Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1775: Beimingbaishu!

Chapter 1775 Beiming Baishu!

"Shi Feng! Shi Feng! He! It's him! It's him!"

The middle-aged Emperor Wu from the Southern Region, thinking of the true identity of the "Shi Feng", the whole person shivered involuntarily, as if frightened!

It's the real identity of this person, it's too scary!

And he "Shi Feng" just said that if he hasn't left the Holy Dragon Hall within ten breaths, he will stay here forever!

At this time, the middle-aged Emperor Wudi from Nanyu immediately yelled at the nine-star Emperor Wuxing who shot it: "No! Don't! Master of the North Nether Palace, stop now! He ... he ... he, but Jiuyou Great Emperor! "

"Jiuyou the Great?"

"Jiuyou the Great?"

In the Nanyu Emperor Wu's loud drinking sound, in the hall of the Holy Dragon, there was a sound of surprise.

"The Emperor Jiuyou? He? What? ... Ah ... this ..."

A beautiful middle-aged woman in the martial arts realm in the realm of the Eight-Star Emperor Wu Di, after hearing the loud scream, her cheeky face was full of disdain and ridicule.

However, she didn't say the word "joking", and then she saw an unforgettable scene in her life, her eyes widened suddenly, her mouth opened wide, forming an O, and her expression looked very wonderful!

Not only that beautiful middle-aged woman, but also the halls of the Holy Dragon, face-to-face changes have taken place at this moment, including Yin Wuji, the Lord of the Holy Dragon City.

They saw that Beiming Baishu, the peerless powerhouse in the realm of the nine-star Emperor Wudi, patted his hand towards the young man in white, and it was disappearing constantly, as if being eaten by the air inch by inch!

In an instant, Beiming Baishu had only his **** wrist left! The next breath, his entire arm has disappeared!


There was a roar of pain, which burst out from Beiming Baishu's mouth.

At the same time, a stream of red blood spewed from his shoulder like a fountain! On the face of Beimingbaishu at this moment, it is full of extreme pain and terror!






Immediately after, in the hall of the holy dragon, sounds of cool air rang out.

Beiming Palace, one of the transcendental forces in the Tianheng continent. Beiming Palace, the host of Beiming Palace, is also a well-known peerless power in Tianheng mainland. However, he did not expect that he attacked the young man in white. The famous young man in white was safe and sound, but his entire arm was gone!

This young man in white! What a terrible existence this is!

"Nine You Emperor!"

"Nine You Emperor!"

"Nine You Emperor!"

At this moment, everyone in the hall of the Holy Dragon began to read these four words seriously.

At this moment, they realized that a major event on the Tianheng continent occurred during this time!

A dozen years ago, Jiuyou Emperor, the world's first strongest man, fell, but now, Jiuyou Emperor Nether, is born again!

"This little, this life is called Shi Feng!" In the hall of the Holy Dragon, everyone finally realized the young man in white, what he said earlier.

He said, this life!

"Jiuyou Emperor! You!" After learning that this white robe youth is the identity of Jiuyou Emperor, even the Beiming Palace Master Beimingbaishu shouted at you.

At this time, Shi Feng slowly turned his head. The cold and handsome young face looked at this Beiming Baishu, saying: "Beijing Mingbai, right, I still remember you! I've been to your Beiming Palace less often. At that time, it was your son Bei Mingquan who personally entertained you! "

"Yes! It really is you! The emperor!" After hearing Shi Feng's words, looking at the cold temperament on this young face, Beiming Baishu was even more convinced that the person in front of him was indeed the one who was then the man!

That year, even his father, Bei Mingquan, had martial arts stepped into the peak of Jiuxing Wudi, and he had to respect him!

He once asked his father, Bei Mingquan, what would happen if he fought with his Nine Nine Great Emperor You Nin.

As a result, his father told him that if he fought against Emperor Jiuyou, he would be defeated!

"The Nine You Emperor Nether is worthy of being the first in the world!" This sentence seemed to reverberate in the ear of his Beiming Baishu again!

And this time is a big event that sensationalized the world. Of course, everyone in Beimingbaishu and Holy Dragon Hall knew it!

The nether purgatory of Emperor Jiuyou Emperor's Territory was besieged by 34 Jiuxing Peerless Emperors. In the end, the thirty-four peerless Emperors are forever in danger.

Picking skin and cramps, it is even drawn out of the soul, eternal life and eternal life suffer from the bite of all ghosts, eternal life is better than death!

The top forces associated with the thirty-four Emperors of the Wu Dynasty, the Imperial City of Northern Xinjiang, the Holy Land of Qiankun, the Spirit Family, and the Nine You Army, have now become history.

"Bai Shu didn't know that the Great Emperor came to you, offend the Great Emperor, and hope that the Great Emperor will forgive him!" Bei Ming Bai Shu, although Shi Feng severed an arm, but at the moment, his face did not show any resentment, and Is panic!

The Emperor Jiuyou is angry, then his North Nether Palace will completely disappear in this world!

"The Great! I do n’t know if it is the Great. You are coming. I was born cheap, and I hope the Great will forgive me!"

"I am guilty, emperor! Please forgive me! I really **** it!"

"I am the emperor, if you have offended you before, you should fart! I know it is wrong! I ’m not as good as a beast!"

"The Great ..."


At this moment, in the Holy Dragon Hall, these are all famous in the Tianheng continent, but now they are constantly begging for mercy. Previously, they mocked and satirized the young man in white!

At this moment, all the 100 guests had stood up, no one dared to sit, all of them panicked and upset.

Even Yin Wuji above the top is the same, and he has already stood up! The reason why this person is here now is very obvious, it is directed at him indiscriminately.

For the others, Shi Feng didn't bother at the moment, but said to Beiming Baishu, and said, "You, Beiming Baishu, dare to take less of Ben. You shouldn't have taken your life, but you shouldn't see For your sake, Beimingquan, take one of your arms and spare your life. Will you take it? "

"Serve! I serve! I serve! Thank you, great! Thank you, great! Thank you for not killing!" After hearing the words of Shi Feng, Bei Ming Bai Shu immediately said, nodded and thanked again and again.

Beimingbaishu at this moment is like a amnesty! One arm changed his life for Beiming Baishu and replaced him with Beiminggong's peace. He already felt worth it!

Then, Shi Feng ’s young, cold voice echoed in the hall of the Holy Dragon: "Ben Young has given you the opportunity to let you leave within ten breaths. Why, now you want to leave? late!"

And just before the word "late" in Shi Feng, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Suddenly there were more than a dozen screams of extreme pain, echoing in this Holy Dragon Hall!

(End of this chapter)

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