Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1789: Destiny tree!

Chapter 1789: Destiny Barren Tree!

Lizard Terran!

Sand Scorpion!

Desert Bats!


Along the way, the four snakes soared wildly, hurried through this hot world.

After passing through the six ethnic territories in the desert in the northwest, Shi Feng and Ziya saw that these ethnic territories, like that of the werewolf tribe, fell into ruins!

When I saw the ruins, two lines of tears had slipped from Ziya's eyes, and her pretty face was covered with sadness, and her mouth shouted softly, "Sister! Second sister! Third sister ... Uncle Barlow ... "

Ziya's voice has become choked.

Seeing Ziya beside him, Shi Feng sighed softly! Today, even if they haven't reached the territory of the Serpent people, the situation of the Serpent people is almost known.

Those snake people must have been fierce!


After the four-lily serpent soared for a while, Shi Feng suddenly spoke again, saying, "In front of you is the territory of your snake people tribe!"

After hearing Shi Feng's words, Ziya responded softly: "Huh! Ziya, finally go home!" Although she is about to go home, but at this moment Ziya, where there are previous excitement and joy, has already revealed Full of sadness.

"Oh!" And at this moment, the fast-moving four-leaf snake underneath them suddenly speeded up suddenly, like a huge four-colored thunder, rushing into the void, and issued a fierce bursting sound.

Gradually, the earth in front of them met Shi Feng and Ziya's eyes. At this moment, I saw the eyes of Ziya's pretty face suddenly widened, and she yelled with all her strength, hersing, and sorrow. The voice yelled from the mouth of the snake-girl, "No!"

The space, as if under the roar of Ziya, oscillates like a wave of water!

That piece of land, at this moment, is the territory of the Snake race, not even the ruins, and there is no trace of the existence of a race there!

There, it has become a huge pit!

And at this moment, the Four Snakes had flew over the giant pit, Shi Feng, looking down!

This pothole is not only huge but also deep. Shi Feng looked at it at a glance and predicted that it would be ten feet deep!

"No! My clan! My elder sister! The second sister! The third sister! Ah!" Seeing this huge pit, Ziya's knees softened, and the whole person fell directly to her knees, and sorrowed in tears, This pretty beauty has already been moistened.

And Shi Feng's eyes have been staring at this huge pit!

"This ... it's like a footprint!" At this moment, Shi Feng said suddenly.

Weeping Ziya heard Shi Feng's whispering voice, turned her head to look at him, and said in a crying voice, "Brother Shi Feng! What did you find? Tell me!"

"Lift off!" Shi Feng whispered and gave an order to the four snakes under him.

Under Shi Feng's order, the suspended snake, which was standing still, flew up.

The giant pit below gradually narrowed in the eyes of Shi Feng and Zi Ya, but the outline became more and more clear!

At this time, Shi Feng pointed at the huge pit again and said to Ziya, "Look, girl, does this look like a footprint of a humanoid?"

"Footprints!" After hearing what Shi Feng said, Ziya said these two words, and then she heard her say, "It really looks like a footprint! Who is it! Who did it!"

This Serpent Territory looked like it was being trampled by a giant humanoid and destroyed!

However, it is not necessarily a huge humanoid creature. Some creatures' combat skills, including the warrior of the human race, can reveal a huge virtual shadow, and then use the virtual shadow to launch a fierce step!

"What exactly is there? Come to this northwestern desert, and exterminate all beings in this northwestern desert?" Then, Shi Feng frowned again, and murmured again.

At this moment, his eyes glared at Ziya in the huge pit below, his fists suddenly gripped, his face trembled softly, his face soaked with tears, and at this moment became extremely resolute and sullen: "I! I must avenge my people! Whoever he is, I have to! Kill him!"

"I want everything! Kill him!"

"I want everything! Kill him!"


This coquettish sound with hatred rang out in this hot and open world, echoing constantly!

However, Shi Feng found that because of hatred, this girl of the Snake race that originally looked innocent had become different from the past.

The seeds of hatred have been buried in her heart!

"Ah!" Shi Feng sighed again, but he still didn't say anything comforting to her.

Shi Feng naturally knew that at this moment, she did not use any words of comfort to her. At this moment, she probably only had hatred in her heart.

But if you change to yourself, it is expected to be the same! Who can accept the killing of a loved one and the destruction of a tribe!

Then, Shi Feng said secretly in her heart: "Everything, wait until she calms down before talking!"

"Let's go and see! Let's see if there are any traces left!" At this moment, Shi Feng thought again, and gave an order to the four snakes.

The four-leaf serpent that had soared down immediately under Shi Feng's order, and fell back towards the bottom. Soon, they came to the huge pit, followed closely, and they slowly entered into it. Among the giant pits.

Then, the power of Shi Feng ’s soul spread toward the Quartet. As the four serpents continued to fall, the power of the soul was carefully sensed. Every inch of this huge pit was swept by Shi Feng carefully. .

Until the Four-Large Snake landed at the bottom of the pit, Shi Feng shook his head slowly. In this huge pit, he didn't find the slightest, even all the traces of the territory of the once Serpent people had been wiped out.

Then, Shi Feng murmured again and said, "Or take this girl back to Destiny Mountain and ask Tian Yong, the old undead, who committed the sin in the northwestern desert!"

And just as Shi Feng's murmur had just dropped, he could hear Ziya beside him coldly, "I'm going to find Grand Destiny Barbara! Ask the devil who did it!"

"Destiny barren tree?" Shi Feng whispered these four words and asked Ziya: "Who is this?"

But with the word "Destiny", is it the existence of the power to cultivate destiny?

At this time, she could only hear Ziya speak again and said to Shi Feng:

"Grand Destiny Wild Tree, this is the most mysterious existence in the desert in the Northwest of China. According to legend, he already existed in the desert in the Northwest of us a long time ago. No one knows how long he lived!

There are no creatures, I have seen his true face!

If we are asked to see him, if we are willing to see him, what we see is just a millennium tree! Therefore, the souls in the desert in the northwest gave him a name called Destiny Tree! "

(End of this chapter)

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