

And at this moment when this cold voice sounded, inside the Holy Dragon's Basilica, originally with a smiley face, changed at this moment!

Today is the day of great joy for President Yin Wuji Yin. Someone should come to trouble at this time?

Some people dare to call President Yin, the president of the World Masters Association, a Yin old dog!

"Yes! Who! Who is so presumptuous!"

"Hum! Come out!"

"Get out of me!"


The sound of anger and drinking rang out immediately in this Holy Dragon Hall!

(End of this chapter)

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