Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1792: God fights the continent!

Chapter 1792 God battles the continent!

"Grand Destiny Arbor, tell me, where is the ancient devil now? I! I must kill him and take revenge on my people!"

After hearing the words of the destiny tree, Ziya said again with excitement, his fists clenched again!

"Snake girl, you still want to dispel the idea of ​​revenge. Although you are much stronger than before, you are no different from the ants in the presence of the ancient demon god." Tianming Huangshu replied to Ziya.

At this time, Shi Feng opened her mouth and asked the destiny barbaric tree: "Isn't the blood curse of that elven queen sent to me? Then what ancient devil did not come to me, but killed innocent people in the desert in the northwest?"

"In fact, under the ages, the blood of the dark elves' royal family has become increasingly impure. Even their dark elves have thought many years ago that the ancient contract between the blood of the royal family and that ancient demon should be early. Has expired under the ages.

The blood curse that Aishali had given you before was nothing more than the ruthless words I said to you before dying! As a result, I did not expect that the ancient devil actually came to the desert in the northwest as an avatar, and came to the land cursed by blood by Asari! "

After hearing the words of the destiny tree, Shi Feng said: "Listen to you, what blood curse of that woman has actually disappeared from me long ago, but when the curse was formed, it was sensed by the ancient devil. Then, relying on that induction, he came to the northwestern desert as an avatar. "

"Well! That's almost it!" Destiny barbaric answered.

At this time, Ziya opened her mouth again and said to the destiny barbaric tree with a begging tone: "Grandpa barbara, please tell me where the ancient devil is! I must kill him! I must Revenge for the people! "

As soon as Ziya's voice fell, Shi Feng said again, and said to the destiny tree: "Tell him! Where is the ancient devil now? I must kill him!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Shi Feng showed an extremely tenacious look. At this moment, he had no matter what the strength of the ancient demon god, he Shi Feng, his Nine Nine Great Emperor Nether, had to cut him off!

"He is here, God is fighting the continent!"

"God fights the continent?" Shi Feng was shocked again when he heard a strange continent answered by the destiny tree.

"God battles the continent!" Ziya's mouth was also thinking of this strange word.

Then, Shi Feng thought of something, and quickly asked: "Since the clone of the ancient devil can come to our Tianheng continent, then our Tianheng continent must now have a space passage to the **** war continent, that space passage where?"

When I heard Shi Feng's words, there was a destiny tree that had to be answered, but he refused to answer, "I can't say this!"

"Why not?" Shi Feng asked again.

"Yes, Grandpa Destiny Tree, why can't you say it!" At this time, Ziya asked Destiny Desolation again with a begging tone.

"It's not that I don't want to tell you, this belongs to the ancient secrets. Presumably, in the ancient times, there was a peerless strongman who sealed the secret. If I reckon, I will be bitten back, so not!"

When it came to the last few words, the old, hoarse voice of Destiny Barbara suddenly became abnormally dignified.

"Well, I know!" Upon hearing him, Shi Feng nodded understandingly.

Although Shi Feng had not cultivated the power of destiny, he, as the first strong man in the Tianheng continent, also knew a little about this destiny.

If it is true as this desolate tree says, it will be so!

And from the beginning to the present, he and Ziya asked him what he basically asked.

Therefore, Shi Feng did not embarrass him!

But then, just listening to the fate of the desolate tree suddenly said again: "Nether, the person you are looking for may be in that **** war continent!"

When he heard the words of the destiny tree, Shi Feng's body fluttered, his face changed immediately, and he quickly asked, "Who do you want? Who is it? Is it Jin Mo or Leng Aoyue? "

At this moment, Shi Feng, who had been calm, could not calm anymore, and seemed to have become a little crazy.

Later, Shi Feng held her breath, waiting for the answer from the destiny tree.

Time passed slowly. Originally, Shi Feng and Zi Yafan asked each other, and the destiny tree was immediately answered, but now, after a while, the destiny tree was still silent.

"Destiny barren tree?" Shi Feng said again, shouting.

But this time, there was still no response.

"Destiny barren tree!" Shi Feng said again!

At this moment, seeing that the Minghuang tree had not been heard that day, Ziya said, "Brother Shifeng, grand destiny tree, have you gone?"

Hearing Ziya's words, Shi Feng said coldly at the giant tree in front of her: "Go? You have to make it clear if you want to go!"

"Destiny barren! Hurry up! Speak clearly, I'll leave here at once! Don't bother, otherwise!" At this moment, Shi Feng's tone of speaking had become colder and colder.

It was the missing two that were too important to him.

But after a while, the desolate tree still didn't make any noise, and the world became silent.

Gradually, Shi Feng and Zi Ya suddenly saw that a giant tree that seemed to connect the heavens and the earth was fading constantly.

"This is it?" Seeing this faded giant tree, Ziya was shocked again, and reached out to touch the giant tree in front of him.

At this time, Shi Feng also saw something, and said, "From the beginning to the end, is it just a phantom?" With that said, Shi Feng also stretched out his hand and leaned forward.

Followed closely, saw his and Ziya's hands touching the fading giant tree.

But their hands were no different from touching the air, and then their hands penetrated into the giant tree without any hindrance.

"Surely, it's just a phantom!" Shi Feng said again, looking at the hand that penetrated the giant tree.

Gradually, I saw this "Destiny Tree" connecting heaven and earth, becoming more and more faint, light, like mist, looks illusory and extremely unreal!

Gradually, this huge tree just disappeared into the void and disappeared into the eyes of Shi Feng and Zi Ya, revealing an endless sky as if it was endless.

"Brother Shifeng, look!" At this moment, Ziya seemed to have found something, pointed to the ground below, and said to Shi Feng.

Following Ziya's point of view, Shi Feng lowered her head. With the disappearance of the desolate tree that day, the lush green trees in the sky and the endless river also became very pale and extremely unreal.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Zi Ya watched everything on the ground, and gradually disappeared into their sight!

The endless "oasis" in Ziya's mouth turned into an endless desert at this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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