Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1819: Did you let me go?

Chapter 1819 Have You Let Me Go?

The reason why the demon is so incredible is that he didn't expect that the demon Lin practiced to become a demon killer!

Heaven demon kills evil, that's one of the great skills of the great three demon masters to break the army demon master.

The demon has served the great three demon masters for many years, and naturally knows very well that the demon master devil will never pass this nine-star demigod to the peerless class!

Now, when Mo Lin uses this stunt, it means that he ... stole this stunt!

But this is not the same as the chaos above!

If the great three demon masters are known, it is very likely that Molin will be punished with extreme punishment!

And Mozun also stopped the escape figure because he knew the strength of the evil devil.

Originally, he thought that because of his power with the Demon Lin, he could not compete with the legendary true artifact, but he did not expect that the Demon Lin could not resist the temptation of the real artifact, and at the expense of this evil demon city, he could use this power Killing tricks, evil spirits kill!

Immediately after that, Molin raised the right fist of the huge demon shadow, and violently bombarded the golden vortex sweeping up.

"Boom!" There was a sudden rumbling sound that seemed to destroy the entire world.

Under this peerless blast, not only the air in the heavens and the earth boiled, but also the Sinister Demon City below trembled.

In the magic city, countless people who watched the war suddenly changed their faces again. Under the violent sound, under the overwhelming force of killing, their faces were uncomfortable and painful.

But then, Mozun, whose body stopped in the sky, changed his face again. He was shocked to see that Mo Lin blasted with the magic of heaven and evil, and blasted on the golden swirl. This golden vortex did not occur and fluctuated.

Not only the demon statue, but even the demon who launched the strong blow, showed extremely incredible content.

His blow, but the evil devil killed, but the nine-star demigod-level superior combat skills, the evil devil killed! In order to learn this combat technique, his magic forest is at the risk of his life.

The next moment, he saw the golden vortex sweeping up and devouring the right fist of Mo Lin.

The right fist was swallowed up, and the path seemed like the phantom of the demon standing proud of the world and overlooking the world, and instantly disappeared in this void.

Subsequently, as the golden vortex continued to sweep up, the lower body of Mo Lin, and then to the chest and neck of Mo Lin, were quickly engulfed by the golden vortex.

Before this golden vortex, the magic forest seemed to have no resistance at all, his eyes widened, and the horror on his face became more and more serious. At this moment, he finally realized the golden vortex. Terrible!

"Ah! No!" An extremely unwilling roar roared, and at this moment, the face of Molin, his forehead, his entire body, had all been swallowed into the golden vortex.

"Lao Lin!" The other magic guardian, watching as Mo Lin was swallowed, roared towards the bottom.

For so many years, the two have been the protectors of the great three demon masters, with deep friendship. After countless years, there have been many tribulations!

Not long ago, they were still drinking wine. However, he did not expect that the demon guardian who had the same status as himself was devoured by the golden vortex.

Once devoured by the golden vortex, Mozun naturally realized the tragic ending of Mo Lin.

"Ah!" Mozun sighed in his heart, followed closely, and saw his figure paused in the sky, and then made a sudden move, straight up again!

After seeing that the true God of War weapon was more terrifying, where did he dare to stay.

"Oh, now that you stopped, why are you going to run again?" And at this moment, Mozun suddenly heard a faint laughter sounding above him.

When the demon was frightened again, he saw the white figure that should have been below him, and even God appeared unconsciously above himself, blocking his way.

Shi Feng put her hands behind her, a relaxed look, with a playful sneer, looking down at the magic statue below.

"You!" Upon seeing Shi Feng, Mozun once again stopped Fei Chong's figure and spit out a "you" character coldly to the top.

Mozun did not expect that this used to be like an ant in his eyes. At that time, he could easily pinch a person who wanted to pinch him. Now, he stands proudly above his head, with that posture. Looking down at myself.

This feeling made him feel extremely unreal! It's even ridiculous.

And at this time, Mozun had discovered that just momentarily, there was a peerless invisible force in all directions, preventing himself from going all the way.

"Shi Feng!" Staring at the man in the sky, Mozun spit out the name coldly.

Then Shi Feng opened her mouth and said, "Ben Xiao has not forgotten, the majesty of the day when you were in the Temple of Sinister Demon!"

At that time, when he did not kneel the three old guys, this person pressed himself to kneel with strong force. Shi Feng resisted with all his strength at that time, and he said to himself that one day, this guy must pay the price!

Now, that's what I said at that time, that day!

Mozun, of course, did not forget what he did to him that day! Naturally, what he said to himself was the same day.

Mozun quickly opened his mouth and said to Shi Feng: "Shi Feng, the day you saw the three demon masters don't kneel. As a left guardian, I naturally want to do that! I have to do it!"

"Oh, right?" Hearing the words of Mozun, Shi Feng's mouth sneered even more, and asked, "What if you don't do that?"

"This!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Mozun was speechless for a moment, wondering what to say to him.

What happens if you don't do it?

If you don't do it, it won't happen.

He is the left guardian of the Three Demon Lords, and his status is also distinguished. The reason why he did that to Shi Feng was not because the Three Demon Lords ordered him, but someone dared not to kneel to the Three Demon Lords. It is to despise the great three demon masters, or to disrespect the great three demon masters.

He demon, naturally can't see it.

After a pause, Mozun rushed to Shi Feng again and said, "Shi Feng, you should also know that I could easily kill you in the Temple of Sin Demon that day, and I was in Ximu's part. Did n’t I tell you how, right? I count it, let you go. "

"Xi Mu!" Hearing this person talking about the name of Xi Mu, Shi Feng's sneer's face finally moved a little. Xi Mu was the person who taught himself the ancient magic skills and the Thunder God of War!

During this period of time, Shi Feng has repeatedly killed his opponent by virtue of this ancient magic skill, and survived by himself!

It can be said that in addition to the grace imparted by Ximu to himself, there is also the grace of life-saving!

For such a person, Shi Feng naturally will not forget.

But Xi Mu is Xi Mu, this demon is the demon, and at this moment, Shi Feng ’s expression on his face disappeared immediately, thinking about the sentence that the demon said just now: My life? Hehe! "

Shi Feng laughed again and again, Mozun could clearly sense the coldness in the laughter.

(End of this chapter)

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