Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1780: Master Tian Yi Appears!

Chapter 1780 Master Tian Yi Appears!

"I depend!" Upon hearing Shu Yan's words, Ou Yunlong "relied" directly in his heart. If it was normal, he would definitely walk over, fanning him with a slap in his face!

Your mouth is full of teeth! I really want to fan him!

At this moment, Ou Yunlong didn't dare to look at that vicious man, but he felt that his vicious eyes had already looked at him!

Followed closely, just listened to this Ou Yunlong screaming angrily at Shu Yan:

"Miscellaneous things! Shu Yan, I just asked you to accompany Li Mo and Nie Shen to Dongyu for a look! When did I let you deal with the emperor! And, when did I let you bring the emperor's mother and sister back to Saint Dragon City! This is entirely your own claim! "

After drinking these words, Ou Yunlong looked at Shi Feng, and then wept with an old face, explaining to him: "The emperor, really is what the old man said! It is all this self-assertion by Shu Yan! If there is a fake Ah, the thunderous thunder! "

Hearing Ou Yunlong's words, Shi Feng said to him, "This book is small, no matter what!"

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng said again: "Anyway, Shu Yan must die! But after death, his soul is immortal and burned by flames!"

When Shi Feng's last sentence sounded, she saw this kneeling Shu Yan, and a flamboyant fiery flame ignited on her body, and Shu Yan's entire body was immediately swallowed by this blood flame.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" One after another screams of screams resounded in this Holy Dragon Hall!

"After death ... the soul is immortal and burned by the flames!" Many people in the Holy Dragon Hall secretly murmured the words, and then took a deep breath.

They naturally know how painful their souls are directly burned by flames!

It's simply a situation where life is better than death!

The scream that Shu Yan sounded just now is just the beginning.

"Rao! Rao Ming! Rao Ming! I just act on orders! The Great Rao! Rao! I'm wrong! I know I'm wrong!" Under the extreme pain of the flame burning, Shu Yan kept begging for mercy.

However, this is really just the beginning!

Immediately after, Shu Yan was burned to death in the fiery flames! But his suffering did not end there!

The original scream just stopped, "Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" At this moment, a scream of incomparable screaming and hoarseness resounded in this holy dragon hall.





The hall of the Holy Dragon, again sounded the sound of breathing down.

This is indeed the legend, that cruel man!

Offended this cruel man, but it's not just death, it's not as good as death!

Followed by, Shi Feng did not care about that Shu Yan, let the **** flames burn in the hall of the Holy Dragon, and let the extremely screaming ghost echo.

Subsequently, his eyes slowly glanced at the Holy Dragon Hall again. At this moment, everyone who was swept by him was trembling.

Especially those who had ridiculed in the past, their hearts were filled with horror and remorse!

In order to sacrifice Yin Yinji, he was mocked and offended, such a cruel man!

What a shame!

The ruthless man said at the time that it was regretful to leave here within ten breaths and stay here!

Shi Feng, still did not find these people to settle accounts, eyes, and gazed once again on the body of Ou Yunlong, the vice president of the arts and crafts guild!

"Big ... Big Emperor!" At this moment, Ou Yunlong's body suddenly shuddered again, his knees softened, and he knelt directly towards Shi Feng.

Ou Yunlong was really scared. This vicious man suddenly killed himself together, and he was reduced to the end like Yin Wuji and Ou Yunlong!

Compared to that now, Yin Wuji is better, and he has died a hundred! The most tragic is that Shu Yan, at this moment I can't even die if I want to die!

Ou Yunlong, the master of eighth-level holy craftsmanship, but the power of his soul has already entered the realm of nine-level emperor!

He could naturally hear that the soul of Shu Yan, who had been burned by the flames, was begging for destruction to the cruel man under the extreme screams.

However, looking at this cruel man, it seems that he has no intention of releasing Shu Yan at this point.

It is rumored in the world that the one who offends this cruel man is tortured to death forever!

Eternal life!

At this time, Ou Yunlong opened his mouth again and begged to Shi Feng:

"The emperor, forgive me! Old age ... old age, old age knows your disciple Master Xiao Tianyi, and has discussed the practice of cultivation with Master Xiao Tianyi. The friendship is deep. I also hope that the emperor will see in Master Xiao Tianyi Oh, let's die! "

But just after Ou Yunlong's voice fell, a sigh suddenly sounded above him: "Useless, Lao Ou!"

"This!" When Ou Yunlong heard the voice, he saw that the old face of Ou Yunlong suddenly changed again and looked up.

Not only this Ou Yunlong, but also all the people in the Holy Dragon Hall, all looked up.

Some people recognized the voice and exclaimed: "Tianyi! Master Xiao Tianyi! That's right! It's Master Xiao Tianyi's voice! I once had a relationship with him!"

"Xiao Tianyi!"

"Master Xiao Tianyi!"


Now in the Tianheng continent, who can not know who can not know, Xiao Tianyi, the world's first master of master craftsmanship, above Tianheng continent, the only master of nine ranks of master craftsmanship!

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a man in the white loose loose practice robes appearing in mid-air, and beside this man, there was a little girl who looked about ten years old and full of aura!

Although this girl is young, her martial arts realm has already entered the realm of Jiuxing Wusheng!

"Master Xiao Tianyi!" When Xiao Tianyi appeared in person, someone cried out in surprise.

"Master Tianyi, save the old one's life!" At this moment, Ou Yunlong looked at Xiao Tianyi appearing in mid-air, and quickly pleaded.

However, Xiao Tianyi was seen, and he slowly shook his head at Ou Yunlong below, saying, "Lao Ou, you idiots of the Master Craftsmen Guild have provoked my master. You must go to the wrong you have committed. bear!"

Xiao Tianyi's words have been made very clear, he will not ask for forgiveness for Ou Yunlong! Instead, ask them to bear the consequences!

"This! This! Master Tianyi! This ..."

Ou Yunlong had nothing to say, but Xiao Tian also shook his head slowly and said, "Lao Ou, you don't have to say anything! You are alive or dead, what is your destiny, my master will handle it! "

After saying this, Xiao Tian also completely ignored the old man Ou Yunlong.

"Brother!" At this time, a clear shout rang softly from the mouth of the little girl beside Xiao Tianyi. The aura girl was naturally a stone spirit.

Looking at Xiao Tian and Shi Ling, Shi Feng frowned, and asked Shi Ling: "Where's mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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