Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1808: not enough!

Chapter 1808 Not Enough!

Shi Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the black sword shadow that came from the violent crash, "Hou roar! Roar roar!" Then, just listening to the roar again and again.

As if due to Shi Feng's grasp, the sword beast has become more violent and angry.

And at this moment, Shi Feng gently squeezed with five fingers on his right hand, and “banged”, and saw the dark and huge sword beast, which was suddenly pinched by Shi Feng!

The strongest blow from the sword in white, Ruoxuan, was broken!

"Eh!" Only a painful groan sounded, and the white, fairy-like figure appeared clearly again.

But at this moment, the sword fairy in white, bowed to the body, showed extremely painful face, as if suffering from pain.

If Xuan Shi exerted this sword beast stunt, he would have suffered back-bite on his body. At the moment, the stunt was broken, which has made him even more powerful.

"Nausea!" At this moment, I saw bright red blood coming out of Ruoxuan's mouth.

"Brother Xuan!"

"If Xuan!"

"Brother Xuan Xuan!"

When they saw this, the three men on the ground immediately shouted in panic.

Ruoxuan is the backer of the three of them! But now, if Xuan Xuan is in the hands of that person ... it becomes like this!

"Ah! It really is so!" Not far away, even Xue Ying gave a sigh: "This person, this person! Even Ruoxuan, it seems to be completely defeated!"

"Since you don't want to dig your own eyes, then let Ben Shao do it for you in person." At this moment, Shi Feng's leisurely voice sounded again, and saw his right hand who had just pinched the black sword shadow before With a move, the index finger and **** point out at the same time, and point towards Ruoxuan's eyes.

"Ah! No!" Seeing **** pointing, if the painful face suddenly changes again, his face flustered, he wants to avoid, he wants to resist, but at this moment he suddenly finds that his body seems to be cold The ice froze and could not move.

I saw **** and suddenly clicked on Ruo Xuan's eyes, "Ah!" There was a moment of extreme pain, and the sound of a roaring sound like a heartbreaking echoed.

At that point, Shi Feng didn't dig out Ruoxuan's eyeballs, but directly blasted his two eyeballs.

Although the means were cruel, Shi Feng's face was indifferent, and she was completely indifferent.

He knew very well that if he did not have the power, today's blind man who made the howling sound of pain is himself.

This person wants to dig his own eyes, so it is absolutely impossible for his two eyes to stay.

"Ah! Brother Ruoxuan!" On the ground below, Lan Xianer looked at Ruoxuan who was constantly flowing red blood in his eyes, and shouted in horror.

At this moment, if Xuan Xuan, where is the usual appearance of the white sword fairy, **** eyes, and his painful face, looks like a ghost.

"Oh! My eyes! My eyes! Ah!" In pain, Ruoxuan covered his **** eyes with both hands.

"Huh!" Shi Feng sneered disapprovingly at Ruoxuan, who was screaming in pain, and said, "When you plan to dig out the eyes of others, you should think of your eyes being abolished.

Two eyeballs are gone, now it's your turn! "

When Shi Feng said the last "hand", his tone cooled down again. At this time, he saw his right hand with five fingers open, and then turned to Ruoxuan's right hand, "Well!"

A violent sound suddenly sounded again, and saw Ruo Xuan's right hand covering his right eye burst suddenly, and the red blood splattered wildly.

"Ah!" A more sorrowful scream sounded.

For a moment, this white sword fairy, who always stood high, looked pitiful.

"Ah! Brother Ruoxuan ..."

The blue fairy on the ground below sounded another coquettish voice. She originally wanted to call her brother Ruoxuan again, but when she saw that Ruoxuan became so infiltrating, the second word "brother" She had swallowed it before exiting.

"This! This is really a ruthless man! Even Ruoxuan doesn't leave any emotion!" Ling Fei said.

"If Brother Xuan wanted his eyes and hands, he would disuse Brother Xuan's eyes and hands. Let's also think about it, what did we do to him before? What did you say? Hey." He said.

After hearing the words of the plow emblem, Ling Fei and Lan Xianer were suddenly shocked again.

At that time, Ling Fei directly launched the Dark Flame Demon Claw, and wanted to kill him directly.

At that time, the ruthless man was nothing more than a seven-star demigod in his eyes. Ling Fei already felt that attack was enough to wipe out.

And Lan Xianer, although did not do anything to that vicious man, but she threatened the vicious man by the exit, saying that he could not escape today.

Even if Xuan only wanted him to dig for his own purpose, it was his Lan Xianer who suggested that at least he would abandon his Dantian.

When it comes to at least the suggestion of abandoning Dantian, the plow emblem was also suggested to Ruoxuan!

At this time, the three looked at each other, and a terrible expression appeared at the same time.

Look at Ruoxuan and look at the cruel way. After a while, they estimate that they will not be much better.


"Ah!" In the roar of pain, only listening to Ruo Xuan shouting forward: "You have abolished my eyes and abandoned my hand, now, can you let me go."

And just as Ruoxuan shouted, Shi Feng heard it again and said, "No!"

"Ah! You!" Hearing that voice, if Xuan was angry again, but he did not dare to attack, and said, "Why?"

Shi Feng said: "Ben Shao let you dig your own eyes and judge yourself. Not only did you fail to do so, but you also need to dispose of your eyes and hands. It is obviously not enough to light both eyes and one hand."

In fact, Shi Feng's words were also learned by Ruo Xuan's previous actions. At that time, he did not dig his own eyes as he said, and he wanted to do it again.

Then if you do n’t do what you say, you will naturally add “interest”!

How others would treat him with Shi Feng, naturally give him back, which has always been his style.

"Ah!" When he heard the harsh words, if Xuan said "Ah" again, he said, "I'm blind now, my right hand has been abolished, what should I do?"

Shi Feng said calmly, responding, "Then leave your life."

"Ah You!"

When the word "you" sounded, Shi Feng had already pointed it out with his index finger, and pointed at that head of Ruo Xuan, and only heard a crackling sound, and Shi Feng's forefinger clicked directly on that Ruo Xuan. His forehead, directly pierced his forehead.

"Uh! You!"

Suddenly another blow, I saw Ruoxuan's body suddenly startled, "You! You! You! You!"

If Xuan's mouth kept shouting the word "you", followed immediately, consciousness receded quickly from his mind, and the floating body was already motionless.

A generation of nine-star demigod strong, white-sword sword immortal Ruoxuan, just fall!

(End of this chapter)

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