Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 1826: Three Demon Eruptions!

Chapter 1826 Three Demons Erupt!

As the three mighty figures appeared like demon gods, just a moment, they saw millions of figures in the Sinister City, kneeling towards the void, with respect and piety in their faces, as if they had seen them. God-like!

"Long live the three devil, live long live ..." The voice of worship is as loud as a mountain tsunami and a row of mountains, the momentum is extremely powerful!

In the abyss of sin, millions of wicked people can do this, only these three great masters.

The power of the Lord is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this moment when the three demons appeared, the people in the Sinister City have realized that the inverse thief, Shi Feng, must have been punished by the three demon masters after many strong collisions with the three demon masters. Already.

Without exception, millions of people in the entire Sinister City have the same idea at the same time.

"Hey!" Even the white-haired woman Xue Ying sighed sadly, she knelt on the ancient altar and said secretly: "Sure enough! That person, even if he has the ability to reach the sky, but , How could it be the opponent of the three great masters?

In this world, everyone who dares to rebel against the Lord of the Three Devil can only die! I hope that the three lord masters who know everything know that I am compelled to stay with that person. Knowing that I have nothing to do with that person at all. "

"Well?" But talking, the fair and beautiful face suddenly changed slightly, Xue Ying found that the imprint of that person's body was still there?

"So, is the Lord Lord of the Three Demons still not killing that person, but just holding him after he surrendered?" Xue Ying said secretly, then nodded secretly, and said to herself, "Well, it should be like ……Ok?"

Before Xue Ying's words were finished, her face suddenly changed, "How ... how ... will?"

Suddenly, she saw a white figure suddenly appearing above the three demon lords that came quickly, holding a golden bell high in her hand, exuding invincible miracle power.

That white figure, even if it turned into gray now, she Xueying might recognize it!

At this moment, not only Xue Ying, in Sin Demon City, kneeling on the ground with knees on his face, looking up reverently at the millions of people in the sky, regardless of their age, their faces have changed dramatically.

The young man in white, it stands to reason, should have been sanctioned under the power of the three demon masters! But at this moment, it seemed to appear intact above the three great demon masters, and then the golden bell in his hand blasted down towards the great three demon masters!

"Boom!" Another violent roar rang out across the earth, and it was raging between heaven and earth. The Sin City of Sin shook again more violently.

And at this moment, I saw millions of faces in the Sinister City, all of which appeared incredible!

The man slammed the three Lords with a golden bell, and another powerful collision broke out with the three Lords, but the white figure still stood proudly in the void, and the three great Lords continued to be in Falling violently.

This ... this is already the three great demon masters were shocked by his power!

This ... So, this person's power is beyond the combined efforts of the three great masters?

"This! How is it possible! The three great masters work together, how can it not be this person! In dreaming, I must be dreaming now, this is not true at all!" Some people think that this scene in the void is not at all Real, deceiving yourself.

"The great three demon masters are invincible beings. In the wild continent, there can be no power higher than the three demon masters! Impossible!"

"Three demon masters are supreme, above all beings!"

"My great master of three demons, cannot be defeated!"

"Three Lords ... I am great ... Three Lords ..."


Although the people in the Sinister City and the demon soldiers and the generals in the Sinister City did not want to believe all that was seen in front of them, the Lord of the Three Sinisters did indeed fall violently under the power of Shi Feng This is happening really.

Then, Shi Feng still did not let these three great masters take a breath. After the white figure launched a violent explosion with the clock of the emperor, it flashed again, and the next instant, the three old guys appeared again. Up.

Heavenly Emperor God Bell, under the attention of all, launched a strong anger towards the three shadows below!


The sound of the peerless violent ringing of the world and the earth resounded. The bodies of the three demon masters have been shaken closer and closer to the evil demon city below. Going up a bit embarrassed, it seemed a little unstable.

"Three ... three Lords ... are they really defeated? Our sin abyss, great, invincible three Lords!"


At this moment, I saw the three faces of the Void that were as mighty as gods and demons. At this moment, there was a horror, even a bit of dread. The Lord said:

"This evildoer did not expect to be so powerful! What should we do?"

"Having been forced to this step, either the three of us will burn the natal sperm together, and then we will remove this evil barrier!" Followed by, the Dark Lord also spoke to the other two demons.

"It seems that this can only be done!" At this time, the broken army demon nodded helplessly and agreed.

Burning the destiny is naturally very costly. In the future, it will take countless years and resources to be able to cultivate to the peak of the nine-star demigod. If it can, the three of them really don't want to do that!

But that demon evil, apparently has reached an endless situation with himself, today either he died, or the three of them fell!

Falling, naturally not! They are the three masters of evil, the most powerful existence of the abyss, who control the lives and deaths of billions of souls.

How willing!




At this moment, like the roar of the fierce beast's anger, roaring out from the mouths of the three demon masters at the same time, as if three ancient fierce beasts suddenly awakened at this moment, and roared upward.

At the same time, I saw three peerless magic powers rising from the bodies of these three masters. The peerless magic power instantly shrouded the world!

As soon as three peerless magical powers came out, millions of souls still kneeling on the ground in Sin Demon City, and shivered involuntarily. Even under the three peerless magical powers, even breathing became extremely difficult, as if Suffocating!

"Magic! The peerless magic of the great three demon masters! This ... this is the true power of the great three demon masters. It seems that our great three demon masters have finally used their real power!"

There is an eight-star demigod-level demon, even he is trembling under the three strands of magic power. Even he thought that the three demon masters were really not that good?

At this moment, when he sensed the "real peerless power" of the three masters, he immediately became excited and shouted with excitement. He naturally believed that this was the real power of the three great masters. .

As for why the previous three demon masters did not use this peerless power, in his opinion, the great three demon masters naturally have their intentions, can they understand.

(End of this chapter)

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